Chapter 555
The Ninth Princess, who knew the news, ran to Emperor Xuanyuan dissatisfied and wanted to stop Su Wei from moving out of the cold palace. However, she was reprimanded by Emperor Xuanyuan. No one knew what the reprimand was. They only saw the Ninth Princess running out with her face covered. Then Emperor Xuanyuan issued an oral order and ordered the ninth princess to be grounded for one month.

Many people are speculating whether the eleventh princess has regained the favor of the Holy Grace, and the ninth princess is about to lose power again?There were different opinions for a while, but since the emperor ordered the eleventh princess to move back, except that food and clothing should be used according to the princess's specifications, there was no more noise, but a lot of things were given to the ninth princess, which relieved many people heart of.

In the bedroom of the nine princesses.

Princess Jiu saw that the guards at the door firmly refused to let her go out. She walked around in her bedroom, and as long as she left her room, someone would follow her.

She had no choice but to go back to the room angrily, thinking about the current situation, she angrily swept everything on the table to the ground: "Su Wei!" The suppressed gritted teeth revealed her deep-seated hatred for Su Wei, "What happened that day? To repay these humiliations twice, I swear I will not be human!"

As he spoke, he slammed his fist on the table, his eyes full of hatred.At this time, her close maid Lu Yi stepped forward, leaned into the ninth princess's ear and said: "Princess, don't be angry. If the princess wants revenge, this servant has a good way to torture her."

Princess Jiu's condensed eyes fell on Luyi's body, and she said in a deep voice, "What way?"

Luyi said softly: "Does the princess know Gu Yunting and General Gu?"

The ninth princess nodded, and then became impatient: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't fool me!"

Hearing the words, Lu Yi felt awe-inspiring, knowing the moody temper of the Ninth Princess, she didn't dare to say too much, and said truthfully: "General Gu has a talent for marching since he was a child. He became famous when he was young and was hailed as the god of war. He has an ugly appearance and a moody personality. Besides, he is quite masculine. He will return to Beijing in the near future. The servant heard that Xiao Shunzi in front of the emperor accidentally said that the emperor was worried that General Gu would be too powerful after returning to the court, and planned to marry a princess to Gu Yunting Come and get him."

Luyi paused, seeing that Princess Ninth had listened to her words, and then continued, "If Princess Eleven is allowed to marry, her life in the future will be extremely miserable."

Princess Jiu thought about these words carefully, and Luyi was right.Some time ago, the concubine mother told her that Gu Yunting was about to return to the imperial court, and his meritorious deeds were too great. Such things as the master of meritorious deeds have happened endlessly since ancient times. The princess married him, and the ninth princess would definitely serve him wholeheartedly.

Besides, Concubine Shu Gui also vaguely felt that the emperor might get rid of Gu Yunting at some point, and his wife, Princess Jiu, would also become a widow. For the face of the royal family and the Gu family, Emperor Xuanyuan would not allow her to remarry even if he loved her again .

And if that bitch Su Wei married, not only would she suffer a lot of torture, but she would also be widowed and lonely for a lifetime, wouldn't she be tortured?Thinking of this, a bright smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and the greenness she saw was a little creepy.

Luyi didn't know that the emperor wanted to marry the ninth princess to Gu Yunting, and then gradually got rid of Gu Yunting, but it just solved the ninth princess's heart trouble.

Ever since the Ninth Princess Su Ya was locked up by the emperor for a month, Concubine Shu Gui became more and more angry in her bedroom.Su Wei, this little slut, is just like her concubine mother. She does things that obstruct other people's paths. She is just as annoying as her concubine mother. Now her Ya'er is still in confinement, damn it.

Concubine Shu played with her nails casually, and suddenly raised her head, a smile burst out on her well-maintained and delicate face, her winking eyes were full of coldness, she ordered her personal maid: "Go and order, let the imperial dining room Don't prepare food for Si Xiao Palace, even if you ask, don't prepare it for her."

As expected of a confidant, he didn't hesitate at Concubine Shu Gui's order, and left without hesitation.Concubine Shu Guifei evoked a sinister smile, I see what you should do if you have nothing to eat, and seeing the emperor's indifferent attitude towards her, I know that he doesn't take her very seriously, this kind of trick, even if he knew it, he wouldn't say it What.

The speed of the imperial dining room is very fast, and there is no food for Sixiao Palace for dinner that day. Su Wei, who has been exercising all these days, wants to adjust her body in the fastest time, so she exercises every day. She is not in a hurry, take her time.

And when Su Wei came back from running that night, when she was hungry, she saw that the food that should have appeared on the dinner table did not appear. a little bit?

Thinking of this, Su Wei plans to take a bath before coming back to eat. Her physical fitness has gradually improved in the past few days. Although she is not in her original peak state, she is still very good.

And when she came out of the shower, after half an hour, there was still no food. Su Wei was a little strange and called a servant over. This servant was called Hongxiu, a little girl who had just entered the palace. Su Wei's training has already obediently focused on Su Wei.

"Why hasn't today's food been delivered?" Su Wei asked, rubbing her stomach.When Hongxiu heard the words, his expression flickered, but he hesitated and said nothing.

Su Wei sensed something was wrong and said: "What is the reason, please tell me."

Hongxiu had no choice but to say: "Just now, the servant went to the imperial dining room to ask, and the imperial chef said that Concubine Shu had ordered it, and said that there is no need to prepare your meals, the princess, and you will take care of it yourself."

Said that Su Wei's face was so dark in the end, she waved her hand to let the red sleeve go down, Concubine Shu, in her impression, Concubine Shu is not a good person, maybe what happened back then has such a big connection with her, otherwise why would she As soon as the mother concubine died, her status rose.

But she doesn't have any trump cards now, and she can't beat someone with her background. Her physical condition is almost good, so she can start to solve these things.

But the top priority right now is to feed her stomach. Su Wei rubbed her empty stomach, and when it got darker, she went to the imperial dining room alone to see if there was any food left. Even if she didn't, she could support herself. As long as there are ingredients.

To go to the imperial dining room, you have to pass by a rockery. Just as Su Wei was passing by the rockery, she heard a low wailing sound behind the rockery and the sound of scraping the ground.

Su Wei was terrified all of a sudden, and looked over there vigilantly, not knowing whether to approach or turn around and leave.After thinking for a long time, she held the lantern and slowly approached the rockery. Getting closer and closer, she even saw a small corner of the man's blue clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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