Chapter 217
"But that day the imperial doctor said that you were not only deficient in blood but also lacking in nutrients. The slaves had a hard time getting these things to replenish the body. Please let the slaves worry less." After Yu'er finished speaking, she took away the tea cup in front of Su Wei. , placed the red date porridge on the tray in front of Su Wei, "Mo Xiang cooked it herself. She is a good cook. You can try it while it's hot."

"...Okay." Su Wei had no choice but to take a few bites of the porridge in front of her.Yu'er watched her eat, and the expression on her face relaxed a little.

A few days ago, they encountered bandits on the way, and the group was greatly frightened. After the fourth prince sent Su Wei and Su Lingxin back to the Su Mansion, they sat and talked with Su Wenliang for a long time.At this time, the housekeeper at home suggested asking the doctor to show the startled Su Lingxin and Su Wei to see if they were injured anywhere. Su Wenliang agreed. The two feel the pulse.

The imperial doctor was specially invited by the fourth prince from the imperial palace. After taking the pulse, he said that the two ladies are fine, they just got scared and rested for a few days.It's just that Su Wei's face was pale, and he began to hesitate in the middle of speaking.

Seeing that his expression was not right, Su Wenliang asked what was wrong.

After hesitating, the imperial doctor said to Su Wenliang that Su Wei's complexion was pale, her nails were white, and her qi and blood were obviously insufficient, which was caused by lack of nutrition.

After saying this, the hall fell silent for a moment. Even Su Wei herself was almost amused by the honest old imperial doctor, but she quietly took a look at Su Wenliang's face, which was red and ugly.

At this time, the silent fourth prince stared at Su Wei and chuckled lightly. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.He quickly got up and took the people away, and the imperial doctor also left, but Su Wenliang's face remained ashen until the night.

"Find some medicinal herbs that nourish blood and improve complexion for Second Miss!" Su Wenliang ordered the housekeeper angrily that night.

Why Su Wei lacks energy and blood and lacks nutrition Su Wenliang naturally knows it well. Although he doesn't care about Zhuo's actions on weekdays, he is not completely ignorant, but most of the time he chooses to turn a blind eye.But who knew that the imperial doctor would say it in public after taking the pulse, and in front of the fourth prince. When he thought of the playful eyes of the fourth prince at that time, Su Wenliang felt that his old face was completely humiliated.

The young lady of the Shangshu Mansion is actually malnourished. If such a thing gets out, outsiders will only chew on Su Wenliang's tongue!
So under Su Wenliang's order, the Linnuan Garden received precious medicinal materials for a few days.The two girls, Yu'er and Mo Xiang, were also full of joy, and tried their best to make some nutritious things for Su Wei to eat.It's just that the good times don't last long, that is, for three or four days, Zhuo Rou, who stayed at Zhuo's house to take care of her "sick" old mother, came back, and no one went to Lin Nuan Garden to deliver things the next day.

Yu'er and Mo Xiang were so angry that they wanted to complain in front of Su Wenliang, but Su Wei stopped them.In desperation, they could only find some red dates for Su Wei to cook porridge for the past few days.

"Ma'am is really too much, I just know to give all the good things to Miss San!" Thinking of this, Yu'er began to feel sorry for Su Wei again.

"Forget it, there's nothing to be angry about." Su Wei said indifferently, "If you don't give it, don't give it. Could it be that without those supplements, I can really starve to death."

"Miss..." Yu'er looked at Su Wei with a complicated expression on her face, and said after hesitating, "Have you heard about the son Song of the Zhongyonghou family?"

"Song Yanxi?" Su Wei raised her eyebrows, she naturally did not forget this person, "What's wrong?"

"I heard the servant girl in Miss San's room secretly discussing in the garden that Prince Song was out a few days ago, and the horse he was riding suddenly went berserk. He fell off the horse's back and broke his legs!"

"What?" Su Wei, who was eating porridge with a bowl, paused and looked up at Yu'er.

"Madam and Third Miss went to Zhongyonghou's Mansion to visit yesterday, and when they came back, their faces were ugly." Yu'er said.

"..." Su Wei was silent. Song Yanxi has practiced martial arts since childhood, and he is also good at horsemanship on weekdays. He has never had any accidents. Why did he fall off his horse recently and break his leg?
"It was the prince who did it." Li Zheng told Su Wei when he met Li Zheng the next day.

"Prince?" Su Wei was surprised and frowned, "He also arranged for the pretend bandits, and he attacked Su Lingxin and Song Yanxi at the same time."

"It was Su Minjun who sent people to fabricate the relationship between Song Yanxi and Su Lingxin, and then intentionally spread it to the prince. The prince has a noble status, so he naturally couldn't tolerate anyone betraying him. So he sent people to drug Song Yanxi's horse, and the horse suddenly went berserk on the way. Song Yanxi couldn't react in time and fell down the steep slope." Li Zheng's tone was flat.

"Is there any hope of recovery?" Su Wei asked.

"The trap was deliberately set, the leg injury must be heavier than usual, and it may take a while to recover. But this is only one place, there are other..." Li Zheng hesitated when he said this.

"Where is the injury?" Su Wei asked.

"... My spies came back and reported that Song Yanxi might be the same as those palace people who serve the royal family in the harem." Li Zheng was embarrassed to talk about this with Su Wei, and after speaking, a faint blush appeared under his healthy wheat complexion.

"...She's too cruel." Su Wei didn't feel embarrassed, but was shocked after hearing it, and after a long silence, she made a low voice.

"...Only the news about Song Yanxi's leg injury was reported in Zhongyonghou's residence, and the others were probably suppressed by Zhongyonghou." Li Zheng said.

"Song Yanxi is the only son of the Zhongyonghou Mansion. They will definitely not spread such a shameful matter." Su Wei nodded.

Su Minjun did this to provoke the relationship between the crown prince and Su Lingxin, but what Su Wei didn't expect was that she could use Song Yanxi so decisively and without hesitation.

Who is the prince, Su Minjun should have thought that the prince would deal with Song Yanxi when he revealed this matter to the prince, but she did it without hesitation.Song Yanxi, who took the aphrodisiac last time, always regarded herself as Su Minjun, and called "Min'er" in her mouth. According to Su Minjun's intelligence, she could naturally see Song Yanxi's affection for her, but she didn't expect her to be obsessed with the position of the princess to the point of being so unscrupulous.

"This third miss of the Su family will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. You have to be careful to guard against her in the future." Li Zheng said worriedly.

"Well." Su Wei nodded towards him, "Don't worry, Brother Li, I will try to avoid her in the future, but there is one thing, I want you to help me..."

"His injury was caused by the crown prince, what does it have to do with you!" In Su Minjun's room in the Xiangjing Yuyuan, Zhuo's voice came to comfort Su Minjun in a cold voice.

"But I had a nightmare last night." Su Minjun sat at the table and held Zhuo's hand tightly, "Mother, my cousin was so angry yesterday, I feel scared just looking at his eyes. You said he shouldn't check on me, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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