Chapter 533
In addition to the original training every day, Su Wei also took the 24th to give herself extra tasks. Whenever she felt that she couldn't hold on, she reminded herself in her heart that the original owner is something that a child can do. Isn’t it okay for people who have passed through several lifetimes?If you can't even pass the most basic level, let alone revenge, how long you can live in this organization is a problem.

A month passed quickly, and in such day-to-day training, Su Wei finally went from being behind to keeping up with the progress, and regained her original leading position.

On this day, the sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the autumn air is crisp.

Because of the new riding and archery course, all the children gathered on the riding and archery range.

This is the first time that Master Ten has appeared in front of everyone.Master Ten is a man about 40 years old. He has a dark face, slanted eyebrows, a pair of big aquiline noses, and sunken cheekbones. The whole person looks fierce, but there is no trace of it on his face. The four characters "I am a bad person" were written on it.

Facts have proved that Master Ten's personality has not failed his appearance. His teaching is rough, and his requirements are not only strict, but even critical.Especially in the face of children who can't meet the basic requirements, he not only swears at each other, but even punches them.

After training for a period of time, Master Ten asked everyone to be assessed in groups from young to old. For some reason, Su Wei suddenly had a bad feeling.

As a group of older children, Su Wei quickly passed the task, and it can even be said that she performed very well, and the others also completed the basic requirements.

But when it came to the younger group of children, things didn't go so well.There are very few children who can complete the task well, and most of them barely reach the passing mark.Occasionally there are still a few that cannot be completed.Master Ten's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Soon it was the 24th, and Su Wei felt more and more uneasy. The 24th was already thin and thin, and it was very difficult for her to hold this small solid wooden bow. Can she complete the task?

No. 24 was even paler at the moment, and she raised her bow tremblingly.It seemed that he shot an arrow with all his strength and missed the target!This is the worst result so far.Beads of sweat slid down her face, and she hurriedly raised her bow again, but she didn't know whether it was because of fear or nervousness, she actually released an empty arrow!
No. 24 was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, and Su Wei's heart was in her throat.Master Ten walked over angrily, and opened his mouth to curse: "Useless thing, you can't even do this little thing well, what's the use of raising you, a waste."

After saying that, he still seemed to be upset, so he waved his hand and hit her in the face.Master Ten was a master of martial arts, but he was angry at the moment. If this slap fell, 24 would definitely die or be maimed.In desperation, Su Wei picked up the bow in her hand and shot an arrow to stop his movement.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by the actions Su Wei committed above.

Master Ten turned around, with a ferocious smile on his face, he strode towards Su Wei, and said in a low tone, "Why, do you want to rebel?"

A trace of fear rose in Su Wei's heart, but she still spoke as calmly as possible: "No. 23 didn't dare, but No. 24 was kind to me. I made such disrespectful behavior in a moment of impatience. I am willing to accept punishment. It’s just that number 24 is still young, so even though it’s a mistake to not keep up with the course for a while, it’s not a crime, so I hope you can punish me a little bit. I’m willing to tutor 23 in archery in the future, and I’ll let her complete the requirements.”

Master Ten laughed even deeper after hearing this, and looked at Su Wei as if he had seen something interesting, and he said with a half-smile: "I didn't expect to raise a baby in the dark hall." Such a loving person. Since you care about her so much, why don't you accept the punishment for her, and add your own guilt, um, pay with your life. "

After hearing this, 24, who had been sitting on the ground in a daze, finally came to his senses, rushed forward and hugged Master Ten's legs, crying: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, please master, don't blame your sister." ..." Before she could finish her words, she was kicked away by Master Ten, breaking her forehead and fainting on the ground.

Su Wei looked at 24 lying on the ground with heartache, and anger surged into her heart. This person was simply an inhuman lunatic!Her eyes were filled with anger, staring hard at Master Ten, as if she wanted to shoot him through with her gaze.

Such a fierce and decisive look made Master Ten extremely unhappy. What he wanted to see was fear, the selfish and ugly faces of people when facing life and death, not such a heroic and decisive attitude. It seemed to be mocking him. He was Totally outraged.

The tenth master smiled coldly, and shouted loudly: "Come here, throw No. 24 into the snake cave in public, and let everyone see what will happen to the following offenders."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, showing a hint of horror.

Snake Cave, what kind of place is this?Su Wei was a little confused.

When she came to the snake cave, Su Wei finally understood why everyone's expressions were so subtle.The snake cave is a huge pit with a radius of two meters and a depth of about three meters. Thousands of poisonous tongues of various shapes are coiled around the bottom of the pit.

There is no girl who is not afraid of this cold and sticky animal, let alone thousands of them gathered together.Su Wei just glanced at it, and she was about to vomit. The thought of being eaten to death by these poisonous tongues made her even more disgusting.

Su Wei was set up by two guards stationed in the snake cave, her feet were flying above the snake cave, fear, sadness, resentment, grievance, all kinds of complicated emotions were constantly intertwined in her heart.

Looking at Su Wei's pale face, Master Ten smiled wickedly and proudly, "Why, No. 23, do you regret it? Do you have any last words to confess?"

Su Wei knew that he just wanted to see her in such a miserable state, but I refused to let him get his wish.No matter how scared she was, Su Wei still closed her eyes tightly and looked like she was looking forward to death.

Not getting the response he wanted, Master Ten frowned impatiently and said bitterly: "Execution!"

Is this moment finally coming? Su Wei felt the people holding her arms loosen their grip, and a cold murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Master Ten suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Suddenly, Su Wei suddenly felt a gust of wind passing through the air, and something wrapped her waist tightly, tightening like a snake.

She was thrown upwards and fell to the ground.

Su Wei opened her eyes in disbelief and saw that she was tied with a piece of red silk, which was the weapon of Master Jiu, and someone rescued her!

(End of this chapter)

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