Chapter 227
"But..." Although he knew that he was saving someone, the girls present were after all girls who had not yet left the court. At this moment, they stared blankly at Song Yanxi holding Su Minjun, who was soaked and tightly clothed, and put his mouth together. Angry, still couldn't help but blush.

"Wake up!" Suddenly someone screamed.

"Cough cough!" Song Yanxi paused as he wanted to take another breath, and saw Su Minjun cough and spit out a few mouthfuls of water, and then slowly opened his eyes under the nervous gaze of everyone.

"Miss!" Su Minjun's handmaiden Jinyuan and Su Wei's side Miaolan also rushed to the lake at this time. Seeing Su Minjun waking up, they were excited and ran over to pick Su Minjun from Song Yanxi's arms.

"..." Su Minjun slowly opened his eyes and looked weakly at the people in front of him.

"Cousin!" Song Yanxi, whose eyes were full of remorse and joy, grabbed her hand at this time, only rejoicing that she finally came back to life.

"Go away..." As soon as he saw Song Yanxi's face, he remembered his ferocity and madness just now, Su Minjun shrank his hands, although his strength was small, he still avoided Song Yanxi.

"It's fine, send Third Miss Su back to Shangshu's Mansion!" The princess Su Minjun breathed a sigh of relief after watching her escape from danger, and ordered the servants to prepare a carriage to take Su Minjun back to the mansion.

"It's good that this person was saved. It's finally out of danger. It's just that Miss Su, weren't you in the flower viewing pavilion just now? How did you come here? Did you accidentally fall into the water?"

Everyone was relieved that Su Minjun was fine, but at the same time, some people were wondering why she appeared here.Seeing that she was fine, the doubts in his heart naturally came out.

This question full of doubts caused everyone's eyes to shift to Song Yanxi who was drenched all over. Thinking back to his nervousness and ambiguous mouth-to-mouth breathing when he just saved someone, everyone's eyes flashed, and they even thought about it. Someone chuckled disdainfully, looking at Su Minjun with a trace of contempt in his eyes.

"I am, I came out to get some air..." Su Minjun naturally knew that the current situation was not good for him. He hated Song Yanxi in his heart and at the same time he spoke weakly. .

"..." Su Lingxin, who was standing in the crowd, turned her eyes slightly to the faces of the crowd. Looking at the weak Su Minjun and Song Yanxi, who was blushing abnormally, she suddenly had a plan in her heart, secretly glad that the opportunity came!

"Third sister, it's good that you're fine!" Su Lingxin suddenly stepped out of the crowd and knelt down to support Su Minjun, "You don't know, if Prince Song hadn't saved you with his breath just now, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to come back!" After speaking, she still showed a look of fear on her face.

"..." Su Wei, who was standing behind the crowd and arranged all this, laughed inwardly when she saw Su Lingxin's sudden reaction. This Su Lingxin was really smart, and she took every opportunity to make a move.

In fact, she doesn't need to deliberately mention it again in front of people, what happened today will be spread after the flower viewing party.If Su Minjun died right now, no one would gossip about it, but Su Minjun was saved, and he was saved by Song Yanxi's breath while everyone was watching.As long as people are fine, this kind of thing will become gossip once the flower viewing party is over.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, Su Minjun naturally can't hide!And the reason why she didn't make another move is because she knew that things would develop like this!It's just that Su Lingxin was impatient, and naturally she would not choose to let Su Minjun go easily if she seized the opportunity.What seemed to be her sister's concern was actually another entrapment.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Lingxin said these words, Su Minjun's face immediately turned pale.It wasn't that she didn't feel it subconsciously just now. She just wanted to leave quickly, but she didn't expect that bitch Su Lingxin to mention it again in front of her. Even if she pretended not to know this time, she probably wouldn't be able to do it!

At this time, Song Yanxi was still a virgin after all, he just saved someone and didn't pay attention, only now did he realize that everyone was watching when he rescued Su Minjun just now, and when Su Lingxin mentioned it, his face turned red even more.

"Okay! I will definitely tell Master Shang Shu and Marquis Zhongyong about this matter, and let them make decisions for you, so that your reputation will not be humiliated." The eldest princess said suddenly, looking at Su Minjun and Song Yanxi.

Su Lingxin laughed from the bottom of her heart, what she wanted was for the eldest princess to come forward!As long as she opens her mouth, she will definitely tell her father Su Wenliang and Zhongyonghou about Su Minjun's reputation.In this way, Su Minjun will have to marry Song Yanxi!
Hehehe, Su Lingxin laughed secretly from the bottom of her heart, she was extremely happy, she never thought that in this life, Su Minjun, a little bitch, could be defeated so easily!

Because of her joy, she didn't think carefully about the details of the whole incident, such as why Su Minjun fell into the water.

"What happened just now, the third sister left in a hurry, she must have returned home by now."

After leaving the Hundred Gardens, Su Lingxin was in a good mood. She changed her usual indifference and asked Su Wei to ride in a carriage with her. In addition, she met another lady from a noble family at the flower viewing party, and the three of them had a reason to bond Sit together and talk and laugh.

"Miss San's affair with Prince Song surprised everyone. Presumably, in just a few days, the Zhongyonghou Mansion will propose a marriage."

The one who answered Su Lingxin's words was the woman she just met at the flower viewing party. Su Wei didn't know her specific identity, but she was still very pleasant in terms of appearance.I heard from Su Lingxin that the girl's name was Chu Shiqing, and she was the eldest daughter of Taichang Shaoqing who had just been promoted to the capital.

"I didn't know that the third sister had already secretly promised Song Shizi. Second sister, what do you think of today's incident?" Su Lingxin was in a good mood, her eyes and eyebrows were full of joy. She knew Chu Shiqing's identity, and she also Not going to avoid her.No matter how you look at it, the expression on his face should not be what his sister should show after an accident.

"Just now, my sister looked at Crown Prince Song and her third sister with eyes full of admiration. As cousins, they already have a good relationship. If they can really be together, they will definitely be even happier." Su Wei looked at Su Lingxin's proud look and felt in her heart He was displeased, but he still said what she wanted.

"Yeah. You're right." Su Lingxin nodded in agreement, but she was extremely happy in her heart, "The Zhongyonghou's family has a great career, and they have a cousin relationship with the Zhuo family. If the third sister marries, she won't be wronged .”

"Yes." Su Lingxin nodded obediently.

"The two families have a good relationship in private, and both of them are beautiful and young. It's really a match made in heaven. Congratulations, miss."

Chu Shiqing had just arrived in the capital, so she was quite reserved in her personality and actions.Today, following her mother's advice, she participated in the Flower Appreciation Conference held by the eldest princess to make friends, but many ladies from aristocratic families refused to talk to her because of her father's low rank.It was Su Lingxin, the eldest daughter of the Minister of the Household Department, who took the initiative to talk to her when she was embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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