The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 323 The original heroine's counterattack 4

Chapter 323 The original heroine's counterattack 4
"Bosses, please be quiet, according to the reserve price..."

Before the host finished speaking, another staff member came up, whispered something in her ear, and quickly left the venue.Everyone on the field stared at the host.The host coughed twice: "The seller agreed to raise the base price to 560 million, but which boss is willing to continue to increase the price?"

No one answered.Three seconds later, the hammer fell again, and the huge stone belonged to Su Wei.But at this moment, Lin Xianjun's teeth were itching with hatred. Today, she got nothing but a piece of worthless stone.

Su Wei was taken by the staff to go through various formalities, and just after leaving the box, she met Ye Yuxiang and Lin Xianjun again.At the meeting, she had a panoramic view of the warm gestures of the two of them, and now Ye Yuxiang simply hugged him into his arms to comfort him.

"It's pitiful for a lost dog to bark at each other." Su Wei cast a sidelong glance at the two of them, and planned to continue walking with the staff.But Ye Yuxiang stepped up and caught Su Wei out in one go.Su Wei is not a delicate woman. One hand was caught, and the other hand raised her hand and slapped Ye Yuxiang on the face.

Ye Yuxiang was stunned by this slap, the staff and Lin Xianjun did not expect that Su Wei, who used to be obedient to Ye Yuxiang in the past, suddenly changed into such a fierce one.

"I forgot what I just said in a blink of an eye. Young Master Ye really forgets things a lot. I remember that when the Ye family's capital turnover was not good, he even borrowed a sum of money from the Su family. How about now..." Su Wei's eyebrows changed and then revealed A gentle smile.

When Lin Xianjun heard that something was not good, she quickly pulled Ye Yuxiang and apologized to Su Wei.Ye Yuxiang was naturally dissatisfied, but now that the words had come to an end, he could only grit his teeth and endure the humiliation.

Seeing the backs of those two people leaving in a hurry, Su Wei sneered.

Since Ye Yuxiang dared to take that step, he shouldn't expect her to be merciful.

After the formalities were completed, Su Wei drove ahead and led the delivery staff of the auction to her warehouse.Su Wei is in a particularly good mood today, and the car horns are always cheerful along the way.

The Su family's stone warehouse is located in a relatively remote suburb, including the stone processing factory nearby. Su's father made this arrangement in order to reduce investment in land rent and transportation costs.

When they arrived at the warehouse entrance, Su Wei wanted to call the people in the factory to open the door, but unexpectedly, the doors of the three connected warehouses were all wide open, and the workers who were supposed to be processing in the factory were busy moving in and out.

Su Wei got out of the car, and while directing the staff to unload the goods, she asked the workers what was going on.Before the worker could speak, Su Wei was patted on the shoulder.

"Hello, Xiaoweier, long time no see."

Su Wei turned her head, and saw a man in a navy blue coat standing behind her. The curvature of the corner of his mouth was extraordinarily warm with the winter sun.

"Young Master Xiao." Su Wei was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

Xiao Shao and Xiao Yu, who have no father and no mother, were born in an orphanage, but at a young age, they have mastered the import and export batches of stone materials in Myanmar, and they have a large amount of high-grade stone resources in their hands. And there is a trend of development and expansion.

The Su family where Su Wei lived and the Ye family represented by Ye Yuxiang were both well-known families in the jewelry industry, but neither could afford to offend the Xiao family.

Su Wei knew Xiao Yu earlier than Ye Yuxiang. After the two met at the business reception, because of their similar interests, the relationship between the two became closer. Stones are provided.

But later, Su Wei met Ye Yuxiang again because of her family relationship. Ye Yuxiang knew how girls like him, and the two fell in love quickly, while Xiao Yu went abroad because of work.

The contact between Su Wei and Xiao Yu became less and less, and the relationship gradually faded away. She didn't expect to see her old friend in her warehouse now.

"Why did Young Master Xiao come to my warehouse today?" Su Wei asked strangely.

"I should ask you this sentence. I am a supplier of your Su family. It is normal to supervise the delivery of goods into and out of the warehouse. Why did you, a young lady, come to the warehouse today?" Xiao Yu smiled more and more. Nong, he is much gentler and more handsome than Ye Yuxiang.

"Shao Shaogang probably didn't hear about the Stone Gambling Club held at the International Hotel when he returned to China. I took two pictures, but they were too big to keep at home, so I had to have someone transport them here first." Su Wei explained.

Hearing what she said, Xiao Yu immediately turned his attention to the truck at the gate of the factory.Seeing that Xiao Yu was interested, Su Wei made a gesture of invitation: "I haven't had time to find someone to identify it, why don't you take a look at it first?"

While speaking, the staff had already transported the two huge stones to the pallet truck with a crane.The two walked over, Xiao Yu first looked at the jade stone that could be distinguished at a glance, took off the small flashlight from the key, and shone on the stone.

Xiao Yu was shocked, and groped carefully with his hands, and then took a photo with his flashlight in disbelief, then turned around and asked Su Wei: "Is this stone your fancy?"

Su Wei nodded naturally: "Is there any problem?"

"No problem, did you spend a lot on such a large stone?" Xiao Yu asked again.

Su Wei shook her head, and then reported the price to Xiao Yu. At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes widened immediately: "Such a large piece of imperial green is only used at this price? This... this is simply unbelievable!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Wei was also slightly surprised.Imperial green, the best among green jadeites, its color and texture are incomparable with the same kind of jadeite.

Xiao Yu went to look at the other black rough stone.As soon as Xiao Yu went up to touch it, he frowned slightly: "What's the price of this one?"

Su Wei continued to quote.This time Xiao Yu shook his head: "This is obsidian, not worth the price you gave."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Yu was about to walk back in front of Su Wei, but when he turned around and glanced out of the corner of his eye, he saw a glaring white spot.Immediately, he gave another strange "hmm" and went down, followed by another exclamation.

"Hetian mutton fat white jade... why is this jade covered with a layer of obsidian?" Xiao Yu was puzzled, but he stood up excitedly and patted Su Wei on the shoulder, "You've made a lot of money this time, Xiao Wei Son, I really admire you more and more."

Su Wei was also surprised at the benefits this stone brought to her on the one hand, and marveled at the other side, Lin Xianjun's emerald eyes and Xiao Yu's golden pupils are both very powerful, yes, Lin Xianjun's jadeite The eyes are acquired, relying on supernatural powers, Xiao Yu's golden pupils are born, otherwise, Xiao Yu would not have started from scratch at a young age and reached the point where he is today.Nor would it be because Lin Xianjun wanted to upgrade his emerald eyes that he would extend his claws to Xiao Yu.

Su Wei silently reminded herself again, and said to Xiao Yu: "It is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade. From now on, don't say such things to people casually."

"Isn't that because of you? I believe you won't casually tell about my abilities." Xiao Yu looked at Su Wei tenderly.

"Me neither." Su Wei said seriously.

"Alright, alright, Your Majesty, I was wrong. I won't say such things again in the future. It's okay! Just spare the little one!" Xiao Yu begged for mercy.

With a "puchi", Su Wei smiled, like a magnolia flower blooming on a branch.

(End of this chapter)

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