The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 35 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 8

Chapter 35 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 8
Wu Yong's eyes flickered, and he answered no.In fact, there were others, and that was the servant who poisoned Fu Zeyu, who should have been silenced by Feng Minglei.

However, the sixth uncle happened to recognize the young man as his long-lost nephew when he intercepted and killed Fu Zeyu, so instead of following Feng Minglei's order, he killed the young man named Qing Yu indiscriminately, but secretly Save the boy.

However, he knew that Qing Yu's existence, whether it was Feng Minglei or Fu Zeyu, would not let them go.

"Well, that's it. I heard that the escaped horse thief had a nickname like Xiaolu?" Su Wei said seemingly unintentionally.

Wu Yong's face changed greatly, and he was thinking in his eyes. Suddenly he knelt down suddenly, looked at Fu Zeyu and said: "I hope you can find Qingyu. He is a kind boy. He was also forced. After you persuade him to be a witness, Can you let him live? Even if you want to kill me, I will have no regrets."

Fu Zeyu, who had not spoken all the time, looked at him, with hatred in his calm eyes: "You want me to let him go? He poisoned me."

Wu Yong was choked and said intermittently: "That child, that child has been kind since he was a child. He must have been forced, and he is innocent when he was forced."

Su Wei said at this time: "This uncle's words are not kind, he is innocent? Does he deserve what he was poisoned?"

Wu Yong searched for words, and finally pleaded: "When you find him, he will explain. He must have difficulties. If he has difficulties, please let him go. I will definitely testify against Feng Minglei."

Fu Zeyu lowered his eyelids, thinking, and after a long time he nodded in Wu Yong's expectant eyes.

Wu Yong was overjoyed and said thank you straight away.

Su Wei let out a satisfied laugh.Fu Zeyu looked at her. When Su Wei was saving people, Fu Zeyu first thought that Su Wei was a chivalrous woman who drew her sword to help when she saw injustice. Later, when she found that Su Wei tortured the killer more enthusiastically than himself, the bitter master, he turned to Su Wei. His identity became suspicious.

"Who are you?" Fu Zeyu asked.

Su Wei paused before she realized that she had always felt that Fu Zeyu hadn't asked her, so she must have forgotten, and she didn't need to explain.Unexpectedly, Fu Zeyu did not forget!
"I, I am Feng Minglei's enemy, hehe, Damu Mu, I didn't hurt you anyway, weren't I helping you?" Su Wei chuckled, her careless movements completely inconsistent with her innocent little face.

Fu Zeyu frowned: "You want to use me to help you take revenge on Feng Minglei?"

Su Wei shook her head, and tapped her chin with her finger: "It's not considered taking advantage of it, you and him are absolutely vengeful, let the little fellow Qingyu poison you, and then find a horse thief to make you fall off the cliff, if you die Well, it's probably just a pile of bones now. So it's a mutual benefit, right?"

Fu Zeyu was taken aback by her words, how could she know these things?Seeing her harmless appearance, Fu Zeyu suppressed the doubts in his heart and did not ask any more questions.

Arrive at the inn in nearby Tonghu Village.

Su Wei came to Fu Zeyu's door and knocked on the door: "Are you there?"

Fu Zeyu said: "Come in, the door is open."

Then there was another thin sound of getting dressed.

Su Wei pushed open the door, and Fu Zeyu was sitting on the edge of the bed with irregular underwear.A honey-colored chest was revealed.

Su Wei went in unnecessarily, holding the scar-removing elixir: "It's for you. Our clan, er, the family's elixir is particularly effective. I see that your face seems to be injured, and it will definitely heal."

Su Wei is outspoken, it is best not to hide anything about his suspicion and distrust, and say what you want to say.

Fu Zeyu looked up at her, and said lightly, "I'm afraid I'll scare you."

Su Wei sat on the stool and poured herself a glass of water: "I've seen all the horrible things."

Indeed, in a world other than human beings, many cruel things are bound to happen.

Fu Zeyu stared at her with dark eyes, and Su Wei looked back without hesitation.

With big eyes and small eyes, Fu Zeyu sighed, and slowly took off the mask. There was a long scar on his face from the brow bone to the corner of the mouth, which almost hurt his eyes.

There were also many scratches and a scar where something had knocked off a piece of flesh.

Oh my god, Su Wei's eyes flashed with distress, this is unbearably painful, the originally handsome young man has been disfigured, doesn't that mean ruining his self-esteem.

"My God, does your scar still hurt?" Su Wei said softly.

Fu Zeyu didn't see emotions such as fear and disgust in her eyes, so he was relieved for some reason, but he was also very heartwarming, as if no one had ever asked him if it hurt.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, the scab has already formed." Fu Zeyu replied with a calm tone, as if he was talking about what he ate today and where he went.

Su Wei stepped forward: "No, you can't see clearly in this mirror. I'll give you medicine, and the one on your body. This medicine is very good. You will definitely not have any scars after using it."

Fu Zeyu's ears were slightly red, and many injuries on his body were in hidden places. Even if she was willing to take medicine, he would be embarrassed.

He dodged and said again and again: "No, no, you put me down."

Su Wei chuckled: "You're still shy. Okay, I'm just teasing you. You can take the medicine when I'm out. By the way, my name is Su Wei."

Seeing Su Wei go out, Fu Zeyu opened the small box. Inside was a box of mint green transparent paste, which had a cool smell.

He dipped a little bit with his index finger, and it felt icy and cool. He looked in the mirror and applied it to his face.

Is it really possible?Can it really be good?He is a proud man, but he has been wearing this face for many years, and he has given up any hope. Now, is it really a hope?

Fu Zeyu was very disturbed, and fell asleep with the ointment on according to Su Wei's instructions.

It was just dawn, and the habit of years made him wake up at the first crow of the cock.

He got up and changed his clothes, and suddenly saw a thick layer of plaster on his face in the mirror.

Since it was clinging to the face and solidified, I couldn't feel its existence.

The plaster has become much darker, no longer mint green, but a bit gray.

Fu Zeyu stretched out his hand and tapped it lightly, the solidified plaster on his face split open, and then took off a piece of hard plaster.

When they were all removed, Fu Zeyu touched the scars on his face, and there was no difference in sight, but when he touched them, he could feel that the scars on his face had softened a lot and were no longer so hard.

Fu Zeyu looked at his own appearance in the mirror and smiled to himself, how could he become so... Could it be that there is hope, so a little change can magnify a lot?
Putting on a mask to hide the joy in his eyes, he got up and went out.

Su Wei also got up, so the two tied up the killer and the horse thief and walked on the mountain road.

Since they had tied up the horse thieves and killers, taking the official road was too conspicuous. Although it was a bit detoured by taking the mountain road, Qingyu lived there and couldn't escape, but he might be late for a day or two.

 Good morning, ─=≡Σ(((?つ??ω??)つThe author is here to show off.

(End of this chapter)

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