The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 31 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 4

Chapter 31 Rescue the Sad Male Supporting Part 4
Su Wei's lower lip had been bitten, and blood was flowing down the corners of her lips. Her whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and her temple hair was stuck to her wet cheeks.

She raised her eyes to look at the bone in Shengzi's hand. It was crystal clear and about the size of an apple. Is this the divine bone?The divine bones that support a person's immortality and eternal youth?
She didn't know why, but she felt a little funny and chuckled.

Looking behind the Holy Son, Shang Qiangwei had already burst into tears and was half-leaning on someone from the same tribe.

Su Wei forced a smile, which made everyone present feel sad. They had experienced this many times, but they had never seen a person who could only shout once when removing the sacred bones and remain silent until the end.

A smile under such a baptism made their noses sore and they almost shed tears.

The Son put Su Wei down and lay down on a flat stone. The patriarch let her go, and Shang Qiangwei rushed over. Seeing this, the patriarch took the Son and the others away first, leaving only Shang Qiangwei alone.

Shang Qiangwei scolded her for being stupid, and at the same time felt so distressed that she didn't know where to put her hands. It was not that she had never seen him before, but this time it was her good friend, and the relationship was even as important as a family member, so she completely lost her mind.

"It's okay, don't cry." Su Wei smiled, but she was actually scolding her hard in her heart. Why did she have to travel through time to perform the culling of the divine bones? Why couldn't she be culled first and then come back?It hurts her so much.

"It's nothing. From now on... from now on, you won't be able to fly, and you won't be able to live a long life. Do you regret it?" Shang Qiangwei looked at her distressedly.

"There's no use regretting, right?" Su Wei smiled.

"If that man betrays you, teach him a lesson! I'll take care of you if something goes wrong! Go home early..." Shang Qiangwei said viciously.

Su Wei chuckled: "Okay, since you are here to protect me, what am I afraid of?"

Shang Qiangwei was amused by Su Wei's words, she burst into tears, and then thought of something, she rummaged from her arms while searching: "No, I have to find some more self-defense things for you, the human world is too complicated, you must Get these ready."

As he spoke, he took out things of all sizes from his arms. There were many healing elixirs, as well as various self-defense weapons and travel items. They were wrapped in soft disks, and a large pile of stone slabs was piled up.

As if this was not enough, Shang Qiangwei started to take out all kinds of strange things, including chairs, tables, and mirrors, and finally pulled out a large fishing net.

Su Wei was stunned and retracted her slightly stiff chin, lamenting that this was too fantasy. In modern times, her consciousness has been unable to get used to such fantasy things.

Quickly stopped Shang Qiangwei's increasingly strange movements: "Qiangwei, Qiangwei, enough is enough, I can't take so many things with me."

Shang Qiangwei stopped her movements and frowned when she looked at these things!She was a little embarrassed: "How can these be enough? I think they have to bring everything with them every time they go."

Every once in a while, the Yi tribe will have a special person go to the human world to buy some things, and at the same time buy some small toys in the human world for the children in the sales school. In order to save some unnecessary expenses, they will generally put all their All belongings are taken away, anyway, they can put things in the sea of ​​consciousness, and they can take out what they want in a hidden place.

Su Wei couldn't laugh or cry: "Qiangwei, have you forgotten that I don't know the sea now? How can I bring so many things?"

Upon hearing this, Shang Qiangwei reacted, her eyes turned slightly red again, she bent down to pick up a small jade bottle, opened the cork, and a cool and refreshing smell came out.

She poured out a mellow pill and brought it to Su Wei's mouth: "Eat this first, it will restore your body."

Su Wei opened her mouth obediently, and the elixir melted in her mouth, and a stream of sweet liquid went into Su Wei's throat, and flowed down to her stomach.

Not long after drinking it, she felt that her energy was much better, and her limbs seemed to be unclogged by something, making her stronger.

After regaining her energy, Su Wei couldn't lie still, sat up, and began to sort out the pile of things in front of her, keeping all the useful ones and throwing aside all the useless ones.

After persuading countless things to be useless, Shang Qiangwei sat on the ground resentfully like a little daughter-in-law, packed the things Su Wei picked out one by one, and took back the things she didn't want one by one.

"By the way, do you still have the holy medicine for scar removal? Give me a box and I will be useful." Su Wei suddenly thought of an important thing and asked Shang Qiangwei.

Shang Qiangwei, who was packing her luggage blankly, was stunned for a moment and nodded: "Also, but you don't have any scars, why do you need this?"

Su Wei pursed her lips and smiled: "If you have one, just give me a box and I will use it."

She didn't forget about Fu Zeyu, this scar removal elixir was prepared for Fu Zeyu, because Fu Zeyu had already been disfigured, and she must need him to carry out a series of actions, so Fu Zeyu's appearance must be cured.

In his previous life, it was because of Fu Zeyu's disfigurement and Shen Shiqin's refusal to recognize Fu Zeyu's identity that Fu Zeyu was besieged by those people, and no one spoke up for Fu Zeyu.

The original owner's action became the last straw for Fu Zeyu. The source of all this was that he was disfigured. As long as he restored his appearance, things would turn around.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and finally the packing was finished. Su Wei exhaled, clapped her hands, looked at the things she had packed, and said to Shang Qiangwei: "Okay, I'm leaving then."

Shang Qiangwei became anxious and wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start. She just sent a signal to the air and turned to look at Su Wei: "They all want to come to see you off, but they can't come when it's time to pick out the divine bones. It’ll be there soon, just wait.”

Su Wei's expression was moved. She did have several good friends. Some grew up together in the Charity Hospital, and some lived close to her. They all treated her very well. They must be worried about what happened to her this time. up.

She sighed, retie the rope back to the stake, and nodded.

Not long after, a group of people flocked to see Su Wei's blood-stained clothes, feeling a little sad and distressed.

A young man with a sunny and lively face spoke first: "Weiwei, do you have to go?"

Su Wei nodded, her eyes full of determination.

A gentle man frowned: "It's not so easy to come back after going out."

Su Wei looked at him and said, "I know."

A young man with peach blossom eyes clenched his fist: "Weiwei, if you are bullied outside, send us a signal and we will beat him to death. If you want, you can beat him to death. The worst is to beat him." Come back when you die. Who can catch you, we Yi people are not so easy to mess with."

The young man with a lively face also nodded, obviously agreeing with this peach-eyed statement.

The gentle and elegant man also nodded slightly, his words were rude and not rude, the only point is not to worry about the consequences, you don't have to bear with anyone who bullies you, and they have the Yi Clan behind her.

 Happy reading O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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