The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 424 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 4

Chapter 424 The male supporting role is coming to the bowl soon 4
Sure enough, what should come still has to come, no matter how much you think about it in advance, it's useless.Su Wei was cursing, Mo Xiye took out a pink envelope from the table, and handed it carefully to Su Wei.Su Wei's nose moved slightly, and she could smell the aroma of the sachet on the pink envelope.

Taking a second look at it, I found that the love letter had been carefully copied by Mo Xiye before putting it in. Even the letter paper was tender pink.

"Come on, before my flower blooms, you will bloom first. There are no hundred-day red flowers, so be careful." Su Wei reminded.

But unexpectedly, Mo Xiye, who was very energetic, didn't listen at all, and was still giggling: "As long as you send it there for me, it doesn't matter if he gets a bonus or not! Do you think so?"

"Yes, I guess the flower withered immediately after I sent it over. There are not even any roots left." Su Wei muttered.

Mo Xiye didn't care at all.In her heart, it doesn't matter whether she fell in love or not in high school, the most important thing is whether she can leave her youth with a boy worthy of her heart.As long as they can send a love letter to make the two of them socialize a bit, it will be worth it.

"Let me first say that I can be very expensive. If you want to ask me to send you a love letter, it will cost you." Su Wei rolled her eyes and planned to make a request so that Mo Xiye would retreat.

"That's right, you are a school belle, and the love letters you send will definitely not be thrown directly into the trash can. You say, I will give you whatever you want."

"At least... you have to pay for dinner for a month." Su Wei said, stretching out a finger, looking at Mo Xiye proudly.She knew that Mo Xiye didn't have much pocket money, and although the family had a little money in business, they never paid much for food.It is impossible for her to treat herself to dinner for a month.

But to Su Wei's surprise, after looking at Mo Xiye's tangled face for a long time, she nodded abruptly: "Okay!"

Love can make people lose their minds. Su Wei never thought that even love at first sight could make Mo Xiye lose his mind.Holding the pink envelope with a dark face, she left the classroom after eating the dinner Mo Xiye bought.

Mo Xiye originally planned to ask Su Wei to send the love letter to Ou Zhe tomorrow, but Su Wei didn't want to let too many people see the fact that she sent the love letter for others. If Ou Zhe refused on the spot, even In the end, it wasn't her who signed the love letter, but in the eyes of others, it would be her who was rejected by others.Regardless of whether the face is decent or not, the final impact will be unfavorable to oneself.

I don't know if Mo Xiye thought of this, but ever since Su Wei and Mo Xiye became friends, it was Mo Xiye who kept making troubles, and Su Wei followed behind to fill in the holes.

This relationship should be similar to the relationship between Ou Zhe and Yu Wenjin.

If she knew it earlier, she should have mentioned a more impossible task to let Mo Xiye back out. Now, a love letter is exchanged for a month's dinner. ?What he promised, he had to finish even on his knees.

Su Wei stood in the corridor at the entrance of Ou Zheban with a dark face, squinting her eyes slightly and was entangled in her heart.The boys who passed by and entered the class all looked sideways, wondering who she was waiting for.

"Brother, come here." Su Wei suddenly waved to a boy sitting at the door, and then smiled.

The boy was overwhelmed, he looked around and saw no one else, and then he was sure that Su Wei was calling him.

"Well, student Su, what can I do for you?" The boy asked embarrassingly scratching his head.

"Could I trouble you to call Ou Zhe from your class? Is he in the class?" Su Wei said, poking her head towards the class.

"Yes, yes. Just wait a moment." The boy agreed immediately, without feeling lost at all because Su Wei didn't come to him.On the contrary, he felt that being able to help Su Wei was a very exciting thing for him.

Ou Zhe and Yu Wenjin were at the same table. When the boy came to call someone, they were sitting together reviewing their homework.When the boy explained the situation, Ou Zhe turned his head and saw Su Wei standing by the back door, and immediately walked over with a smile.

"Student Su, please advise me when we meet for the first time." As Ou Zhe said, he politely reached out to shake hands with Su Wei.

But in Su Wei's eyes, this action means asking for something.Without even thinking about it, she took out the pink envelope and gave it to him: "You know what to do, right? Be tactful."

Ou Zhe was taken aback, looked at the envelope in his hand, and immediately nodded.He often collects love letters for Yu Wenjin. Although those love letters are thrown into the trash can without exception, he will definitely go there first and ask Yu Wenjin if he wants to read them.This task is the same as that of ministers and emperors.

Although Ou Zhe, like Yu Wenjin, is a high school student and is quite popular among the girls, the number of girls who confess to him is pitifully small.As soon as Su Wei handed over the love letter, Ou Zhe immediately misunderstood that she was going to give the love letter to Yu Wenjin.

Su Wei originally thought that Ou Zhe would read the love letter directly in front of her, and then reply to herself, but she didn't expect Ou Zhe to turn around and leave just like Yu Wenjin in the morning.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Su Wei immediately opened her mouth to stop her, but Ou Zhe had already entered the class, and handed the envelope in her hand to Yu Wenjin.

Yu Wenjin didn't raise her head, but just waved her hand to signal to throw it away.Then Ou Zhe turned his head and shrugged helplessly.Su Wei was almost speechless, is this boy stupid?Or is there a hole in the brain?
"As you can see, Yu Wenjin never reads love letters. If you have feelings for him, it's better to tell him yourself. Of course, don't be like the girl this morning, or he will only hate you even more." Ou Zhe said, about to return the envelope to Su Wei.

Su Wei raised her hand and touched Ou Zhe's forehead: "Is your brain caught by the door? This love letter is for you, why do you show it to him! It almost ruined my event! If I want to give him something, I won't directly Call him out?"

"Ah...ah? For me?" Ou Zhe was obviously confused for a moment, holding the envelope at a loss.

"Ah what, look it up, I'll go back to my job after I'm done. I won't have to stand for being late for class later. Remember to be tactful when refusing to resign." Su Wei rolled her eyes and was speechless at the boy in front of her.

"Since it was given by classmate Su, how could I refuse? However, this is the first time I have received a love letter, so I am a little excited. Forgive me, forgive me." Ou Zhe said, happily opened the envelope and went to see it at the first glance. Looking at the signature at the end of the letter, I found that the signature was not Su Wei's name, but Mo Xiye's.

"This... didn't you give it to me?" Ou Zhe was overjoyed to the sky and fell back in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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