Chapter 78
Finally, Su Wei still drank the red wine brought by Jun Haoxuan, put down the glass, and she curled her lips: "How did you recognize me?"

After Su Wei finished speaking, she still didn't forget to blink her eyes at Jun Haoxuan, those eyes flashed with lively colors that didn't match her attire.

But in the eyes of others, Su Wei's move is obviously to seduce Jun Haoxuan.

"It's really shameless."

I don’t know who muttered this.Jun Haoxuan, who had a contented expression just now, instantly darkened his face, turned his head and looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the waitress who brought the wine.

"You said that sentence just now?" Jun Haoxuan directly put on a disgusted expression, and he didn't even show the etiquette of politely talking, "You'd better take care of what you just said now Responsible."

As soon as he said these words, the women who were still whispering about Su Wei's identity immediately closed their mouths, stretched their necks and looked in this direction.

The waitress shrank her neck, not daring to speak.Although she didn't know who Jun Haoxuan was, from the looks of those women just now, she also knew that she couldn't afford to offend this person.

"Are you here to apologize yourself, or are you here to give Ms. Su a slap?" Jun Haoxuan said, raising his eyebrows and looking at the waitress with unfriendly eyes.

He never hit a woman, this woman had better come and apologize obediently, otherwise, even if he said it loudly, in fact, he really had no reason to hit her.

Su Wei's face also turned cold at this time.She has a good attitude towards Jun Haoxuan and can make Jun Haoxuan joke and scold him, but it doesn't mean that she will have such a good attitude towards everyone.Although this person didn't cause much harm to himself, didn't all the big harm grow from the very first small things.Just like the original owner in the previous life, because of her weakness, she ended up dying tragically.

The so-called good people are bullied, Ma Shan is ridden by others, she can't be bullied again.

"I..." The waitress looked at the crowds around her, and carefully sized Jun Haoxuan and Su Wei, suddenly her courage grew.

She didn't believe that in front of so many people, he, a big man, could really beat a woman?
"I didn't say anything wrong, why should I apologize?" As he spoke, a glass of pre-mixed wine was poured towards Su Wei.Someone among the women watching immediately let out a low cry.

"Ah...that's too much." The onlookers didn't know who said that.

Jun Haoxuan ignored it, he just felt that his tranquility had been ruined, and now he was very upset.

Before the sound of exclamation fell, Jun Haoxuan's hand had already been raised, and it was about to fall.Before the waiter's scream came out, Su Wei raised her hand to block Jun Haoxuan's slap.

"Su Wei?" Jun Haoxuan looked at Su Wei strangely. Although she was kind, she was not someone who didn't care about things.

"I'll do it." There was a crisp "slap", and before the waiter could react from the shock of being rescued by Su Wei, Su Wei's slap fell down, making her feel a burning pain on her face .

The situation in front of the bar soon reached the ears of the bar owner. When the owner came out of his office angrily and wanted to see who was causing trouble, he met Jun Haoxuan, whose expression had frozen.

"Jun... Boss Jun..." The bar owner obviously knew Jun Haoxuan, and the cursing words he had just prepared in his head disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.Unless he is really crazy, he will fight against the big man in front of him: "I have heard what happened just now. It is because our people did not serve well. We will take full responsibility for this matter. Look..."

The bar owner's attitude was very sincere. While talking, he observed Jun Haoxuan's expression, whether he still looked at Su Wei behind him, and cast his eyes for help.

People are also angry and out, she still has business to do, so she can't waste time here anymore.

"Let's go, it's too disappointing here." Su Wei gently pulled Jun Haoxuan's sleeve.

Jun Haoxuan didn't speak, nodded, took Su Wei's hand and left under the eyes of everyone.When he reached the door, he turned around and said, "Next time Miss Su comes here, remember to ask your waiter to bring your IQ."

When the two of them got into Jun Haoxuan's car, Su Wei removed the frosty expression on her face: "Thank you just now."

"It's okay, it's just what a friend should do." That's right, it's a friend!Jun Haoxuan secretly told himself, but in fact, even he himself did not realize that his feelings for Su Wei were undergoing some subtle changes.

Su Wei looked at Jun Haoxuan, and Jun Haoxuan also looked at Su Wei. They had different thoughts in their hearts, but they smiled at each other.

"By the way, do you come here often? Why do all the bosses here know you?" Su Wei tilted her head. No matter how powerful Jun Haoxuan is, he only has a great influence in the business world and cannot possibly wipe out everyone. Everyone knows.

"I am an acquaintance with the owner of this bar. I invested here at the beginning, and now I still have half of my shares in this bar. However, I rarely drink at the bar outside, so the waiters here rarely know each other. Mine." Jun Haoxuan explained.

Su Wei listened, and suddenly had an idea in her heart: "So, the underground forces in this bar also have something to do with you?"

Jun Haoxuan gave a strange "Huh?", then turned to look at Su Wei, and saw that she was looking at him with a sly look, like a cute but teasing little fox.

Su Wei's topic did not continue, even if Jun Haoxuan was curious, she cleverly avoided the topic.

While the two were chatting, Jun Haoxuan drove Su Wei back to the villa, and then drove away by himself.Back at the villa, Su Wei threw the box of money on the bedroom floor, and turned on the computer to enter the search engine.

Every nightclub now has its own consumption website, one is to attract customers, and the other is to expand the scope of consumption.

And this kind of website usually has the phone number of the store, and that string of phone numbers is what Su Wei really wants.

After finding the phone number, Su Wei dialed the number and hung up the phone after just a few brief explanations.Three hours later, Su Wei was sitting in the Yemei VIP room with the 82 red wine specially prepared by the waiter, watching a middle-aged man with a slightly bloated figure nodding and apologizing to her.

"Miss Su, what you said on the phone..." The bar owner looked at Su Wei with a smile while rubbing his hands. His mouth was already grinning behind his ears. This time Su Wei is going to give him a lot of benefits.

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(End of this chapter)

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