The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 177 The Man Who Failed in Revenge 3

Chapter 177 The Man Who Failed in Revenge 3
"Very good, there is progress. But it's only a little better than the first time." Su Wei said coldly.

She could tell that Mu Chenzhe was a competitive person, the more she belittled him, the more he would fight back and do better.

Indeed, upon hearing Su Wei's words, Mu Chenzhe became more stubborn and wanted to learn better, and practiced harder.

Su Wei saw that he had practiced three times by himself and was about to practice the fourth time, so she stopped him.

"Today's swordsmanship has been practiced so far." Su Wei said.Mu Chenzhe let out a sigh: "I want to practice for a while..."

Su Wei smiled strangely: "Do you think this is over? I said to train you well, so I will, well, train you."

Mu Chenzhe looked at her suspiciously: "What else?"

Su Wei put away her sword: "Follow me."

Mu Chenzhe stepped up to keep up, and found that his body was already sore. He had been concentrating on practicing sword just now, and didn't feel it at all.

Su Wei took him to the yard, and took out a coconut from the kitchen. She had discovered before that the original body had already discovered coconut as a food and started to eat it.

She handed the coconut to Mu Chenzhe: "Take it, raise it above your head, and walk for an hour."

Mu Chenzhe had a bad premonition in his heart, he had seen his elder brother zama step, it looked very simple, but his elder brother had told himself that this kind of simple movement was often the most tiring.

Mu Chenzhe took the coconut and squatted down anxiously. Su Wei held the wooden sword in her hand and knocked on Mu Chenzhe's leg. Mu Chenzhe was so painful that he almost couldn't squat down.

Su Wei yelled: "Stand firm. Think about your family, think about your current situation, and don't try to be lazy."

Su Wei's cold but stern voice was extraordinarily loud in the silent courtyard, making Mu Chenzhe dare not neglect.

Thinking of my brother, my father and mother who loved me so much, and thinking of myself being forced to jump off a cliff by those men in black, I couldn't help but feel hatred soaring, and my eyes stood firmly.

Su Wei continued: "Squat down a little further and lift the coconut above your head. Yes, keep it like this for an hour."

Mu Chenzhe didn't feel anything at first, until two quarters of an hour later, he began to feel strenuous, and half an hour later, his face flushed, and he gradually felt exhausted.

But when he thought of the group of men in black who had wiped out his entire family, another burst of strength erupted from his body, and he carried it hard.

Su Wei sat on a stone bench, looked at Mu Chenzhe's appearance, and fell into deep thought. A child at his age would not be able to hold on for half an hour at most, but he can hold on until now.

She knew that it was her words that had an impact. Hatred supported him, but hatred could become his temporary stimulant, but he couldn't sustain it all the time, then he would become a hated person when he grew up. People who deliberately blind their eyes will be out of control and will easily do irrational things.

So she should take the time to adjust her mental state, slowly change his thinking, and not seek to alleviate the hatred. This hatred must be avenged, and she will avenge it with him.But he must control himself.

An hour passed, and following Su Wei's order, Mu Chenzhe suddenly relaxed, his legs were trembling, and he was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of water.

Su Wei nodded at him with satisfaction: "Very good, I've prepared the bath water for you, can you bathe yourself?"

Mu Chenzhe nodded, swallowed, his throat was very dry, he couldn't speak, so he could only nod.

Su Wei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she really doesn't know how to help others take a bath, even if she can, she is too embarrassed to go.

Mu Chenzhe turned around and went back to his own room. Su Wei had packed out her master's original room a few days ago and cleaned it up as Mu Chenzhe's room.

Su Wei turned and went to the kitchen, ready to make lunch.When she came to the kitchen, Su Wei realized that she didn't seem to know how to make a fire, and she really didn't know how to make a fire with an earthen stove.

Before, she just cooked a little porridge, and she simmered it slowly on the small stove used to boil medicine. There was no need to use an earthen stove to light a fire.But now he needs to eat normally. Mu Chenzhe is growing up and practicing martial arts, so his appetite will definitely be much larger. He will definitely not be able to eat porridge, so he can only cook.

Su Wei can only sort out the ingredients first, clean the rice and put it in a small pot to cook.Then I looked at the ingredients, selected some potatoes and sweet potatoes, took some meat, and took two fish from the bucket.

Shred the potatoes and arrange them. Wash the sweet potatoes and steam them on top of the rice. Cut the pork belly into squares. Wash the two fish separately and scrape the fish scales.

At this time, fire had to be used, and Su Wei rolled up her sleeves a little, revealing her white snowy arms.

Light a ball of straw with a torch and throw it into the earthen stove, and then stuff a few logs into it. It feels similar, very simple.

Su Wei looked proud and confident: "Oh, I must have thought this matter was too difficult just now. I was so worried about such a simple thing before."

But as time went by, the fire became smaller and smaller. Su Wei saw it and became anxious. She hurriedly picked up the cattail fan on one side and fanned it vigorously.

The fire got a little bigger, but the smoke also got thicker and thicker. Su Wei didn't mind it, it was just thick smoke. As long as the fire burned, thick smoke was nothing, so she fanned harder, as long as she fanned herself, she could cook. .

Mu Chenzhe was taking a bath when suddenly a puff of thick smoke came in from the crack of the door. He thought it was on fire, so he hurriedly sold his short legs, put on his clothes and opened the door.

Looking at the direction of the thick smoke, he rushed to the kitchen, worried about Su Wei's safety, fearing that she would stay in the kitchen and not escape.

When he entered the kitchen, there was no raging fire as he had imagined, but thick smoke. The smoke dispersed as he incited him, and he could clearly see the woman in white sitting next to Tu Zao.

However, the current white clothes have turned black, and there are a few more dirty marks on his face.

"What are you doing?" Mu Chenzhe frowned and shouted at her.

"Light up the fire." Su Wei also frowned, she didn't think about why her own fire suddenly went out and still kept smoking.

Mu Chenzhe hurriedly opened the window, let out the thick smoke, and took over Su Wei's work: "Let me start the fire."

Su Wei asked suspiciously: "You will?"

Mu Chenzhe nodded, Su Wei didn't ask any more questions, and with Mu Chenzhe's help, he finished the sumptuous meal.

There are braised pork, West Lake fish soup, scallion fish, hot and sour potato shreds and sweet potato pancakes.

Mu Chenzhe was amazed while eating, he didn't expect that Su Wei couldn't make a fire, but the food tasted so good.Su Wei also looked at him confidently, shaking her head proudly.

Looking at her rarely cute appearance, Mu Chenzhe recalled a girl in white clothes looking at him blankly in a haze of smog, with several black marks on her flushed face.

Hmm... very cute, much cuter than her expressionless face and cold words.

Invisibly, the relationship between the two seems to be better.

After eating, Su Wei packed up her things and proposed to Mu Chenzhe, "How about going for a walk together?"

Mu Chenzhe nodded and followed Su Wei on the road.

Su Wei: "Mu Chenzhe."

Mu Chenzhe looked up: "En?"

Su Wei looked at the sea in the distance: "Do you hate those people very much now?"

Mu Chenzhe also looked into the distance: "Well, I hate it."

Su Wei then asked: "What is your belief in learning martial arts now?"

(End of this chapter)

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