The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 528 The Death of the Film King 10

Chapter 528 The Death of the Film King 10
Pei Yitong took a few steps back, and said tremblingly, "He Junkun, don't think about unrealistic things. Let me tell you, if you dare to do this, you will regret it!"

Su Wei didn't understand why He Junkun suddenly calmed down, but when she heard Pei Yitong say this, she also understood.

He Junkun wanted to kill people and silence them, so as to avoid future troubles forever.

"It's really vicious, but Pei Yitong can understand He Junkun's thoughts so well, so it's considered a tacit understanding?" Su Wei thought with some evil humor.

"As long as you disappear, I won't have any worries anymore, and I will live more freely." He Junkun laughed a few words in a low voice, and approached Pei Yitong.

"He Junkun, are you a fool? Do you think that if I dare to tell you, I won't leave a way out for myself?" Pei Yitong raised his head without any fear on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" He Junkun stopped in his tracks.

"If something happens to me and it's related to you, this backup will be exposed immediately. At that time, your future and your life will be completely ruined!"

"You!" He Junkun was speechless.

"So that's the case. No wonder she dared to threaten He Junkun like this. She had already left a way out for herself." Su Wei nodded thoughtfully. This woman is not as stupid as she looks.

So now the only thing she is puzzled and wants to know is who and where is the USB flash drive.

Su Wei looked at the movements of the two people on the screen, and didn't have any interest in watching. She simply exited the program, shut down the computer, closed the notebook with a "snap", put the notebook on the table, and lay down on the bed think about things.

Su Wei stared at the ceiling in a daze, her eyes were wide open and full of spirit.Her bed was very soft, and soon Su Wei fell asleep.As for He Junkun and Pei Yitong, because Pei Yitong said this amazing trick, He Junkun stopped treating her that way, and instead was extremely gentle, just like when the relationship first started.

The night gradually deepened, everyone fell asleep, and the stars in the night sky were like pairs of eyes, staring at this farce in the world.

the next day.

The weather was very good, cloudless, and the sun shone in through the window. Standing on the face of Su Wei who was sleeping soundly, her long eyelashes were like a small fan, her fair skin, and her red lips, under the sunlight, Pure and alluring.She was sleeping soundly like an angel.

But a burst of phone ringing broke the quiet atmosphere at this time, and successfully pulled Su Wei out of her sweet dream.Su Wei stretched out a hand from under the quilt, fumbled to find the phone, half-opened her eyes, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello—" Su Wei's voice was weak.

"Hello, is this Miss Su Wei?" The other party's voice sounded very familiar.

"Yes. May I ask who you are?" Su Wei cheered up.

"I'm Director Chen. Your play is this afternoon, don't forget."

"Oh oh oh oh! Director Chen! I'm sorry to bother you to call me in person! I won't forget it! Thank you for reminding me!" Su Wei quickly regained her spirits and sat up "whoosh".

"Okay, see you this afternoon."

"Okay. Goodbye." Director Chen hung up the phone.Su Wei thought for a while, and remembered that she was the third female lead in Director Chen's new play, and she was playing the hero's first love, a very brilliant role.

Although it is only a female No. [-], but also for different roles, this role is very good, Su Wei is very grateful to Director Chen for giving her this opportunity, so in order to cherish this opportunity, Su Wei immediately got up from the bed, simply After washing up, he went to recite his lines again.

The afternoon came quickly.Su Wei and her assistant came to the set very early. She found Director Chen and asked about some things. She learned that although her role in this scene was relatively important, it was not many. Su Wei was relieved. If there are too many words, Su Wei will get nervous.

"Su Wei! Come here! It's your turn!" the assistant director over there called her.

"Oh! Got it!" Su Wei put down the script and ran over.

Her scene is very simple, it's about a chance encounter between the male lead and the third female lead, that is, Su Wei many years later, it lasts only a few minutes, but Su Wei is still a little nervous.

"Don't worry." A familiar voice sounded beside him.Su Wei looked sideways and couldn't help being surprised.

"Chu Hanmo! Why are you here!" Following Su Wei's voice, many people in the production crew looked towards this side, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

"Oh my god! It's Mr. Chu, what is he doing here?"

"Stupid! Of course I came to visit the class!"

"Oh, so the rumors about him and Su Wei are true."

"Of course, it was evident at yesterday's banquet."

Su Wei felt very embarrassed when she heard the discussion among the crowd, so she patted Chu Hanmo's shoulder: "Well... I'm going to film first, and I'll come find you later."

Chu Hanmo nodded, stretched out his hand to rub Su Wei's hair, and smiled dotingly: "Come on."

"Wow - this pair is so sweet!" They exclaimed in shock.

Su Wei blushed and ran away quickly.

Because this scene is very simple, and the acting skills of Su Wei and the leading actor are both excellent, so the filming was finished quickly.

"Good! It's stuck! Passed! Great!" The director praised a few words. Su Wei smiled and ran to Chu Hanmo's side, but her hand was held by Chu Hanmo and she couldn't break free.Su Wei stretched out her fist and lightly punched Chu Hanmo. She blushed and said nothing. Her shy look was hidden in her eyebrows. Chu Hanmo was in a good mood when he saw Su Wei like this. He pulled Su Wei Go to a place with fewer people and sit down.The two of them got together, whispering something, and laughing from time to time, but Su Wei's ears were always red.

"God, look! It's a good match!"

"It's too sweet! I'll eat this bowl of dog food!" A few words came here. Although the voice was deliberately lowered, both Su Wei and Chu Hanmo could hear it.

"Did you hear that? They said you and I are a good match." Chu Hanmo laughed softly, his eyes full of affection.Su Wei rolled his eyes at him, but her face turned even redder.

She really wanted to tell those onlookers that Chu Hanmo leaned close to her ear, telling her a joke, and she blushed... Wasn't it because Chu Hanmo, that bastard, got too close!It stands to reason that Su Wei is not such a person who blush easily, but when she sees Chu Hanmo, she can't help but blush and become shy.

ah!What exactly happened here!
Su Wei thought crazily.

Not far from the set, there was also a crew filming. Coincidentally, He Junkun was in this crew. After he finished filming his part, he suddenly remembered that there was Su Wei in the crew next door, so he wanted to go and have a look.Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, he saw two people leaning their heads together and whispering, and couldn't help but feel jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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