The fast travel host is a real boss

Chapter 59 The Deep Sea Has You (3)

Chapter 59 The Deep Sea Has You (3)

"Host, the attack target is nearby!" 001's voice came from the sea of ​​consciousness space.

Fu Yan frowned slightly, and quickly put on her clothes, keeping her body out of the water, she slowly peeled off the fish scales and turned into smooth legs.

As soon as Fu Yan put on her clothes, the bathroom door was pulled open from the outside.

When Lu Xuan entered, he saw the girl's slightly flustered eyebrows and eyes.

Fuyan stared at Lu Xuan vigilantly. The man was wearing a royal blue suit, which was obviously an unruly color, but it looked exceptionally good on a man. He had a handsome profile, a straight nose, and deep phoenix eyes.

When Lu Xuan saw the girl in the bathroom, the corners of her phoenix eyes were slightly tinged with a smile, and she actually broke free from the iron chains. That's impossible, he discovered it.

Facing Lu Xuan's deep eyes, Fuyan only felt that the bottom of her heart was not good. Thinking about what 001 said about plotting against her, and then thinking about the experimental equipment downstairs, Fuyan couldn't help but think of the experiments in the previous plane. The bloody scene seen in the room.

"It was you who saved me?" Fu Yan straightened the corners of her clothes, raised her blue eyes slightly, and glanced at him indifferently, that glance was noble and glamorous to all living beings.

Lu Xuan smiled softly, and said in a gentle voice, "Yes, but how could you come here?"

When the man was talking, his eyes were locked on Fuyan all the time, with an almost dangerous expression.

Fu Yan curled the corner of her lower lip coldly, "Since you saved me, tell me, what do you want, I can try my best to help you achieve it, after all, you have seen my identity, it is not ordinary!"

The last three words implied a threat.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness space, 001 was stunned, the host so powerful? ?Inexplicably, it's a bit like pretending to be B? ?

"What I want is very simple." Lu Xuan lightly opened his thin lips, and his voice was slightly bewitching: "I only want you!"


If it wasn't the right date and the timing was wrong, Fu Yan would have suspected it, because this man was confessing to her.

Fuyan looked indifferent, slightly raised his right hand and stretched out his hand towards Lu Xuan, with an elegant movement, "Bring the phone!"

Lu Xuan looked at her curiously, and after a few seconds, he reached out and took out the phone, and put the phone in the girl's Bai Nen's palm in confusion.

I saw the girl took the phone, and then took a picture of herself. When taking the picture, she blinked her eyes playfully. The sky blue eyes were like the clear sky, without any impurities.

Fuyan never had a chance to look at her face in this body. She took a photo and took a few glances. In order not to let the gentle and scumbag man in front of her see the clue, she blinked her eyes to cover it up.

"No." Fuyan bent her white and tender wrist slightly, and returned the phone to him, her beautiful blue eyes stared at him, and said: "This is a photo of this princess, take it and find someone to make a doll that is exactly the same."

"For the sake of your good looks, I allow you to have any muddy thoughts about me who looks like a doll!" Fu Yan Youyou added.

After hearing this, Lu Xuan couldn't help but chuckled, "You are narcissistic."

"Of course, this princess has the capital." Fu Yan raised her chin haughtily, with a proud face.

Fuyan raised her foot, her white jade feet lightly stepped on the ground, and walked out of the bathroom in a noble and elegant manner.

Lu Xuan didn't stop him, he was able to break free from the iron chain, and with such a sure-fire appearance, there should be a girl's trump card.

Lu Xuan turned around, his eyes lowered slightly, and fell on the girl's bare feet. After thinking for a few seconds, he slowly retracted his gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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