The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 395 The President Is Not a Ghost 6

Chapter 395 The President Is Not a Ghost 6
An Yao nodded, twitched her nose twice, then rubbed her eyes, put the clothes back in the closet, obediently followed Su Wei back to her room, and went to bed.

Outside the corridor of the room, in the chandelier on the ceiling, two animal pupils could clearly see the actions of the two just now.The male ghost hiding in the lamp was also a little bit sorry, he never thought of hurting the two little girls, he just wanted to scare them away from the villa, but he didn't expect to see blood now.

But now that the matter has come to this point, although it is a bit excessive, it scares one person after all. First scare one away, and the other one has no company. After a while, he will probably leave by himself. After these two little girls leave, spread the matter , probably no one will care about this house, and finally slowly become his own fortress.

Thinking of this, the feeling of regret just now disappeared immediately, and was replaced by bursts of complacency. Now, that little girl won't underestimate her ability anymore, right?He smiled triumphantly, and slowly dissipated his figure away...

He didn't intend to fight for a long time and let the two little girls, An Yao and Su Wei, disturb his peace here, but took another action soon.

An Yao was so frightened that she had the idea of ​​moving out.As long as there is even the slightest trouble, no matter what Hou Su Wei says, she will definitely leave the villa.

At that time, An Yao will definitely persuade Su Wei again, and the morale of the army will inevitably be shaken.In the end, he went out on his own and recreated the scene of last night. The two people must be facing a catastrophe and fly separately.

In the room, Su Wei managed to coax An Yao to sleep, and then she went out of the room and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

So many things happened on the first day they moved in. It seemed that things in this house really did not welcome them to live in.Moreover, the spirits here are not like those of the undead. When a living person enters their area of ​​activity, the undead will mostly stay quiet for a while and find out the details of the other party before they appear and cause trouble. But now, after he first moved in, One day, there was bleeding from the water pipes, and then there were ghosts hitting the wall and scary ghost figures.What a stingy guy, he wouldn't even let me stay.

Su Wei cursed in her heart.

The milk was warming on the fire, and Su Wei put the beaten eggs into the pot, and the flowing liquid was immediately covered with a golden layer, exuding a fragrant smell.Su Wei was adjusting the heat, when suddenly the fire in her hand flickered, and the fire that was just right suddenly became bigger, causing Su Wei to let go of her hand suddenly.

And the originally fried golden egg suddenly gave off a burnt smell.Then, the fire that suddenly grew bigger and smaller again.Su Wei wanted to go to rescue again, but found it was too late.

Sure enough, something in this house just doesn't welcome itself.Even making breakfast has to be right with yourself.

In desperation, Su Wei took the egg out of the pot, put it in a bowl to cool, ate it by herself, and fried another good one for An Yao.He poured out the hot milk, brought out the eggs and the prepared sandwiches from the kitchen, and then planned to call An Yao, let her eat something before going to bed.

But just as she walked down the stairs, she suddenly saw a white shadow standing in the corridor.However, in just an instant, it disappeared.

Su Wei narrowed her eyes slightly, and with a heartbeat, she walked back down the corridor, and shouted towards her arms: "An Yao! Come down to eat! Have dinner before going to bed!"

An Yao didn't sleep soundly at all, when she heard Su Wei's shout, she jumped up immediately, climbed out of bed, and yelled like a shrew holding on to the railing: "People are scary, Weiwei, you want to scare to death me!"

Su Wei smiled embarrassingly, An Yao wobbled down the stairs while dragging her legs, Su Wei hurried up to help her.An Yao's sleepiness was still there, but after seeing Su Wei's prepared breakfast, her anger disappeared immediately, and she muttered, "Don't call me for this kind of thing in the future, I will find it when I get hungry. Something to eat. But since you made my favorite thing today, I still want to enjoy breakfast..."

While talking, the two sat down and had breakfast, and then Su Wei helped An Yao upstairs to catch up on sleep.

Su Wei is not the kind of person who doesn't wink.The reason why she called An Yao loudly to come down to eat was because she wanted to interrupt the things in the house and make trouble for An Yao.An Yao was overly frightened last night, if it happened again suddenly, she might not be sent to the madhouse.

Whether that thing was trying to tease them mischievously or for some other purpose, Su Wei couldn't scare An Yao any more.

Thinking this way, seeing An Yao fell asleep, Su Wei simply sat next to the bed and waited for An Yao to wake up.Sure enough, all of a sudden, nothing happened.

An Yao slept until the afternoon, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Su Wei sitting on the bedside and dozing off.An Yao took it for granted that Su Wei was worried about herself, so she sat here with her, and she was so moved that she got up and went to prepare lunch for the two of them.

Su Wei followed immediately. She wasn't afraid that the injury on her body would make it inconvenient to cook. What she was more worried about was that if she walked away, her weight would not be able to cover An Yao, and the things in the house would be destroyed again. Waiting for an opportunity to mess around.

Sure enough, as Su Wei expected, as soon as the two of them left the room, there was a gust of cool wind in front of them. Su Wei was unmoved, but An Yao immediately shivered behind her.

"The kitchen window is not closed. It's just cold wind." Su Wei comforted, then looked around, but didn't see anything.The two entered the kitchen one after the other, and An Yao started cooking.Su Wei looked around, trying to find out where the soul was, but after looking around, she still couldn't find anything.

Su Wei lowered her head slightly, pondered for a while, and then said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

When the words fell, Su Wei walked away quickly without waiting for An Yao to reply.According to Su Wei's conjecture, the soul will appear only when she leaves.

As expected, as soon as Su Wei left the kitchen, she saw a white shadow swooping down from the ceiling, and then landed directly at the door of the kitchen.

Su Wei didn't intend to let that thing know that she could see their existence.

Whether it is a ghost or a human being, if you are willing to make trouble or play pranks, you are probably too lonely.If you let him know that he has yin and yang eyes, he may cause even bigger troubles after being entangled.

Su Wei pretended not to see it, walked two steps forward, and then turned around suddenly: "Hey! By the way, An Yao, do you have that... I see red on my body, it's used up, can you first Lend me yours?"

An Yao in the kitchen came out of the kitchen immediately when she heard the voice: "Okay, I'll get it for you, you stay here and watch the pot first, don't let the pot get burnt."

While speaking, An Yao had already reached the kitchen door.

(End of this chapter)

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