Chapter 542
The clerk went back and forth by the medicine cabinet to grab the medicine for Su Wei. Su Wei walked around the room and the medicine was ready.

"Hey, miss, the medicine is packed for you. Take it well." The man handed several packs of medicine wrapped in kraft paper to Su Wei. I bought a lotus bag.

"No need for change!" After saying this, he turned around and was about to leave. He was as generous as a wayward young lady. The shop clerk took it with a smile on his face, and happily opened the purse. Before he realized what was going on, the smile on his face It came to an abrupt end.

"Miss, you are also a wealthy family, how can you do such a thing of stealing chickens and dogs!" The shop assistant spoke a little aggressively, holding his purse tightly in his hand, and was a little angry at Su Wei.

Su Wei looked at him inexplicably. Could it be that the money was short?
"I don't think these medicinal materials are worth ten thousand taels of gold. Isn't this money enough? Don't be greedy."

"You still have the nerve to ask for money. Obviously, what you threw to me was not money, but just candy. You treat me like a three-year-old child! Today I have to drag you to the government, or I won't know you from now on. How many people will be killed alive!"

After finishing speaking, she grabbed Su Wei's wrist with her hands. The action was extremely rude. Su Wei didn't feel any pain in her hand, but kept thinking about when she was dropped?

No, I remembered that I only met a little boy before entering Zhou's Drugstore.If someone was acting maliciously towards me, I would definitely be able to detect it, but when it comes to a child who is not lethal, I really don't feel it, as soon as I come in, I go straight to the counter.

"Then I'll just pay you again. Do you have to make a big fuss like this?" Su Wei gradually became impatient, and shouted at the guy next to her, it was indeed useful.

The store clerk was stunned by Su Wei's yelling, and he forgot the movements of his hands in a daze.

"You, it's your fault, why are you drinking at me?" The store clerk was a little persevering, and pulled Su Wei straight out. Su Wei just wanted to knock down the obstacle on her wrist, but she didn't know where it came from. A force knocked his hand off.

"Hey! Who hit me without eyes?" An ingot of gold rolled on the ground and landed at his feet. The store clerk looked at the gold on the ground dumbfoundedly, then leaned over and grabbed it, Glancing to both sides of the eyes, he put the gold on the corner of his mouth and bit it, the teeth are real!
Su Wei looked at the gold a little strangely, who dropped the gold?It doesn't look like it, could it be that someone helped?How strange.

"I will pay for this girl's money." The person who spoke was a handsome man, with black hair tied behind his head by a hair tie, holding a fan of landscape painting in his hand, smiling as he spoke. Su Wei didn't move in front of her.

Su Wei looked at him suspiciously, searched her memory bank, but found nothing, she didn't know this man.

"Girl, I'm so sorry, this is your purse. My nephew is naughty by nature and insists on trying his own martial arts, so he accidentally stole the purse from the girl and put her in such an embarrassing situation. Excuse me, I don't know where else I can help you?"

The young man in white was very polite. Su Wei looked at the kid behind him, pouted, and it seemed that he was at odds with this young man.

"No, no, this kid looks cute and is wearing silk and satin, so he didn't think much about it. Even if he touched my purse, he didn't feel the weight decrease, so he could tell that he was staring at me. It's been a long time."

Su Wei fiddled with the purse slumped in the palm of her hand. There was not a lot of money in it, but the two people in front seemed inexplicable, and they didn't know their identities at all. Such a person really cannot be regarded as a trustworthy person.

The young man in white fanned the paper fan in his hand, the corners of his mouth became even more curved. "Miss, are you saying that we are some prodigal sons? There is no need to worry about this. Why don't we go to a restaurant to have a meal first, so that I can make a good apology."

Su Wei knew that things were not that simple, so she just wanted to go back.In the store, things were smashed up.

"Don't smash it, the little one just now has eyes and can't see Mount Tai, please don't smash it again." The little boy knelt beside him with a look of powerlessness.Looking at the harmless smiling man in front of her, Su Wei narrowed her eyes slightly. This man is dangerous.

"Miss, do you think this should be smashed?" Su Wei really didn't expect that he would kick this question at her.

"As long as you like it, you don't need to ask me. You are the one who pays anyway, so you can smash it if you want. If you don't want to, you might as well go back and find your own wife." Su Wei turned her head coolly, looking directly at him , such things should not be answered by themselves.

"Girl, don't worry, this ingot of gold is enough to buy these medicinal materials, and I also gave him some money, so that he won't be unable to continue his business. It's just that he strangled the girl's wrist until it turned red. Girl, don't you feel the pain? "

Don't let him say that Su Wei didn't even notice the wrist injury, it was already blushing. In the past, this small injury was just a skin trauma, as long as it didn't hurt the muscles and bones.

Su Wei smiled awkwardly, and tugged on the sleeve with the other hand, but the sleeve was too short to cover it at all.

"Girl, why don't you go have a meal with me, it won't waste much of your time, and please ask the girl to give you a face and walk with you."

The young man in white spoke sincerely, and Su Wei couldn't refuse any more, so she sighed helplessly and followed behind him.The kid who stole didn't say a word, followed him quietly, and ignored her. She felt that the atmosphere was about to freeze in embarrassment along the way.

"Hey, how old are you, big brother? Do you want to marry a wife?" Su Wei didn't know how far away she was going to Tianxiangju, and she was a little bored by herself, so she simply pulled the bodyguard next to her and started chatting.

The elder bodyguard looked serious and didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth trembled slightly. It could be seen that this bodyguard was not easy to be.

After walking for a while, I arrived at Tianxiangju. Looking up, I saw three big characters of Tianxiangju hanging in the center of the building, and the plaque was made of gilt. It seemed that the owner of this shop had a very high status.

As soon as Su Wei went upstairs, she looked around, walking back and forth restlessly.

"What are you doing!" The young man in white pressed his temples, feeling a little helpless. Is this the first time this girl came out? It doesn't look like she came out of the refugee area, why does she look like one now?
"Oh, I see that there are a lot of food here that I have never eaten before, and I have never seen many things before, so I am very curious."

Su Wei walked to a living thing, poked her finger, and the fish-like thing moved, its tail turned up, and Su Wei was thrown away.

(End of this chapter)

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