Chapter 572
Although it is not far away, Su Wei still took a half-day carriage ride, and then walked on the mountain road and almost got lost before finding this paradise-like place.

No wonder this place is not far from the capital city, and Fuling dared to live here, it is to shield this natural sheltered route, ordinary people don't have a guide, it is difficult to find that there is still a small mountain village here.

For the arrival of outsiders, many people looked at her very curiously, especially Su Wei was still wearing brocade clothes, which made many people's eyes a little wary.

Su Wei didn't care either, she just wanted to find Fu Ling and find out who was behind it.In fact, she had already had a rough guess in her heart. After the death of the mother concubine, this person's status has risen, and no one can shake it. Since this incident happened, she has been the biggest beneficiary. Will she have something to do with her? ?
After inquiring about many people, under the watchful eyes of many people, Su Wei found the place where Fu Ling lived.This is a simple but very clean small yard, cleaned up, and there is a small table inside.

Su Wei pushed open the fence and walked in. Gu Yunting followed. It was quiet inside. Su Wei hesitated for a while, and then raised her voice after confirming that she had gone the right way: "Is anyone there?"

Gu Yunting pursed his lips and put his body on guard in case someone sneaked up on him. This is his habit since many years of marching.As soon as Su Wei finished speaking, she heard a woman's voice: "Here we come."

Not long after, a woman wrapped in a headscarf came out from the back of the house, with a beautiful face, wearing a coarse floral skirt, holding a bowl with some chicken feed in her hand.

The moment he saw Su Wei, his smile froze for an instant. With a shake of his hand, the bowl in his hand fell, and the chicken feed was scattered all over the floor: "Small, miss? Oh no, you are, the princess?"

Fu Ling's mind went blank, as if for a moment, when she saw the young lady came back, she stood in front of her and shouted, "Fu Ling, I want to eat Fu Ling cakes, go and make some for me!"

Seeing her reaction, Su Wei knew that she must be Fu Ling, so she hurried forward to ask about those things back then.After Fu Ling knew her reason for coming, she suppressed the choking in her throat, and told the truth that she had been holding back for so many years.

It turned out that the mother and concubine were the eldest daughter of Miao Jiang and a wealthy family, but one day Xiaoxiao's father and mother were suddenly killed, and the whole family was in chaos for a while. Xiaoxiao kept asking, only to find out that the murderer was from the Central Plains.

So Xiaoxiao resolutely decided to sell the property, and brought Fu Ling, a personal maid, to the Central Plains. During the process of inquiring, she met Emperor Xuanyuan, who was visiting privately in Weifu. Heart, no matter what, I can't take it back.

At that time, she often sighed and wanted to ask Fu Ling again, and she seemed to be asking herself: "If I enter the palace, I will no longer be able to investigate the murderer, and I will lose my freedom. But how can I be willing to let him go..."

In the end, Fu Ling couldn't bear to see her getting thinner, so she gave her an idea: "The emperor loves you so much, so he won't restrict you too much. At that time, you can still investigate who the murderer was in secret. If you love him enough, he loves you enough, and the two of you truly love each other, where is not a free place?"

Fu Ling persuaded her that way at the time, and when she saw the light in Miss's eyes suddenly lit up, she felt that she had really come up with a good idea.But now that Fu Ling thinks back, if she knew today, she would rather break up the two than let the young lady enter the palace, and in the end she lost her life for nothing.

Speaking of this time, Fu Ling was a little sobbing, Su Wei was inexplicably also a little sad, her eyes were about to shed tears when her eyes turned red, seeing this, Gu Yunting moved closer to Su Wei and let her lean in his arms, Su Wei knew that he wanted to comfort herself , also obediently stayed in his arms.

Gu Yunting's powerful big hand held Su Wei's hand, but the silent comfort warmed Su Wei's heart.

Fu Ling went on to say that after entering the palace, the young lady was the only one who received the grace of the sage, and the attacks of many people were resolved one by one by the young lady, and things seemed to be going smoothly. Since that day, everything happened in one direction, which led to the later everything of.

The lady finally found out who that person was. It turned out to be someone who had made enemies with Mrs. Madam when she was young. For some reason, he lived in the Central Plains and acquired a skill. That day he ran to Miaojiang without knowing where he lived, and killed him in anger. took them.

Later, the young lady was very angry, so she gave Liang Chao a sum of money and asked him to hire a killer to kill that person. The young lady, who had never killed anyone before, had murdered a person this time. In the sky, I often have nightmares, dreaming of the murderer, and dreaming that the master and wife come to ask the young lady to accompany them.

After doing it like this, the young lady was depressed and lost weight all of a sudden, and she was in a trance all day long, until the incident was discovered that day.As soon as she entered the courtyard, she found many people standing, the leaders were the emperor and Concubine Shu.

The young lady was lying on the bed with an eunuch, the young lady seemed to have passed out, wearing only her middle coat, and the eunuch was yelling that he deserved to die, which was tantamount to admitting the incident.The emperor's face was livid, while Concubine Shu Gui, who had been seeing each other with the lady, was full of gloating.

Later, when the young lady woke up and didn't know anything, she was beaten with twenty lashes, and was thrown into the limbo with blood all over her body. I was also arrested.

"Is there nothing suspicious about this matter?" Su Wei heard her mother and concubine's tragic situation, her heart was pierced by a knife, but she forced herself to calm down and tried to sort out her thoughts. The warm temperature behind her gave her a lot of strength .

Fu Ling wiped the tears from her eyes, her eyes were fierce and full of cruelty, she looked at Su Wei with a trembling voice: "It's Concubine Shu, it must be Concubine Shu!"

Su Wei sat up straight involuntarily, and her voice rose slightly: "How do you know?"

Fu Ling said in a cold voice: "Miss can't sleep well for a few days. The requiem incense has always been delivered by a servant, saying that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has bought a lot of new requiem incense. I heard that the lady wants to use it, so I specially sent it to you. On the day of the accident, I clearly saw that round-faced little servant girl standing not far behind Concubine Shu, and she didn't dare to look at me at all!
It must be that she knows that Miss and I are from Miaojiang, and have a keen sense of general poisons or medicines, so she must destroy Miss's spirit first.And that day, when I entered the room, I could clearly smell a faint strange fragrance, which was clearly like the ingredients of those sweating medicines in the Jianghu.Miss must have been wronged! "

When Su Wei heard Fuling say this, she could imagine how aggrieved and desperate the concubine mother was at that time, and Concubine Shu must be very proud. Looking back at the past scenes of her being bullied and insulted by Su Ya in the cold palace, she couldn't help but hold her hands tightly. He punched his fist, and didn't even know that his nails were embedded in his flesh. The bright red blood dripped on the ground, which was shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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