Chapter 300
When the emperor heard that the queen came to see him, he was surprised for a while, but finally came out to see her happily.After all, they were a young couple. Although he was afraid of the power of the Queen's family, he had feelings for the Queen herself.

"Seeing that the emperor has been working hard recently, my concubine felt very distressed, so she ordered someone to cook a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus seed soup and bring it to the emperor." As soon as the queen saw the emperor, she hurriedly saluted and asked someone to present it to him. That bowl of porridge.

At this time, the servant who was serving the emperor immediately picked it up, tested the poison and sent it to the emperor.

The emperor looked at the queen, then looked at the queen, and saw that she was smiling happily, and said: "The queen has such a heart, I feel very relieved." After saying that, he picked up the bowl of porridge.

The queen watched him drink the bowl of porridge contentedly, with a smile on her face all the time.

"Only our queen can make the emperor so happy." The servant said quickly when he saw that the emperor was eating happily.

The emperor glanced at him and said, "You are just too talkative. What the queen sent is different from other places."

After finishing speaking, everyone was dismissed from the screen.The queen came over at this time, and the emperor had already figured out what was going on with her.

The maids and servants got the signal, stepped back a few steps, saluted, and retreated one by one.

When the queen saw the emperor's actions, she also smiled embarrassingly.

After everyone walked away, the queen sat down beside the emperor and said, "I haven't been this happy for a long time."

The emperor glanced at her and saw that she was indeed smiling happily, so he asked, "What made the empress so happy?"

The queen smiled slightly with lowered eyebrows, and said: "It's not that girl Xinyi, she likes Qianmo, I can see it. Today I heard that Qianmo's heart belongs to her, do you think this is a great happy event? Talented and beautiful, I think only Xinyi can match up with our Qianmo."

The emperor originally intended to grant them a marriage, and he had thought about this when he granted the eldest prince a marriage that day.Now he is very happy to see his children growing up.

After thinking about it, I felt that what the queen said made sense. Seeing that Concubine Shu was becoming more and more powerful in the palace, the emperor was also afraid and considered the queen's intentions. After all, in his opinion, Jun Qianmo was at least a good son. .

Within a few days, the imperial decree of the marriage was handed down.

A stone in Jun Qianmo's heart also fell, and he happily accepted the imperial edict.At this moment, everything he wanted was getting closer and closer.

Su Wei also smiled when she heard the news. She was happy for Chen Xinyi, but didn't say anything else.

In the prime minister's mansion, Chen Xinyi wept with joy, she had been waiting for this day for many years.It's not a day or two since she likes Jun Qianmo, but Jun Qianmo has never expressed it, and she wants to become a princess and future queen, and she doesn't want to give up her long-cherished wish for Jun Qianmo.

This time Jun Qianmo reached an agreement with her aunt, the best of both worlds, her wish was fulfilled, and she was filled with unspeakable joy.As soon as she received the order, she happily went to the princess mansion to find the eldest princess.

Chen Xinyi, who was dressed in blue clothes, looked more and more glamorous at this moment, and she was very happy no matter where she looked.

As soon as she saw the eldest princess, she hurriedly saluted and said, "See the eldest princess."

The pear blossoms in the Princess Mansion were just in bloom, and they were scattered all over the ground with the breeze while they were talking.

The eldest princess looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her and was lost for a moment. The next moment she hurriedly helped her up and said, "Xinyi, you and I will be a family from now on. You should call me sister."

Chen Xinyi blushed, looked at the eldest princess and laughed, and said, "Princess, you are making fun of me again."

The eldest princess knows her long-standing ambition, and also knows that she will love Qianmo when she marries Qianmo.She looked at Chen Xinyi who was blushing, and pulled her into the room.

The two talked a lot of interesting things together, and it seemed like a match made in heaven.

Jun Qianmo was practicing sword alone in the backyard at this time, and now he has no choice.Following his movements, the blade wove a flower.

As for the emperor, the queen has been testing.

The position of the crown prince has always been pending, and even the emperor has a lot of considerations in his mind.Although it is said that the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, the emperor is a man after all, so he can't stand the queen's bedside talk.

"Today, Qianmo's child brought his bride to greet the concubine. Seeing how affectionate the young couple are, the concubine is sincerely happy for them, and at the same time, happy for the Holy One, having such a good son as Qianmo." The queen served the emperor for dinner and whispered in his ear.

At this time, Jun Qianmo had already married Chen Xinyi, everyone in the world knew what kind of wedding was unparalleled in the world.

Hearing what the queen said, the emperor remembered the scene when Jun Qianmo and Chen Xinyi offered tea to him today.It's been a long time since he had seen that child properly, and no matter how he looked at it, he felt that Jun Qianmo was sensible and obedient.The same is true for Chen Xinyi beside him, she is worthy of being the daughter of the prime minister after a famous family.What's more, his body is becoming more and more useless, and it's time to establish a prince.

The emperor thought a lot for a while, and remembered Jun Qianmo when he was a child, so sensible and clever.At the same time, he also knew that the queen also had a favorite candidate for the crown prince, and that must be Jun Qianmo.

As an emperor, he has many eyes and ears, so how could he not know the conduct of his children?He is watching the eldest prince's every move, and he also knows that the eldest prince has always been walking between General Su Xiongsu and Chen Xiang. As for the reason, he is very clear about it.

The emperor looked at the smiling queen and said, "Yes! Qianmo is indeed a good boy. He married Chen Xiang's daughter, and it seems that he really likes her. This is really rare."

Concubine Shugui was also in a hurry at this time, seeing that Jun Qianmo married Chen Xiang's daughter.She cursed Su Yan again, her face was full of tiredness, and she said: "If it wasn't for that girl who didn't live up to her expectations, she would have harmed herself instead of others, I am afraid that the emperor's thoughts should be on the eldest prince at this time." How can it be Jun Qianmo's turn to be busy there, and now the emperor is more and more fond of him."

However, the king's will is unpredictable, how can she really know the emperor's mind.These years, because of the mother's family, the emperor has taken good care of the eldest prince on the surface, but he has long been dissatisfied with this in his heart.The power of Concubine Shu's family is getting bigger and bigger, and as the emperor, he also feels a lot of pressure.

On the other hand, the queen's power is also expanding, and the emperor still feels that there is nothing to worry about after thinking about it.After all, the queen has no biological son. Even if the queen loves Jun Qianmo, Jun Qianmo is still his own son. Moreover, his own body knows that it will be more and more useless. If the crown prince is not established early , I am afraid that the court will be shaken up in the future, which is not what he wants to see.Seeing that Jun Qianmo was so obedient, he deliberately gave the crown prince to Jun Qianmo.

In this way, after some time, the queen kept blowing the wind in the emperor's ear.The queen knew the emperor's thoughts well, so she deliberately chose what he liked to say, and asked Jun Qianmo to do a few things according to the emperor's wishes. The emperor finally made a decision, and the crown prince became Jun Qianmo. stuff in the bag.

Jun Qianmo waited for so long, and on this day it finally became a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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