Chapter 345
The ancestral hall in the mountain village is a large courtyard, and there are two side rooms on the left and right sides of the courtyard, one of which is the place where Guan Mengjun and Su Wei live.In the middle is the main room, where the tablets of the ancestor gods are placed, and there are rooms and a small yard behind, where the tablets of ordinary villagers are placed.

Meng Jun and Su Wei huddled together by the window and looked outside, and saw people walking into the yard from outside one after another.Some are alone, while others are in groups.Su Wei remembered that Meng Jun told herself last night that they would be released after the village chief's meeting.

You don't need to ask Su Wei to know why there is a meeting and what kind of meeting it is.

It didn't take long for Su Wei to see her parents also present.When her mother saw herself in the window, she ran over immediately, and secretly stuffed two pancakes in for herself and Meng Jun.He also thanked Meng Jun. If the village chief didn't see his son there, he would definitely punish Su Wei severely.

Soon, all the villagers arrived, and the village head also came.This time was different from previous meetings.In the past, each family sent a representative to the rural meetings, but this time, the whole village came.

The courtyard, which was originally very large, now seems a bit crowded.

"It doesn't look like this is a meeting organized by the village chief. It should be the villagers who came here spontaneously and called the village chief." Su Wei said.

Meng Jun nodded: "Three people died in a row. Moreover, Zuo Lan's sedan chair came out again last night. Even if my father only asked one family to send one representative, it would definitely be the whole village. After all, now People’s hearts are in panic, and everyone is in danger.”

Everyone stood still in the yard, and the village head who stood at the front spoke: "Because of Zuo Lan's incident a few days ago, everyone is very scared now, but don't worry, everyone, I will find out the truth soon !"

"What's the use of finding out the truth? It must be Zuo Lan's mess!"

"Yes, yes, Zuo Lan was forced to get married and died in an unknown way. He must have been very resentful, so he dragged away the two bearers for burial. Now he is still parading in the village every night. We are here How do you live your life?"

"So, aren't the two remaining bearers in danger?"

As soon as the village chief said a word, the humble villagers began to whisper to each other, and their hearts were unstable.

The village head had a headache: "Everyone, don't panic."

"Why don't we panic? Now it's two bearers who have died. There's no guarantee that the rest of the people will also be dragged down. You know, when Zuo Lan got married, we didn't stop him. Now Zuo Lan If we can't find the murderer, we can't guarantee that the whole village will be buried with him!" a woman at the bottom shouted.

"That child Zuo Lan was very kind before he was alive, shouldn't he?" another woman thought with luck.

"That was also during life. If a good person dies in an unknown way, he will turn into a evil ghost! If we don't find the murderer now and don't stop her, who knows what the situation will be like in the future?" the first woman replied.

People around were noisy, but there was no movement in one corner.

It was where the old rich man stood.The old rich man's son stood beside him, sniffling and licking a bunch of candied haws. The noise of the crowd was in stark contrast to the two people's desolate schedule, and Meng Jun and Su Wei, who were still locked in the room, immediately frowned.

The sound of the scene had completely overwhelmed the voice of the village chief alone, and some young girls in the crowd even cried after listening to it, as if they would really disappear in an instant.

Just as the crowd was getting louder and fiercer, the two surviving bearers suddenly emerged from the crowd and knelt down in front of the village chief with a "plop": "Village chief, we are all innocent, we are just Responsible for carrying the sedan chair, we don't want to die yet!"

"Yes, yes, I still have an 80-year-old mother at home, and she still wants to watch me marry a wife and have children. I dare not tell her about these things! Please, please save us! "

Each of the two bearers said a word, and after finishing speaking, they kowtowed their heads in front of the village chief.

At this moment, the village chief was stunned.He originally wanted to find out something from the two bearers.But looking at it now, probably even if I ask myself, there won't be any high-value news.Looking at the others, they also became quiet, and they all looked at the village chief with pleading eyes.

Yes, no one wants to die, even if they don't have any particularly lofty goals and dreams when they are alive.

The silence in the courtyard was oppressive.Meng Jun in the small black room also held his breath and stared at his father.Su Wei looked at Meng Jun, rolled her eyes, and asked softly, "Do you want to help your father and continue to find out the truth of the matter?"

"What? What can you do?" Meng Jun immediately turned his head and looked at Su Wei expectantly.

Su Wei nodded as it should: "Yes, but I still need your help."

"How to help?"

"So helpful!"

Before Meng Jun could react, Su Wei reached over with one hand and pinched Meng Jun's waist fiercely.Meng Jun screamed, breaking the silence in the courtyard, and everyone turned their attention to the small black room.

"What are you doing!" Meng Jun glared at Su Wei.

Su Wei gestured with her eyes, Meng Jun suddenly understood, coughed twice in embarrassment, and shouted to the outside: "I have a way, I know how to save you!"

Everyone was surprised, but then someone in the crowd made a disdainful voice: "What can two young kids know?"

"That's not necessarily the case. The village chief's son will never tell lies, and the two of them were witnesses to Yan Jin's death yesterday." There was a voice of refutation from the crowd.

Immediately someone ran over and asked Meng Jun what was going on.

Meng Jun looked at the locked door, meaning to let the two of them out first.The village head immediately asked someone to unlock the door, Su Wei and Meng Jun walked out, and immediately someone came over to get water and food.

"You better not lie, you brat, or you will see how you behave in the village in the future!" The village head reminded in a low voice.

Meng Jun looked at Su Wei, and Su Wei said it was okay, so he said, "Everyone should know why Su Wei and I were locked in a small dark room yesterday. In fact, before Yan Jin's sudden death, he was The one who revealed the news to the two of us. Today, as long as I continue to ask a few more questions, everything will be revealed, and we will also be able to find a way for us to save ourselves."

After saying that, Meng Jun went to see Su Wei, and Su Wei said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with Zuo Lan. Even if he dies and turns into a ghost, he is still controlled by evil things. It was not Sister Zuo Lan's original intention. Yesterday, before Yan Jin died, he told us that the evil thing was the wedding dress Zuo Lan was wearing when he got married that day!"

(End of this chapter)

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