The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 182 The Man Who Failed in Revenge 8

Chapter 182 The Man Who Failed in Revenge 8
Mu Chenzhe felt a little tricked, and asked tentatively: "Then you said yesterday that you have no plans to leave the island."

Su Wei chuckled, and said a little playfully, "It's just to give you a surprise today."

Mu Chenzhe rubbed his forehead, thinking of his stupid behavior before, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Su Wei yawned, and said sleepily: "You go to the boat, I'll sleep for a while, I spent one night making all the things that can be made into dry food on the island, and I'm so sleepy. .”

Mu Chenzhe saw that she was indeed tired and sleepy, so he nodded quickly: "You have a good rest, I'll go sailing."

Su Wei found a comfortable place in the cabin and started to rest, while Mu Chenzhe started sailing.

The boat sailed for a long time, and it took nearly a day to see the bay.

The two docked the boat, got off the boat, packed their luggage, and looked at this completely strange place with novelty.

Both of them haven't seen anyone other than each other for more than ten years. At this moment, even though they restrained themselves, they still couldn't help looking around.

Mu Chenzhe took the lead in grabbing Su Wei's figure who was looking left and right curiously, and coughed lightly: "Master, let's exchange money first."

Su Wei was held back by Mu Chenzhe, realized her gaffe, and nodded a little embarrassedly, but when Mu Chenzhe called her master, Su Wei frowned, and said: "I'm still so young, I will be in front of outsiders in the future , don’t call me Master, just call me Su Wei. I don’t want to be called old by you.”

Mu Chenzhe was taken aback for a moment, then under Su Wei's fierce looking gaze, he said softly: "Okay."

The two came to the bank and exchanged a few pegs of gold for enough silver and bank notes.

Su Wei smiled quietly and said, "The feeling of being rich is being practical."

Mu Chenzhe smiled: "Didn't it happen before?"

Su Wei is right when she thinks about it, before it was gold, but now it is the same amount of banknotes and silver. "But just looking at the quantity, it still feels like a lot."

Mu Chenzhe didn't refute, just looked at Su Wei with an accepting smile.

Mu Chenzhe suddenly seemed to have remembered something, took out a book from his luggage, and handed it to Su Wei.

Su Wei finally asked curiously: "What is this?" As she spoke, she turned to the first page, and there were four large characters on it: Travel Notes of Yunxi. "

Su Wei frowned, thinking in her eyes: "Isn't this an ancient book in the master's room?"

Mu Chenzhe nodded: "I thought hard last night and found out that when I was playing in my father's study, I read a book called The Secret of Longevity. After thinking about it for a long time, I found that the materials of these two books are very similar. .So, I came up with an idea..."

Su Wei's mouth twitched when she heard these words. She had to admire the development of this plot. Things she hadn't thought of for more than ten years suddenly came to her mind last night... What a powerful ability.

Su Wei calmed down and put forward her own idea: "Do you want to make a fake longevity formula?"

Mu Chenzhe nodded and gave Su Wei an approving look: "Not bad."

The two asked some people, and finally found a store that could imitate books.

The two of them followed other people's guidance and finally saw this small shop on a small street.

Pushing open the door, an old man with a straight waist came up to them and said to them with a smile on his face, "Welcome."

Mu Chenzhe spoke first: "Old man, can you imitate books here?"

The old man nodded: "Sure, what book do you want to copy?"

Su Wei handed the book in her hand to the old man and asked, "Can this book be imitated?"

The old man took it, flipped through it casually, nodded and said, "No problem."

Mu Chenzhe interrupted suddenly, and said to the old man, "Old man, do you have paper made of this material?"

The old man nodded and looked at Mu Chenzhe: "Our store has paper of various materials."

Mu Chenzhe nodded: "Then please help me make a book like this, with the same material, without writing. How many days will it take to finish?"

The old man pondered, and made a rough estimate: "About three days."

Mu Chenzhe handed over a piece of silver to the old man: "This is the deposit, and I will come to pick it up after three days."

When the two left the shop, Su Wei couldn't help asking Mu Chenzhe curiously: "Do you know how to write the formula of longevity?"

Mu Chenzhe shook his head.Su Wei's eyes widened: "You don't know."

Mu Chenzhe admitted: "Yes, I can only make it up. My father didn't give me the formula of longevity before he died, so he probably destroyed it long ago. He didn't tell me anything before he died, he only told me Don't take revenge, let me live well."

Su Wei looked at Mu Chenzhe suspiciously: "A secret book? Can you write so many words?"

Mu Chenzhe gave her a sideways look, and said confidently and domineeringly: "You underestimated my strength too much, what is this?"

Su Wei is still not sure: "Really?"

Mu Chenzhe reached out and knocked on Su Wei's head: "Can there be fakes?"

Su Wei touched her painful head and said with resentment: "It feels like you started to become stronger when you got out of the island..."

Mu Chenzhe smiled and pursed his lips, and did not speak, but his squinted eyes revealed his good mood.

I don't know why seeing Su Wei's uncommonly cute other side, his mood will be inexplicably better.

"Then where are we going now?" Su Wei asked casually.

Mu Chenzhe said lightly: "I have nothing to do today, do you want to go out and have fun?"

When Su Wei heard this, her eyes immediately shone and she nodded like garlic: "Okay, okay, okay."

Mu Chenzhe looked at her, and couldn't help rubbing her head again.

Su Wei was still very excited about the news and didn't care about his actions.

Since she traveled back in time, she has stayed on the island for more than ten years. She misses the bustling streets and snacks of humans. Now that she is finally here, she is already very itchy and is gearing up for a tour later.

The two quickly found a comfortable-looking inn, and after staying in, Mu Chenzhe was immediately forced out by the impatient Su Wei.

Mu Chenzhe couldn't laugh or cry and said: "After nearly a day on the boat, you don't need to rest for a while?"

Su Wei pulled Mu Chenzhe out, shook her head and said, "No need, I'm not tired at all, I feel energetic now."

Mu Chenzhe saw that Su Wei was so excited, so he went with her. He asked the waiter about the busiest street nearby, and went there with Su Wei.

There was an endless stream of hawkers on the street. There were vendors selling various snacks, and some people were performing arts. From time to time, cheers came from the surrounding crowd.

Su Wei saw the bright red candied haws at a glance, and her saliva secreted much faster. So Su Wei pulled Mu Chenzhe and bought two bunches. The two of them walked on the street, licking two candied haws in their hands. , coupled with their outstanding and handsome appearance, attracted a lot of attention.

At this time, Su Wei's sharp eyes saw a fire-breathing performance, and with a bang, she dragged Mu Chenzhe to run over to watch.

Mu Chenzhe looked at her childish appearance as if she had turned into a little girl, smiled dotingly, and didn't make a sound to stop her, just let her make trouble.

Not long after, Mu Chenzhe's hands were full of snacks or snacks that Su Wei bought, and Su Wei looked at this booth and that booth as if she was tireless.

(End of this chapter)

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