Chapter 37
Look at how smart her fat baby is!I just want to give myself a 666.

Di Lin was dumbfounded, watching Xu Shenshen bouncing back and forth on his favorite flower with a look of surprise, the first time he didn't smash Xu Shenshen to pieces.

Instead, he was amused by her little act of retaliating against him. After being briefly surprised, he watched with a smile in his eyes and his chin propped up with interest.

Xu Shenshen groaned and danced happily, after a long while, she finally got tired of dancing, and she was just about to bounce back to Di Lin's side.

Suddenly, I felt the little white flower move, and then it shook violently.

She inexplicably felt a kind of anger, like a sharp knife, wanting to tear her into pieces.

And the body was instantly sucked, and the little white flower female supporting role actually started to suck her spiritual power.

Wipe it!

so horrible!

Didn't she just step on her a few times, or should she be so vicious and want to suck her up!

Di Lin also suddenly realized something was wrong. Xu Shenshen's crystal-colored body seemed unable to escape from the violently shaking flowers. Moreover, upon closer inspection, she was still shrinking in size and her aura was leaking out.

His eyes tightened, his brows furrowed for an instant, and when he leaned over, Xu Shenshen moaned and cried for help, "Help! Xiao Linlin! Xiao Baihua is going to murder me!"

Laozi is so cute and cute!Little white female supporting role, how can you suck labor like this!Won't your conscience ache!
Hearing Xu Shenshen's weak cry, Di Lin felt a little uncomfortable. This lump of Huafei has been by his side for so long, and he has always been laughing and laughing.

If it wasn't for the fact that his life was in danger this time!Certainly not crying in such a hurry.

Thinking about it this way, he waved his slender hand and immediately threw the flower out, surrounded by soft ground. His strength was well controlled, and the flower pot was not broken.

Xu Shenshen fell out, caught her shrunken body, Di Lin frowned, and directly scolded with a dark face, "Calling you skin, don't you like to make trouble? You know the consequences this time!"

Xu Shenshen was a little wilted, and the aura in her body was sucked. Although the effect was not significant, she was still a little dizzy.

This time she lay down in Di Lin's palm, Di Lin didn't have the thought of throwing her out.

After snorting twice, Xu Shenshen's voice was extremely weak, "How did I know that the flowers you raised would suddenly suck me in? If I hadn't reacted quickly to call for help, my unique flower fertilizer in the world would have disappeared! A great loss for Three Thousand Worlds."

Hearing that she was too weak, Di Lin still didn't forget to praise himself to the sky, he couldn't laugh or cry, he flicked her rippling body, his face turned dark, "Don't get close to Yunlinhua from now on."

After all, Xu Shenshen is a fat flower, and it would definitely be dangerous to come into close contact with Yunlin flowers.

Xu Shenshen rolled over and was not happy anymore, why didn't he say to throw the flower farther away and tell himself not to get close to her.

If you have the ability, don't approach her with your head, labor and capital will not go to see her, and she doesn't have the time to go to see a white lotus female partner.

Because of the loss of her own sacrifice, the little white flower female supporting role Yunlin, unfortunately, has no form, and is still in the shape of a flower until now, which makes Xu Shenshen very satisfied.

The original owner let her suck her own transformation, will she let her suck this time?The answer is simply impossible!

However, today Yunlin actually fluctuated. It seems that after such a long delay, she is about to transform.

(End of this chapter)

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