Chapter 560
Su Wei said softly: "This man in black should have come to assassinate the emperor."

Ling Qiubai's bandaged hands paused, and continued to bandage: "I can see it."

Su Wei flipped her wrist, revealing her pure white wrist, and Ling Qiubai's face suddenly turned rosy. "Help me see the poison on my body, what kind of poison is it?"

When Ling Qiubai heard that she was still poisoned, her rosiness faded a bit, she was a little pale, and he didn't care about the defenses of men and women, so he directly checked her pulse.

The pulse condition was weak and weak, Ling Qiubai's face became more and more serious, and his brows were also furrowed: "It's poisoned."

Su Wei hurriedly asked, "Is there help?"

Ling Qiubai gave her a shudder and rolled her eyes: "Who is your master? How can there be no rescue? It just may take three months. This poison is very tricky, similar to the one I introduced to you last time. The Seven Poison Pills are made from a mixture of multiple poisons, so it takes a little longer, so generally this kind of antidote is prepared in advance, but without the antidote, you will be poisoned in three days."

Let me go, this man is too careless, the life and death of this emperor who has no feelings for her has nothing to do with her, can't he see the kindness in himself?Still under such a serious poison!Thinking of Su Wei, she couldn't help but glared at Yuan Bingyi's back.

It seemed that this gaze was so hot that Yuan Bingyi moved a little bit in response.

Ling Qiubai made up his mind, pulled Su Wei to stand up, and said loudly to Yuan Bingyi: "Your Excellency, you must have heard what my apprentice and I just said, what do you mean?"

Yuan Bingyi turned around, looked at Ling Qiubai with calm blue eyes, and said in a deep voice like an ancient well, "I want a good golden sore medicine from your palace that can heal wounds within two days."

The folk medicine for golden sores is too inferior, and it will take a long time for the wound to scab. However, he has long heard that there is a secret recipe of golden sore medicine handed down from the previous dynasty in the court, which can make the wound heal within two days.The reason why he stayed was to see if he could get the golden sore medicine. He still had a lot of important things to do, and he had to heal the wound quickly.

Su Wei suddenly realized something, and she was a little embarrassed. Those who can enter the palace to assassinate the emperor must have high martial arts internal strength. It is said that people with high internal strength can hear voices from several miles around, not to mention that they only It's just a few meters away.

She didn't think of this just now, and only looked at him as an ordinary person. Now that she thinks about it, what she did just now was really unnecessary, embarrassing, embarrassing.

Ling Qiubai pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed: "No problem, then how do you get rid of the poison on her body, she will die of poison in three days."

Yuan Bingyi looked at Su Wei, her eyes full of spirituality were staring at him angrily at this moment, seeing that he looked over, she even rolled her eyes.

Yuan Bingyi didn't respond at all, and turned back to look at the elegant and noble Ling Qiubai: "If the medicine is okay, I will bring the antidote to you in two days, provided that you haven't exposed my whereabouts."

Su Wei snorted: "Come to me? What if you are caught and caught right now? Do you think the palace is a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

Ling Qiubai rubbed her head, motioned her to calm down, and then took half a step forward, slightly blocking Su Wei, preventing Yuan Bingyi from getting angry and hurting her: "Although her tone is a bit aggressive, what she said is not unreasonable."

Yuan Bingyi walked over a few steps, a forceful aura spread out, and Ling Qiubai also stood in front of Su Wei seriously, without giving in at all. Suddenly, the way Su Wei looked at Yuan Bingyi changed again and again. Change.

"In this world, there is no place I can't come to. If I can come, it means that I can go. I want to go, hmph, who can stop me?" Yuan Bingyi chuckled lightly, her tone was extremely confident and domineering.

Ling Qiubai frowned slightly, this person is too mysterious, and also very dangerous, if you can't make friends with him, it's best not to make friends with him.

Su Wei looked at him with some envy in her eyes, she didn't need to take care of others, she could do whatever she wanted, just because he had enough strength, one day, she would also be admired, possess enough self-protection and formidable strength ability.

Yuan Bingyi's words indirectly affected Su Wei's state of mind, and also contributed to her future achievements.

Ling Qiubai chose to believe him in the end, and handed him the wound medicine: "Okay, I believe you." But Yuan Bingyi didn't take it, and looked at Su Wei: "You give her the medicine first."

Ling Qiubai couldn't help laughing. He didn't trust people, and people who had feelings for him didn't trust him either. He pulled Su Wei helplessly. After the matter was resolved, the dressing was much easier. Ling Qiubai carefully cleaned the wound and sprinkled thin A layer of gold sore medicine powder, and then wrapped his hands with a cloth.

After finally tying a knot, he got up and threw the bottle to Yuan Bingyi, Yuan Bingyi reached out to catch them, glanced at them, and left from the window, like a wind passing through the palaces, leaving only one sentence : "If his whereabouts are exposed, he will not come again."

Afterwards, Ling Qiubai fed her a pill, she frowned and backed away, Ling Qiubai rolled her eyes angrily: "It replenishes qi and blood!"

Su Wei walked over slowly, opened her mouth to swallow, a light seemed to glide through Ling Qiubai's eyes.

Ling Qiubai sent Su Wei out, and the red sleeve who had been waiting at the gate of the palace hurried up to greet her, and asked with concern: "Princess, how are you? Why are you injured? Where are you injured? Why are you so careless? Is the injury serious? Now Is there any discomfort?.

Su Wei took it for granted that she automatically blocked and replied: "It's all right."

Ling Qiubai opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Hey, why is this servant's mouth so sharp? Like... like..." In the end, he really couldn't find a metaphor, so he had to keep his mouth shut. "

Su Wei felt that if Ling Qiubai were a modern person, he would definitely say that Hongxiu's mouth was like a machine gun or that Tang Monk who could sing onlyyou.

Ling Qiubai sent Su Wei back to the palace, and told her some things to pay attention to. The nagging Su Wei couldn't stand it and said, "It's not that I don't understand, you can go back, if you bother me, wait until I get better. Pull out all the herbs for testing!"

After talking about his lifeblood, Ling Qiubai stopped talking and went back to the imperial hospital.

There are not many things in the palace, but there are many mouths. It didn't take long for the eleventh princess to play and ran to Mo Xiangzhai, broke a vase, and cut her hand.

Everyone knows where Mo Xiangzhai is. It would be fine if the former Eleven Princess broke a vase for fun, but now she is out of favor and got into trouble. Many people are going to see Xuanyuan Emperor Longyan be furious Punish Su Wei well.

(End of this chapter)

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