Chapter 265
Su Wei's thoughts changed.

I don't know when the queen has appeared in front of her eyes. If the original owner's mother was still alive, wouldn't she be so glamorous and charming, even if she is a young lady, she still has charm, not to mention that the queen is so well maintained.

The general welcomed the emperor and queen into the mansion, and all the officials behind him also gave way.However, the queen noticed the little girl standing quietly at the side, respectful and polite, with picturesque features.

It was time for Su Wei to start preparing. After the emperor took his seat, she left directly.

The playbook has been prepared, and in the previous life, I heard that the queen doesn't like to listen to plays, so I sent Luluo to lead the queen to the back garden, calling it passing by, but in fact I naturally wanted to play with the queen.

The princes and princesses have also arrived, so Su Yan naturally pestered the eldest prince, saying that she was listening to an opera, but in fact Su Yan couldn't understand a word, but the third princess was crying and laughing for a while.

Among these princesses, the most eye-catching one is probably the eldest princess.There is no teacher in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I don't know if it is completely inherited from her mother and concubine. Xian Guifei also lost the emperor's soul because of a song.

General Su was by the emperor's side, knowing that the empress was also settled in the mansion, so he could rest assured. Aunt Liu was also giving orders before and after the stage. Big noodles.

Jun Qianmo was the most polite and the first to congratulate General Su on his birthday.But he never saw Su Wei.

In the back garden, Su Wei has already prepared refreshments. Naturally, she will not just go out to chat with the queen. In her previous life, she has heard and seen that the queen loves to play chess, but she has already set up the chess game.When performing tasks, often the task is completed, but it will die in that world. If I don’t find something for myself to learn, I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive those days. Today, what she has learned and know is used. use.

Didn't the queen see that shrewd little girl just before entering the mansion?He was very excited just now, but now he is frowning.

The queen immediately became interested, and turned to Luluo and said, "That girl is also from your family?"

Luluo saluted and said, "Report to the queen, this is our eldest lady, Su Wei."

The queen thought about it carefully, but found that General Su favored the concubine daughter Su Yan, and the first daughter Su Wei's sense of existence was too weak, and I am afraid that life is not easy now.

When the queen came close, Su Wei reacted very quickly and saluted immediately: "See empress empress, empress Jin'an."

"Let's get back together." The queen felt very sorry for the child when she saw the child. After all, she was not blessed to have a child. She was just about to take her seat when she found that Su Wei was studying the endgame.

So he looked at it and said, "Did you do it yourself?"

Su Wei said courteously, "My lady, my daughter has learned something from her mother since she was a child, but she is not good at learning and dare not compete with others, and my father has no time to take care of me, so I have to play with myself."

The queen was so distressed that she comforted Su Wei, "Since that's the case, why don't I teach you?"

Su Wei was naturally overjoyed, and hurriedly knelt down to thank her: "Thank you, Empress, for your love."

The two had nothing to say while playing chess, and Lu Luo was always waiting nearby, except for the queen's maid and Lu Luo, no one could get close to them, so naturally the people around the queen were different.

The emperor was a little tired from watching the theater, and it happened to be time for dinner.In fact, Su Wei has already prepared, but still has to wait for the emperor to give orders.

Through playing chess, the queen also discovered that Su Wei is an extremely smart and innocent child, and her love for Su Wei spontaneously arose.

The two didn't break up the chess game until the emperor sent someone to invite the queen.

At the dinner party, each sat down, the emperor was in charge, the queen was at the side, General Su sat down, the other princes and General Su sat on the side, the eldest princess and the third princess sat opposite to General Su, and then it was Su Wei and Su Yan's turn.

Naturally, singing and dancing are indispensable during the dinner party. Although they are brothers, the First Prince and Fourth Prince don't talk much.

The harem is always related to the previous dynasty. The queen's family is prominent. Today's prime minister is under one person and over ten thousand. He is the elder brother of the queen's mother's family. Although he is a civil servant, he also holds military power.

Fortunately, the queen has no children, so the emperor's position is still stable. But today's death of Li Bin can't help but make the emperor feel more crisis. The queen is not a person who cannot tolerate others, but Li Bin is disrespectful to the queen. If she is Shu Guifei Taking action for the Queen's sake, it is very likely that Concubine Shu wanted to use the power of the Queen's mother's family to help her son rise to the top.

If this is the case, the empress must be thinking of a way to check and balance Concubine Shu, after all, if she is firmly on the throne, the ending will be very different in the future.

Although the emperor and queen love each other as before, where does the royal family get their sincerity?It's all about weighing the pros and cons.

If the queen finds a way to let the eldest prince sit firmly on the throne, completely check and balance the noble concubine Shu, and let the eldest prince use it for herself, I am afraid that it will be her own death.

The two most powerful women in the harem cooperated, one showed weakness and wanted to win over the concubine who had a prince, and the other showed loyalty to help the queen remove the stumbling block and clear another obstacle for her own son.

After that, my own situation was also extremely dire.When the emperor thought of this, he understood everything in an instant.

"General Su, come and drink this cup with me!" The emperor raised his cup and drank it down.

General Su will naturally not lag behind.

"Oh, I see that the general's daughter is very cute, is she also at the age of marriage?" The emperor didn't know whether he was pretending to be drunk or trying to pretend to be sober, so he suddenly said such a sentence in a daze.I don't know which daughter it refers to.

"Reporting to the emperor, my daughter is not yet fifteen, but I also want to get engaged." Of course, General Su intends to marry his younger daughter Su Yan to the royal family, but he can't be too eager. After all, the two princes who are most loved by the emperor They are all nearby, if they are too enthusiastic, I am afraid that it will be difficult for my daughter to marry in the future.

"Zichen, my eldest son, has been crowned this year. I also want to find a good marriage for him. I don't want to look down on other ladies from the official family. Zichen is only interested in the youngest daughter of General Su's family." It's a good match!" The emperor heard Su Xiong say that his daughter was not yet 15 years old, so he immediately knew what Su Xiong was talking about, and laughed a few times, "It's better to be a matchmaker for the two of you today. The child has made a marriage?"

General Su was flattered, suppressed the excitement in his heart, laughed a few times, raised his glass and said, "Thank you, Majesty Long En!"

Of course, the emperor also knew that Su Wei's mother died early, and a child is more precious than a mother, so naturally Su Yan is more favored.I didn't say which daughter it was just now, just to test, which daughter is more important in Su Xiong's heart.

Jun Zichen is not happy, he is the eldest son, although he is not the son of the eldest son, but he will inherit the great line in the future, why the woman he married is also a concubine.He is not reconciled.

Su Yan has already gotten carried away with joy, she will be able to marry into the royal family soon, with her father's status in the court, the emperor's ninety-five years of honor, once a word is said, it is hard to catch up, she is destined to marry!

The emperor and the general had a good chat, but the queen was more interested in Su Wei.

 Merry Christmas Eve!

(End of this chapter)

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