The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 429 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 9

Chapter 429 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 9
Ou Zhe squinted his eyes secretly, stood up and walked out.Ou Zhe thought that the boy would go somewhere alone after going out, but he didn't expect that two people appeared beside the boy before Ou Zhe went up to question him.

Three people walked together, one of them was a head taller than Ou Zhe.

"Hey, if you want to follow me, could you please do a better job of covering it up? You're following me all the way blatantly. Are you here to stir up trouble?" The yellow-haired boy in the lead turned his head and stared at Ou. Zhe.

The other two also turned around, and one of them just smiled: "This kid is the one who hangs out with Yu Wenjin all day long, and now the whole school is saying that they are gay!"

"Gay?" The yellow-haired boy was stunned, and looked Ou Zhe up and down, "You don't think you have a crush on me, brother? Although you are good-looking, I don't have that kind of hobby. If you follow me again, be careful brother Some beat you!"

"Then there is another debt between the two of us, otherwise we will settle the new and old debts together. Just now in the cafeteria, what did you say about Su Wei?" Ou Zhehan had a face.He has a good temper, but it doesn't mean he has no bottom line.

"Yo? What, you still like that woman? I said what's wrong with her? I said she was kept by someone else, that she was unclean, pretending to be aloof, and didn't know the virtue behind it. What can you do to me? You can still beat me Am I not good enough?" The man groaned.

Ou Zhe suddenly smiled brightly and walked a little closer to the two groups: "Not only will I beat you, I will beat you until your own mother doesn't even recognize you today!"

Before he finished speaking, Ou Zhe raised his fist and waved towards the man's face...

The lunch break passed quickly, and Mo Xiye was terrified when she learned that Su Wei was secretly surrounded, and only after she looked up and down to make sure she was fine did she feel relieved.Su Wei felt that she was worried, but her heart was warm.

"By the way, Weiwei, I saw Ou Zhe when I was buying food at noon. He was also in the cafeteria. I remember that he seemed to be looking for you in your direction. Did you two meet at noon?" Mo Xiye suddenly asked a question.

Su Wei shook her head blankly: "No, I dragged you away quickly after being surrounded at noon. I didn't see Ou Zhe. Are you dreaming?"

Mo Xiye also looked blank.

The class bell rang, and the two immediately returned to their seats for class.Mo Xiye quickly got into the mood to brush up the questions, but Su Wei took what Mo Xiye said to heart.

If Ou Zhe went to find himself at noon, did he have something to tell himself?

Su Wei finished the two afternoon classes with this question in mind.It wasn't until before the self-study class that the teacher finally realized that he had dismissed the class.Su Wei was the first to rush out of the classroom before Mo Xiye turned her head to talk to herself.

The other classes have already been dismissed.There were a lot of people in the corridor, Su Wei bumped into a person as soon as she rushed out, this collision caused the two who were hit and the person who hit the person to retreat two or three steps at the same time.

"It's you?" Yu Wenjin, who was hit, first rubbed her chest to see the person in front of her clearly, then narrowed her eyes slightly to look at Su Wei in front of her.

Su Wei also raised her head when she heard a familiar voice, she felt relieved when she saw that it was an acquaintance, and nodded with a smirk.

"You came out in such a hurry, did you come to find Ou Zhe?" Yu Wenjin asked tentatively.

"Yes, is he in class?" Su Wei asked.

Yu Wenjin glanced at his class and snorted: "Yes, yes, but I don't think he will come out to see you. Moreover, he also specifically told me that if you come to see him, then tell me You and he are out."

"Ah? Then you still tell me that he is in the class." Su Wei felt that Yu Wenjin in front of her was unreliable for a moment.

"Don't look at me like that, I really can't bear it. He fought for you, his wrist was beaten like that, he didn't dare to go to the infirmary, he was afraid that he would be punished by the teacher in the infirmary, and you don't know anything. For Ou Zhe, it is really unfair." Yu Wenjin explained.

"He fought for me?" Su Wei was taken aback for a moment, then thought of what happened in the cafeteria at noon, and remembered Mo Xiye asking herself if she had seen Ou Zhe at noon. Lie? Ou Zhe, Ou Zhe, come out for me!"

Before Yu Wenjin could reply, Su Wei had already yelled at the class.When she shouted like this, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.You know, even though Su Wei is the school belle, she is also the kind of girl who doesn't like to cause trouble and is too lazy to meddle in other people's business.It is rare to see her suddenly stand up and look for someone.

Ou Zhe was sitting in his seat, when he heard Su Wei's shout, he immediately took a book as a cover, and ignored Su Wei at the door.

Su Wei looked around to make sure there was no teacher present, then strode directly into their class. Regardless of whether Ou Zhe was happy or not, she raised her hand and pulled him up from his seat.

"Hiss!" Su Wei's pull obviously touched Ou Zhe's wound, he gasped, and suddenly broke away from Su Wei: "What are you doing, breaking into other people's classes, you still want to violate my personal rights! "

"What am I doing, think about the good things you have done, follow me, go to the infirmary! Hurry up!" Su Wei said, dragging Ou Zhe in a different way, striding out of class again.

Along the way, all the students automatically made way for the two of them to pass.As soon as the two of them left class, the class bell rang.Ou Zhe was afraid that a teacher would pass by, and wanted to break free from Su Wei's hand.But in Su Wei's eyes, his struggle was more like resistance, so she exerted some strength in her hand and continued to lead him towards the infirmary.

The teachers in the infirmary will leave work when the self-study class is over.After the two of them were dragged to the infirmary, Su Wei lied and said that she accidentally injured Ou Zhe. The teacher nodded and began to check Ou Zhe's injuries.

After the teacher in the infirmary took off all the clothes on Ou Zhe's upper body, he looked at Su Wei suspiciously: "Are you sure, it was you who beat him? What kind of grudge do you have with him? so?"

To say Yu Wenjin is really an understatement.This is not an arm injury, it is clearly bruises on the forearm and shoulder.

Su Wei didn't speak, but made an aggrieved expression.Then the teacher said again: "Don't be so nonsense in the future, let's forget it this time, I still have some medicinal wine for removing blood stasis, but there is only a little bit left, it may not be enough, I will rub it on him first, since this person is you Take a taxi, don’t attend this self-study class, go and buy some more.”

Su Wei quickly agreed, took the medicinal wine box handed over by the medical teacher, and asked for leave to leave the school.

However, there really weren't many pharmacies near the school. After Su Wei walked down the street, she bought something at a small drugstore at the intersection.When she returned to the infirmary, the medical teacher had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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