Chapter 420

After seeing the screen clearly, Dongfang Jue became furious: "What the hell video are you playing? Turn it off!"

Everyone looked at him with subtle eyes, and a narrow smile appeared on their faces.

"Aren't you deaf? I said turn it off!" Dongfang Jue has always been proud. How could he have imagined that the video of that wrong night was captured and exposed in front of everyone, which made him feel ashamed.

Zhuo Jue raised his stiff hand, clicked in disorder, and raised his head helplessly: "It can't be turned off, the computer has a virus."

"Shit!" Dongfang Jue cursed and cut off the power supply directly. But just after a few minutes of silence, the crowd suddenly burst into louder exclamations: "Look, this video is on any website you enter on your phone."

Obviously, someone intentionally spread the video to cast a shadow over Dongfang Jue.The scale of the video was too large, and it was quickly reported and deleted. Even so, it was still circulated. Netizens conducted a human flesh search and quickly identified the identities of the two protagonists.

The general meeting of shareholders ended early, and when almost everyone in the meeting room had left, the secretary closed the door tactfully.

Dongfangzheng sat in the main seat, lit a cigarette and puffed the clouds: "Ah Jue, you let me down very much. You are my son and the heir of the Dongfang family. I will do my best to cultivate you and leave the company to you. , is this how you repay me?"

Dongfang Jue knew he was wrong: "Dad, the whole thing was an accident. I don't want to explain too much. Anyway, I will find out who is behind the scenes and give you an explanation."

The light in the conference room was very dim, and the cigarette butt between Dongfang Zheng’s fingers was flickering. He shook his head and sighed: “You still don’t understand. From the moment the video was exposed, you have lost the right to inherit the Dongfang family. The elders in the family will not Accept any excuse."

Dongfang Jue's chest felt tight, and his father's words were like a wake-up call.

"Zhuo Jue, your younger brother." Dongfang Zheng pointed to the thin boy in the corner: "He will be the new heir of the Dongfang family. Your position will be automatically relieved from today, and you will not be required to go to work tomorrow. Air ticket, you go out to avoid the limelight."

Dongfang Zheng had many women, and Zhuo Jue's mother was definitely the one who stayed by his side the longest. He bought a villa for the mother and son and lived there for ten days a month.

For so many years, we lived in peace and harmony.

But Dongfang Jue knew that his father was waiting for an opportunity. Sooner or later, he would take the mother and son back home.

The day has finally come.

That evening, Zhuo Jue's mother and son moved into Dongfang's house, and the servants cleaned up the room on the second floor and spread the sheets.

Dongfang Jue stood on the stairs and watched for a while, then returned to the room.

The cool wind stirred the white gauze curtains, and the mother cried while packing her luggage: "Ah Jue, remember to call your mother often when you go abroad. People nowadays are forgetful. If you go back to China in half a year, no one will remember this incident. matter."

Dongfang stared desperately at the dark night, his eyes empty, as if something was completely lost.


As boarding was approaching, the airport broadcast repeatedly reminded Dongfang Jiehe to stop and go among the security check crowd. He turned his head and looked outside, and there was a plane parked on the huge lawn.

The security inspector raised the metal detector: "Put the luggage to the side for scanning, and take off your coat."

"I'm not boarding the plane." The man's voice was hoarse. After saying this, he picked up his suitcase and walked out of the airport.

Ha, what a strange man!The security personnel looked at each other.

Su Chen received a text message from Dongfang Jue, asking him to meet at the private club on Qingcheng Mountain Road. This was the first time he contacted him after the accident, and he decided to meet him for a while.

The exposure of the video incident put the two of them at risk, and their family status was in jeopardy. He wanted to join hands with Dongfang Jue to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. He already had a candidate in his mind.

Su Chen took a deep breath at the door, pushed the door open and entered.The room was very dark, you couldn't see your fingers, and there was a cold light flashing in the darkness.

There was something cold and sharp on his neck, and the hairs on every pore of Su Chen stood up.


The afternoon sun scorched the earth, pedestrians came and went on the street, and a fat tabby cat curled up lazily in the corner.

The huge sound of glass shattering broke the tranquility. People looked up and saw two entangled figures falling straight from the sky, hitting the ground with a 'bang', and dust was flying around.

Blood gurgled out and seeped into the ground.

Someone boldly stepped forward and sniffed: "I'm still alive... Hurry up and call the police!"

The police car came quickly, and the police surrounded the scene with a isolation zone, and found several witnesses to understand the situation, and the medical staff quickly carried the two people into the ambulance.

In the cafe across the street from the private club, ethereal and graceful piano sounds fill every corner.

Su Wei looked back and stirred the coffee with a coffee stick: "You invited me here to let me watch this scene?"

The man on the opposite side smiled faintly: "As you said, you have a common enemy with me."

Su Wei raised her eyebrows, noncommittal: "I gave you the video so that you could show it to Dongfang Zheng. You succeeded in defeating Dongfangjue, but you made it public."

Zhuo Jue shrugged his shoulders: "I like to do things once and for all, and I don't like to procrastinate. Kindness to the enemy is soft to oneself. Only by making Dongfang absolutely irreversible, he will not fight back."

Su Wei took a sip of coffee: "You are more ruthless than your brother. I saw the right person."

Zhuo Jue suddenly leaned forward and held her hand: "I helped you deal with your enemy, how do you want to repay me? You are a special woman, why not let me fulfill my engagement with you."

Su Wei pulled out her hand without leaving a trace, her eyes seemed to see through everything: "I have no intention of jumping into another fire pit."


Dongfang Jue and Su Chen did not die, but their injuries were very serious. They stayed in the intensive care unit for a month. During this period, the hospital issued critical illness notices many times. Although they were rescued in the end, the two fell from a high altitude and their limbs were paralyzed. They could only lie in bed for the rest of their lives. spent on the ward.

When he fell from the building, shards of glass pierced Dongfang Jue’s eyes, and he lost his sight; some shards cut Su Chen’s throat and damaged his vocal cords. speak out.

After this change, Su's father and Su's mother seemed to be ten years older, and they no longer wanted to take care of the company's affairs. The Su's business was fully managed by Su Wei.

The sun was shining brightly. Su Wei pushed the wheelchair and took Su Chen to the lawn of the hospital to bask in the sun. The servant followed behind at a distance. In the distance, children were playing on a swing, and patients in twos and threes walked past them.

Su Wei found a quiet space, squatted down, and looked into Su Chen's chaotic eyes: "Brother, doesn't it feel good to be disabled?"

Su Chen rolled his eyes awkwardly, looking at her with more and more fear, as if something was about to clear the clouds and see the light of day again.

Su Wei raised the corners of her lips, smiled gently, and her eyes were full of alienation and indifference: "We are always a family, and I will take good care of you. I hope you live a long life."

Su Chen struggled violently suddenly, and overturned on the lawn with his wheelchair. Su Wei stepped back quickly, patted the grass on her knees, and said to the servant who ran over, "Take the young master back to the ward."

When returning home, Su Wei met Wen Yi at the entrance of the hospital. She carried a thermos and hurried to the inpatient department.

Wen Yi stopped and greeted with a smile: "Sister Weiwei~"

Su Wei smiled: "I heard that you and Zhao Ying are together, congratulations."

Since Dongfang Jue's accident, he never came to pester Wen Yi again. Instead, in the process of taking care of Zhao Ying, she was moved by this young man's sincerity, which made a good story.

Wen Yi lowered her head shyly: "Thank you, the doctor said that Zhao Ying is recovering very well, and he can be discharged from the hospital and return to work in the company next week."

Su Wei: "Very good, see you at our company."


There is an open-air parking lot in the hospital. Su Wei sat in the car for a while, and the fragments of the past flashed through her mind like a movie. After being reborn, she successfully avenged the original owner, and she also understood the truth that only she changed herself. The stronger you are, the more you can do whatever you want.

In the next few years, Su Wei made Su's business flourish and expanded to Europe and even the world, creating a business legend.

 Crab and crab Yijiu’s reward, hmm, I wish you a good mood, happiness every day, and all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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