The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 46 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 19

Chapter 46 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 19
On this day, Su Wei went to Wuhen Pavilion to pick flowers in the garden that had been transplanted for more than a month.

She looked through Xiao Xinyang's medical books and found that flowers could be used to make rouge and beauty cream.

Women are always dissatisfied with their skin and hope to get better.

When she came to the garden, Su Wei found that the owner of the pavilion was drinking tea here. Su Wei used drinkable flowers and dried them to teach them to make scented tea. Su Wei's tea making method is so unique that many killers think of her scented tea , would often rush to promise a pot of scented tea in exchange for a chance to test medicine.

Su Wei said hello to the owner of the pavilion, and ran to the flowers with a broken basket to pick flowers, picking a few flowers for this one, and a few flowers for that one, and the basket in her hand was stuffed to the brim.

Su Wei straightened up, looked at the full basket, smiled comfortably, and turned her head inadvertently.

He saw that the pavilion master was drinking scented tea while looking at her with "affectionate" eyes.

She is very uncomfortable, and she really can't imagine that the pavilion master who was so cold a few days ago is like a little sheep these days, always looking at her with "affectionate" eyes, she is under a lot of pressure.

Su Wei smiled awkwardly, and came to the Pavilion Master: "Pavilion Master, are you in a particularly good mood these days?"

The pavilion master slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled charmingly: "Yeah, I'm in a good mood."

Su Wei nodded, and replied dryly: "Haha, it's good to be in a good mood, and it's good for the disease. Haha, then I'll go and make beauty cream first. I won't bother you. I'll go back after a while. , at noon, the sun is a little bit bigger."

The Pavilion Master nodded to her with a smile in his eyes, his smile never stopping: "Okay."

Su Wei got up to bid farewell, as if she had to run away.

The pavilion master was a little puzzled. He touched his face and looked at his attire. He looked very good. Is he scary?

Such a delicate atmosphere lasted for three months, and Su Wei also changed from being uncomfortable and awkward at the beginning to facing it calmly now, and sometimes even teased the pavilion master a few words.

And Xiao Xinyang also came back half a month ago.When eating together, I felt that the pavilion master's attitude towards Su Wei was obviously different, and my jaw dropped in surprise.

This, this is what happened when I went out?
He turned his head stiffly to look at the killers on one side. The killers were already used to it, but they couldn't do anything about Xiao Xinyang's eager eyes.

Because they are also at a loss, why did their wise and powerful pavilion master suddenly have something called tenderness in his eyes more than two months ago?Terrible. Terrible.

Xiao Xinyang turned his head, wondering if he was dreaming, or was this world abnormal?
If Xiao Xinyang were a modern person, he would blurt out, is this world fantasy?This is not scientific.

He has been friends with the pavilion master for so many years, and he only talks a little too much to him, and his eyes have always been looking at dead people.

So, now there is concern in the eyes, why are the eyes rippling!

Absent-minded, he ate the meal like chewing wax, he couldn't bear it anymore, and dragged Su Wei to his yard for a while.

"What? You hugged him through his illness?" Xiao Xinyang said in surprise.

Su Wei's expression was normal, and she didn't feel anything wrong: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Xinyang swallowed, shook his head: "It's nothing, nothing."

Su Wei snorted: "It's nothing, I'm leaving first. I have to decoct medicine."

Xiao Xinyang watched Su Wei leave, then looked up to the sky and roared: This is unfair!The last time the pavilion master got sick, he was by his side to take care of him, but he was almost beaten to death because he couldn't bear the pain!Why is it okay for Mao Suwei to hold him!You value sex over friends!

Thinking of the bruises and bruises on his handsome face at that time, he felt sad for a while.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed.

The course of medicine has been finished, and there is only the last most painful but also the most critical procedure-medicine bath.

Put in all kinds of strong herbs and cold herbs, including the mild and neutral elixir, which is the elixir that Xiao Xinyang traveled thousands of miles to pick.

Su Wei couldn't understand his movements, and asked: "Why do you put so many strong and cold herbs, there are many herbs that are mutually restraining."

Xiao Xinyang answered without raising his head while preparing: "Because it's like the body of the pavilion master. When it gets sick, it alternates between hot and cold. To eradicate it, you must eliminate the two forces in his body with poison. This elixir can assist and have a soothing effect."

After a pause, Xiao Xinyang continued: "So, this medicine bath will be very painful. If he pulls out the toxins of more than 20 years at once, he will be worse than dead. Whether he can carry it through or not depends on himself."

Su Wei also realized the seriousness of this matter, so she helped Xiao Xinyang and stopped talking.

When we arrived at the pavilion master's room, a large tub of black concoction had already been placed, and there were many medicines that Xiao Xinyang had just prepared floating in it.

Su Wei thought about it, maybe she took half of it and boiled it with the soup to improve the effect, and then sprinkled the half in at the end.

Xiao Xinyang dipped his index finger lightly and licked it. Su Wei's face looked strange: "This is bath water."

Xiao Xinyang was furious, and said embarrassingly loudly: "It's just a soup now! A soup!"

Well, well, Su Wei hurriedly smoothed her hair.

Xiao Xinyang stopped bickering with her and said, "The concentration is enough." He put those herbs into the tub, and the water in the tub slowly turned from black to red.

Although Su Wei felt that the current situation should not be a joke, she still thought to herself: "This is too much like a hot pot base."

She elbowed the pavilion master sitting in the wheelchair: "Are you afraid?"

The pavilion master asked back: "Why are you afraid?"

Su Wei thinks about it too, he has faced pain every month for so many years, what else is there to be afraid of?Now he should be looking forward to it.

Xiao Xinyang glanced at her: "Still going out?"

Su Wei asked subconsciously, "Why am I going out?"

Xiao Xinyang said angrily: "You have to take off your shirt for the medicinal bath, are you sure you're still here?"

Uh, Su Wei actually wanted to say that I don't mind pulling, but looking at the pavilion master's face turned away, the ears were a little red, and she still said: "Okay, okay, just go out."

Talking about going out and closing the door, Su Wei sat on the steps of the door, resting her chin in thought, but she really wanted to observe and emulate.

So should I go in or not?He should be in by now, right?Then don't be afraid of me watching?

After thinking about it, Su Wei got up and opened the door to go in.

Xiao Xinyang saw her coming in: "Why are you coming in again?"

Su Wei stared: "Come in and have a look!"

Su Wei watched the pavilion master's eyes closed tightly, one face was covered with sweat, dripping down his face, one face was extremely red, and his lips were as pale as paper.

"He, he..." Su Wei pointed at the Pavilion Master in surprise.

Xiao Xinyang sighed and explained: "His body should be hot now, extremely hot. You can touch the water."

(End of this chapter)

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