The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 427 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 7

Chapter 427 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 7
"Let me tell you first, the love letter is not for me. Don't pour this dirty water on my head." Yu Wenjin said, stood up, took out two stools from the corner and placed them next to the piano, and said The two of them made a gesture of invitation.

The two looked at each other. The downstairs was cleaned and they had nothing to do when they returned home, so they sat down.

The power was cut off in the building, and Yu Wenjin could only see the things in front of him through the moonlight.He looked Su Wei up and down carefully, and then said again: "Did you deliver the love letter?"

Su Wei nodded.Yu Wenjin also nodded, and then said: "If I knew it earlier, I would have taken a look."

"It was given by Su Wei, but it was signed by Mo Xiye." Ou Zhe immediately interrupted Yu Wenjin's daydream with an immoral opening.

Yu Wenjin just frowned: "Don't get excited, I just said to have a look, but didn't say what to do, why are you excited? I remember your first time..."

"No!" Before Yu Wenjin finished speaking, Ou Zhe rushed over, covered his mouth, and looked like he was about to kill someone.

"What's the first time?" Su Wei looked at the two brothers strangely, and began to be curious in her heart.

"No, it's nothing. It was the first time this kid was confessed by a girl, and he rejected him cleanly. Many people secretly said that this kid is gay if he sticks with me every day!"

Yu Wenjin broke away from Ou Zhe's hand, and looked at him with disgust: "Homosexuals also look at faces, why did you talk about me before digging out the black history? The atmosphere is just right now, so it would be nice to speak clearly."

This sentence obviously stimulated Ou Zhe.Immediately glared at him and told him to shut up.Yu Wenjin sat on the side obediently and quietly.But Su Wei's curiosity was aroused, she stared at Ou Zhe strangely: "What are you two trying to say?"

The two boys looked at each other, and Ou Zhe blushed in the end.Does he want to tell her his feelings now?

"It's just... Yu Wenjin didn't like women very much since he was a child, because his family was not harmonious, his mother betrayed his father, so there are various know," Ou Zhe looked at Su Wei cautiously, while Yu Wenjin on the other side turned black Seeing Su Wei nodding, Ou Zhe continued, "So you handed over the love letter today. He didn't want to hurt your heart, so he made it clear. It's not good if you confess again and then get unhappy in the middle of being rejected." .”

"Is that so?" Su Wei looked at the two people suspiciously.

Ou Zhe nodded sharply, but Yu Wenjin remained silent with a dark face.How can there be disharmony in his family?How can he hate women?This buddy is really telling lies without making a draft. There was no misunderstanding in the first place, but the misunderstanding will become bigger in the future.How does this make him go home and face his mother who cares about him and his father every day?

Besides, there should be someone else who is not harmonious in the family, right?Thinking about it, Yu Wenjin went to look at Ou Zhe on the side.Ou Zhe glared at him again, and then he withdrew his contemptuous gaze resentfully.

"It doesn't matter, I have to talk about it sooner or later anyway," Yu Wenjin replied vaguely, but the next sentence sounded a bit far-fetched to Su Wei, "Some boys are handsome, but when they do certain things, they can't do it. It’s not as good as the girl who offered to hand over the love letter.”

Su Wei was surprised again, but Yu Wenjin didn't want to say more, stood up and glared at Ou Zhe, then left quickly.

"He is like this, don't worry about it," Ou Zhe smiled, and immediately changed the subject, "It's already so late, how are you going to go home? Let me see you off?"

Su Wei wanted to refuse, so she took a taxi home by herself.But when she left the school together with Ou Zhe, she realized that the road in front of the school was empty, not to mention taxis, not even bicycles, only Ou Zhe's private car and driver were left on the side of the road.

In desperation, Su Wei followed Ou Zhe into the car, only to find that Yu Wenjin was still sitting in the car.Although Ou Zhe chatted with Su Wei from time to time along the way, he could still feel that Yu Wenjin was releasing bursts of murderous aura towards him.

Because he came home too late, Ou Zhe got up from bed with dark circles to go to school the next morning.However, no matter how tired he is, the morning exercise he has been insisting on will not stop.

Although the campus in the morning is busy, it is also beautiful.It was still cold in early spring, and Ou Zhe was jogging in the artificial lake on campus wearing a sweater.The morning mist is thin, and the willows are soft.After exercising, Ou Zhe was also slightly sweating.

Although it is a high school, the high school and university campus of this school are arranged together, which makes it convenient for many high school students to go to the university to learn about university life and school education.Ou Zhe stopped on the path next to the artificial lake and took a walk to calm his blood.

Through the faint morning mist, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure in light white clothes by the lake, like a white magnolia flower quietly blooming on a branch, making people want to touch and caress involuntarily.Let the originally tired nerves suddenly be amazed.That was Su Wei standing by the lake.

Ou Zhe wanted to go forward to say hello, but just after two steps, his footsteps stopped again, and he stared nervously at the place where Su Wei was standing.She was standing on a corner of the embankment, if she moved half a step forward, or lost her balance a little, she would fall headfirst into the lake.

What's happening here?Is it possible to jump into the lake?But why?Just because I kissed her when I fell down last night?

Ou Zhe's imagination suddenly exploded, and his terrible imagination could drive him to death. He had even imagined the scene where Su Wei was crying alone at home last night.

Before he could think clearly, Ou Zhe had already rushed over quickly.

Su Wei, who was enjoying the scenery well, suddenly screamed, and the two fell backwards to the ground at the same time.

"I'm sorry Su Wei, I didn't mean to violate you last night, so please don't take it too seriously..." Ou Zhe sat on the ground with his arms around her and explained before Su Wei could speak.

Su Wei, who was still struggling to lock her throat, was taken aback when she heard Ou Zhe's voice.Then she stopped struggling, and Ou Zhe let go of his strength a little.

There were not many people in the artificial lake in the morning, and the two of them didn't have to worry about being seen by anyone.Even if it is seen, this is also the area of ​​the university department, and no teacher will stop college students from falling in love freely.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who can't think about it?" Su Wei opened Ou Zhe's hand on her waist, got up from the ground and beat the dirt on her pants.What's going on with me these two days?Why would he roll on the ground and get covered in dust as soon as he touched this guy.

Ou Zhe was taken aback, looked at the artificial lake behind Su Wei, and then at Su Wei's expression, he didn't realize it all of a sudden, and was still immersed in his initial imagination: "You didn't because... because yesterday I kissed you in the art building at night, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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