Chapter 377
Gu Yu and Gu Xiao saw their parents being so loving, and couldn't help but secretly look at Su Wei, fearing that the other party would find them peeking at someone else, but they didn't know that they were looking at the same person.

Su Wei was drinking tea leisurely, but there was no response, she occasionally raised her head and glanced at Gu Yu and Gu Xiao's direction, but Gu Yu and Gu Xiao blushed at the calm sight like an ancient well.

Gu Xiao resisted the agitation in his heart, and realized that the children were still here. He cleared his cough, pretending that nothing happened, and secretly glanced at Su Ci, only to find that he was staring at her, as if he blamed her for blasphemy in front of the children. so.She secretly laughed, and coughed again: "I've heard about this too. Next month is the imperial examination. Mr. Kong has submitted a memorial to His Majesty, and His Majesty is also optimistic about you, but I still think you have to pass the imperial examination. Look at your strength. So you have to work hard in the imperial examination."

Su Wei nodded: "Okay, I see. Auntie is fine, so I went back to study."

Gu Xiao nodded: "Okay, you go back, I have already sent someone to clean your room, and I will arrange for you to go back, Rong Yue."

Hanlin Academy is a place with strict requirements. No matter who or what status they live in, they must be alone when they live in. They cannot take care of their own daily life.Because the dean of this academy was the teacher of the late emperor when he was alive, and he also had the Shang Fang sword bestowed by the late emperor to beat the faint king and the treacherous officials, so no one resisted, and some family members were happy to have their children come here to exercise.

So Rong Yue was arranged at home. Su Wei was afraid that he would be bullied alone, so she specially left him with Su Ci to take care of the daily life of the mistress. Rong Yue was ingenious and understanding, and Su Ci also liked him very much. He kept him by his side.

Su Wei replied playfully: "Wei'er brought you a small gift, a set of pens, inks, papers and inkstones from Shuxiangge and powder and rouge from Yirenlou. The pens, inks, papers and inkstones are for aunt. Those powders and rouges are The new ones are for uncles, cousins, and uncles at home."

Su Ci was a little surprised, and then moved and said: "You child, come back as soon as you come back. What kind of gifts do you bring from your own family? The things in Shuxiang Pavilion and Yiren Building are not cheap."

Su Wei curled her lips slightly: "No matter how expensive it is, it's not as important as your happiness."

Gu Xiao laughed, looking at Su Wei with expectations in his eyes: "Good boy!"

Both Shuxiang Pavilion and Yiren Building are on the busiest street in the capital.Shuxiang Pavilion specializes in the things that literati need. This signboard must be brushes, inks, papers and inkstones. I heard that the four treasures of the study are extremely fine in workmanship, meticulously carved, and carefully crafted. After that, I discarded the Four Treasures of the Study that I used to use, and only loved this Shuxiang Pavilion.

With this live advertisement, anyone with status wants to buy one set, but unfortunately it only makes five sets a month, as long as the quality is not the quantity, and one person can only buy one set, so many people can't buy it even if they have money.

And Yiren Pavilion is specially made for the nobles in the capital. All the rouge and face powder are unique, there is no pungent smell, some are just pure natural taste of nature, the powder is light and delicate, people who have used it say it is good, every time Every time a new product comes out, it is bound to be looted by nobles. Those who snatch it are extremely proud, and those who don’t get it are very annoyed. Using Yirenge’s face powder and rouge powder seems to have become a kind of comparison among the upper class.

These two shops suddenly appeared a year ago, and the business was booming, but no one dared to do anything, because the people sent to investigate were forced to stop. They only knew that the people behind them were very powerful, and they might have something to do with the royal family. , so people with small thoughts quiet down and dare not touch them.

Gu Xiao has always missed the four treasures of the study that were just made, and he has not bought them until now. The bureaucrats who have bought them will often show them off in front of him. This time he can finally dismiss them in secret.Yesterday was the time when Yiren Pavilion released new products. When Su Ci sent people to buy them, they were already sold out due to the distance and the small quantity. It's a new product, and there's nothing to be proud of.But they didn't expect Wei'er to buy it, and they bought so much.

The servant came in with a lot of things, and a set of four treasures of the study was handed over to Gu Xiao by Su Wei. It was obvious that she liked it very much and couldn't put it down.The rest are some rouge gouache and face powder, with various fragrances, Su Wei directly let them choose by themselves, there are a lot of them, so it doesn't matter if one person chooses more.Su Ci couldn't help but also walked over to choose with Gu Xiao and Gu Yu.

After all the presents were taken, Su Wei saw that they were all very satisfied, so she said that she had brought back some luggage and needed to be sorted, so she left first.

For the next few days, Su Wei stayed in the yard and studied hard, except for going out for a while when eating. Later, when the time for the scientific examination was getting closer, Gu Xiao directly ordered the small kitchen to be in charge of Su Wei's three Meal, sit down and send it to her.

This afternoon, the breeze was blowing, the sun was warm, and it was comfortable. Su Wei was reading in the yard.

Gu Xiao looked at the dry weather, and at the direction of Su Wei's yard, and seemed to see her studying hard, and suddenly made a decision in his heart: "Shaoyao, go make a pear soup and send it to Miss Biao. The weather is dry, the pear soup nourishes the lungs, do you know how to secretly send it?"

Shao Yao took the order and stepped back.

Gu Xiaomei's eyes wandered, thinking of the few days when Su Wei just came home, she seemed to be a lot more introverted, but she was still as gentle and considerate when talking to others, as if thinking of something again, he sighed slightly.

"Young master, young master, let's go back." Bai Zhi lowered her voice and looked at Gu Yu who was squatting in the corner in front of her with a face that looked like she was about to cry.

Gu Yu raised her eyebrows, and her crisp voice was also lowered: "No, we all escaped from the inner courtyard. Just let me take a look and we'll go back. Just a moment."

Bai Zhi said in a slightly tearful voice: "Master, if the housekeeper finds out about this, the servant will definitely be scolded to death."

Gu Yu hated iron and steel and said: "You know this, I know it, who else can know, you will be fine, if something happens, I will take care of it, just let me know why you are panicking, quick, help me. "

Gu Yu was originally very happy that Su Wei finally came home, and finally could see her again, even though it was only far away, it was better than not being at home for four months.

But originally he could still see her once or twice a day. Later, her three meals were brought to her, and he no longer had the chance to see her. It had been almost a week, and he was scratching his head and scratching his head. I was so itchy that I decided to sneak out from the inner courtyard and climb the wall to take a look at her.

Bai Zhi is Gu Yu's confidant. When she heard the young master's plan, she was almost scared to death. This is not something that a lady would do. She ran to the outer courtyard and climbed over the wall just to see Miss Cousin. Not to be fined.Bai Zhi tried to persuade her for a long time, but she couldn't persuade her. In the end, she could only bribe the servant who looked after the yard to accommodate her.

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(End of this chapter)

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