Chapter 221
"Miss Su, did you come up with this poem on the spot?" The prince was also looking at Su Minjun thoughtfully at this moment, and the two looked at each other. He ignored the affection between her eyebrows and asked indifferently.

"Yes." Su Minjun nodded shyly and timidly, but he was glad that the prince could hear the poem he just said.

This poem was written by her one month ago to participate in today's flower viewing party. At that time, she was afraid that someone would show off her talent in the name of flower viewing, so she specially spent several days thinking about it before composing such a poem "Appreciation" peony".Now this poem has been praised by the Eldest Princess and everyone, and just happened to be heard by the Prince. The purpose of writing this poem before can be said to have been achieved.

Su Wei saw that the prince's expression was not good-looking, but it was not completely cold because of the scene, but his expression was cold, and he couldn't see how happy he was.After listening to Su Minjun's answer, the pupils in his eyes shrank slightly, and the expression in his eyes became more persuasive.

Looking at Su Lingxin again, her expression has been normal since the prince appeared, but recalling the smile that appeared on the corner of her mouth twice just now, Su Wei intuitively felt that she was planning other schemes in her heart.It's just that this trick is aimed at Su Minjun and has nothing to do with her, so she doesn't plan to take care of it.

At the flower viewing party, Su Lingxin and Su Minjun would compete with each other. She had already expected that, as long as she didn't threaten herself, then she could just wait quietly and watch the show.

"I heard that the three daughters of the Su Mansion are all here today. Since the third lady has written poems, then Miss Su, as the eldest daughter of the Su Mansion, shouldn't I also let me see it?"

Because of the appearance of the prince, the screen has been removed, and at this time men and women are standing in the pavilion together.It was the Seventh Prince Ling Jin who spoke just now. Su Wei heard the sound and looked, and saw that his eyes were shining brightly, his face was white jade, and he was shaking a folding fan in his hand. He was wearing a pink robe embroidered with silver patterns. His shoulders were broad and his waist was narrow. Wearing white buckskin spike boots, his whole body exudes the yuppie air of a dude from an aristocratic family.Looking at that look, it seems that he wants to see a good show.

All the aristocratic families in the capital knew that Su Lingxin was appointed by the emperor to marry Prince Ling Mu many years ago, but they heard that the young lady of the Su family was not only mediocre in appearance, but also weak in personality, so there was nothing interesting about it.

Today even the three daughters of the Su Mansion stood up and revealed themselves in front of the eldest princess, but the eldest daughter of the Su Mansion did not see any movement.A few days ago, the prince had his servants kill a pet bird that he loved so much in the back garden. At this time, the seventh prince deliberately targeted Su Lingxin, just to embarrass the prince.

"My daughter, Su Lingxin, paid homage to His Highness the Crown Prince, the Eldest Princess, and His Highness the Seventh Prince."

Just when the prince's cold eyes shot at the seventh prince, Su Lingxin, who was standing among the crowd, took a few steps forward without fear, and respectfully saluted the prince, eldest princess and the seventh prince under the gaze of everyone.

"..." Surprise flashed in the prince's eyes, looking at Su Lingxin who bowed his head, he felt as if he had heard her voice before.

"You are Su Lingxin?" At this time, the Seventh Prince looked at Su Lingxin curiously, "Raise your head and let His Royal Highness take a look."

"Yes." Su Lingxin nodded, her voice was docile, her attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, she slowly raised her head following the seventh prince's wishes, her eyes met the prince's.

"..." Looking at the familiar pair of eyes in front of him, the prince's mood suddenly fluctuated. Even though he suppressed it well, Su Wei could see the shock and disbelief in his eyes.

She narrowed her eyes slightly. Judging from the prince's reaction to Su Lingxin, Su Lingxin seemed to have had an encounter with the prince without Su Minjun taking any precautions.

It seems that Su Lingxin's purpose today is not only to enjoy the flowers, but also other things.

She knew that Su Lingxin would not be so easy to deal with. In her previous life, even if Su Minjun tried his best, she was completely defeated by her.She would do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, so how could she tolerate Su Minjun showing off in front of others.

"It's rare to see the eldest lady of the Su Manor on weekdays, but when I saw her today, she is indeed very beautiful."

Perhaps the Seventh Prince Ling Jin did not expect that what he heard about Su Lingxin on weekdays would be completely different from the person in front of him. The moment Su Lingxin raised his head, he was also stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.On the other hand, the eldest princess glanced around, her pupils moved slightly, and she knew in her heart that she did not take the initiative to get close to Su Lingxin because of her status as the future princess, but she also opened her mouth to break the delicate situation.

"Thank you for your compliment." Su Lingxin smiled gently when she heard the words, and bowed to the princess again in a graceful manner.

Su Minjun on the side looked at the prince, but found that he was also looking at Su Lingxin, secretly resenting the seventh prince's talkativeness, if he didn't mention that maybe Su Lingxin would come and go like a transparent person today.He held the brocade handkerchief tightly in his hand, but after a while the expression on his face relaxed again, he gave Su Lingxin a cold look, and winked at the people beside him.

Su Wei saw everything in her eyes, but stood quietly behind the crowd, pretending to be non-existent.

"The eldest princess is right." At this time, Ye Mei, the prostitute's daughter of the Ministry of War, chuckled softly, looked at Su Lingxin and said, "Suwen Miss Su is reserved, she doesn't like to go out on weekdays, and she doesn't deal with us sisters There were rumors in the market that Miss Su is mediocre in appearance and has no ambitions. We didn't believe it at the time, but when we saw it today, the rumors in the market were really unbelievable."

Su Wei chuckled inwardly when she heard the words of exaggeration and derogation, and looked at Su Lingxin, a coldness really flashed across her eyes.

"Thank you, sister, for your compliment." Su Lingxin looked at Ye Mei's lips curled slightly, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and her eyes were on an equal footing with Ye Mei, but she didn't seem timid to avoid it at all, and she only said softly, "Su Lingxin really doesn't like to go out on weekdays, so she and The sisters are also a little unfamiliar, but the rumors that my sister said, Su Lingxin usually does not go out of the door, and is not as well-informed as my sister, so I really don't know that there are such things."

The implication is that I am a lady of everyone and naturally abide by Langzhong, but you, as a lady from a noble family, can hear gossip in the market, which shows that you often hear these gossip in the market on weekdays.

"...Oh, yes." Ye Mei's expression changed suddenly when Su Lingxin stopped her.

Although she knew that the crown prince still didn't like the future crown princess, but after all, she was in front of the crown prince and the eldest princess, and she couldn't make it clear that she was targeting Su Lingxin, so she could only swallow a deep breath, and responded with a half-hearted smile.

"Miss Su San is relatively familiar with us on weekdays. We all know that she likes to read poetry and books, and she is very talented. Thinking about being a sister, Miss Su must be omnipotent in poetry and poetry, right?"

Just as Ye Mei fell silent, another woman next to her asked curiously.With that expression and tone, it seemed that she was really full of curiosity about Su Lingxin who rarely showed her face.

Su Lingxin naturally knew that Zhuo's had arranged for these people in advance, but she knew all about her previous life and knew how much ink these so-called young ladies of aristocratic families had in their stomachs, so it would be easy to slap them in the face.

"Yeah, my eldest sister rarely goes out on weekdays, and most of the time she shuts herself in the house and studies poetry and books hard. It's not like I always like to play around. My sister's literary talent must be much better than mine!" At this moment, Su Minjun laughed out loud, glanced at Su Lingxin, with a smile on his lips, he took the initiative to speak for her, but secretly forced her to make a fool of himself.

In the past, Su Lingxin was cowardly and incompetent. On weekdays, the Zhuo family would not even let the embroidery mother teach her the embroidery, let alone send books to her room.So in Su Minjun's impression, Su Lingxin couldn't read big characters at all, let alone compose a poem better than her "Appreciating Peony".

(End of this chapter)

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