Chapter 14
"What do you want?" Gritting her teeth, Lan Ziyan's perfect smile cracked inch by inch.

Xu Shenshen didn't take it seriously, and the smile on his small face faded slightly, "It's very simple, my man, let me see, don't try to make any plans, stay away from Brother Mu Chen, and I'll just pretend that today's incident didn't happen. "

"Impossible!" Lan Ziyan almost squeezed these words out of her teeth, she should not give up on such an outstanding boy as Mu Chen!

"I can make a compromise for a while and keep a distance from Mu Chen. But it's impossible to leave Mu Chen!"

Lan Ziyan tried her best to calm her emotions, but the unwillingness in her eyes was still clearly revealed. Her mood was simply terrible. This Xu Shenshen also had two tricks, and she underestimated the enemy.

Contrary to her, Xu Shenshen was in a very good mood. She already knew that Lan Ziyan would not compromise so easily, and it was good to keep a distance from Mu Chen.

"Okay, you have to do what you say, wave~~" Waving his hand directly, Xu Shenshen gave it away unceremoniously.

Lan Ziyan cleaned up the expression on her face, and left angrily.

Walking into the coffee shop, Xu Shenshen directly poked Mu Chen's arm, "Okay, Brother Mu Chen, let's go."

Mu Chen raised his long and narrow eyes, "Where's Lan Ziyan?" Of the two of them, why would one of them always disappear and the other reappear.

Xu Shenshen flattened his mouth a little bored, "Let's go, where else can we go. Well, don't you want to go back? Then I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and left. At this time, she should show her own personality. No matter how cute a girl is, it's not okay to have no personality.

Mu Chen watched her leave without looking back, and twitched his eyes helplessly, catching up with her small steps, he still held the textbook he bought just now.



Lan Ziyan said she should stay away from Mu Chen, but she really stayed away for nearly a month.

This month, every day after school, Xiang's mother took Xu Shenshen to review with Mu Chen. In addition to Mu Chen's hell training, during the midterm exam, his grades really improved.

All of a sudden, her grades jumped to No. 1 in the whole grade. The principal was shocked, and directly asked Xu Shenshen to give a speech to the whole school, so that all the students could learn from her.

Xu Shenshen almost fell asleep on the rostrum with two panda eyes on his face.

After dizzy came down from the rostrum, she was directly informed by the former head teacher that the principal asked her to transfer to the rocket class in order to let her take the lead and motivate other students.

The rocket class is Mu Chen's class, which is also an unexpected surprise for Xu Shenshen.

"Xu Shenshen, congratulations." Just arrived at the door, Shujue yawned, and when he looked up, he saw Mu Chen appearing in front of him, smiling.

"Mu Chen...Brother." Di Liuliu glanced at the murderous eyes of the girls around her, and her voice became even more pronounced.

For the girls who collectively admired Mu Chen, the small universe almost exploded!

What is the relationship between this girl who just arrived and the male god! !So jealous!
After secretly poking Xu Shenshen in his heart countless times, Lan Ziyan, who couldn't hold it any longer, stood up immediately.

She couldn't take it anymore!After a month of hard work, she kept her distance from Mu Chen, and she was about to launch an offensive again. Unexpectedly, Xu Shenshen suddenly transferred over again.

The plan seemed to be disrupted all of a sudden, Lan Ziyan was extremely irritable, but as the class monitor, it was her duty to welcome new students.

 I failed the exam... I am trying to recover... Constantly updating...

(End of this chapter)

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