Chapter 317 The Witch is Deep 31
At that time, I hadn't entered the plane yet.Tutu is too ineffective, how could he leak all these things in advance.

Xu Shenshen didn't know that when she was talking with Tutu, the expression of the man next to her suddenly changed, as if he heard some incredible voice, a silver light flashed in his eyes.

He looked down at the little thing in his arms, and the movement of stroking its fur suddenly stopped.

What is plane?And what were they talking about, why couldn't he understand anything?

Linmo feels that he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and the amount of information he receives is not as large as today, and all the accidents are not as many as this year. It seems that the reason for the accidents is because of that witch.

Thinking of that witch, he was suddenly in a trance, as if he hadn't appeared for a long time, his heart was empty for a while, and he felt a little unbelievable.

Didn't you say you want to chase him, what about people now?Where did you go?
"Tutu, right now, I want to buy medicine to transform into a human form, I can't do this anymore."

Ye Ze has already appeared, if he still looks like this, he will suffer a lot in a fight later.

But if it turns into a human form.Linmo will realize that he is not the little thing he needs, but the witch he hates...

Thinking of this, her eyelids slightly drooped in his arms, and she became extremely quiet.

Linmo's fingers froze immediately, and now he didn't even move to stroke its fur, and there was a storm in his eyes.

His dark eyes suddenly lowered, looking down at the little furry thing in his arms.


It turned out to be her...

[Good host, you need [-] points to buy the elixir that transforms into a human form, plus the points you bought for transforming into a pet, all points have been cleared. ]
She didn't expect that in just one plane, she just changed the shape, and it cost all her points.

Suddenly, my heart was very painful, but I still got to spend what should be spent. I nodded, and there was a beep in the space, and all the points were cleared.

In the next second, Lin Mo felt a weight in his arms, and the little fluffy thing turned into a human form.

She hugged his neck with her hands like lotus arms, she blinked her curly and thick eyelashes, and her smile that burst into bloom in an instant was as charming as a peach blossom demon.


"It's really you, witch."

His lips fluttered, and his expression suddenly became a little cold, as if someone had cheated him, and he threw her out as soon as he let go.

Fortunately, Shenshen had already made preparations. At this time, his toes lightly tapped on the clouds, his skirt lifted slightly, twirled in the air, and finally fell down.

"Really... are you so callous and unreasonable? Who was the person who held me in your arms and stroked my hair before and said you wanted to give me a try?"

It was dumbfounding, but now the man's expression was a bit difficult to get close to, so Xu Shenshen didn't dare to hug him directly. After all, the lesson from the past was there, she had already been thrown out, and there was anything else he wouldn't do.

"You lied to me. You turned into this shape and approached me, isn't it just to achieve this goal? Fortunately, now I have discovered your true face, and I have not been deceived by you. Isn't that great?" He slightly parted his lips and said The sound that came out was very cold.

His eyes stayed on her current appearance for a moment, and in the depths of his eyes, a touch of emotion quietly swayed away.

(End of this chapter)

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