Chapter 174

"The latest report from our station is that at 15:26 this afternoon, a deliberate wounding accident occurred at the racecourse of the Aihua Group Holiday Villa." In the evening news time, the host of the city's TV station broadcast the news seriously, "According to the actual news, it is determined that the The injured person was Su Mou, the sole heir of the Su Group. It is reported that Zhao Mou, the president of Aihua Group, invited wealthy businessmen and friends to a party at first, and then held a large-scale horse racing event at a private racecourse at 14:[-] p.m. Yu pulled Su Mou off his horse behind him, and the two fell at the same time, and are currently being rescued. Regarding the actual situation, due to the consistent testimony of eyewitnesses, it is preliminarily judged that Xiao Mou intentionally hurt others. For specific criminal responsibilities, please pay attention to follow-up reports... ..."

Half a month later, when Su Wei was discharged from the hospital, countless reporters crowded in front of the hospital. Seeing Su Wei and all the reporters of the Su family who appeared at the hospital door swarmed up, they rushed to ask questions.

"Hello, Ms. Su, are you fully recovered now? Is the news report consistent with the actual situation? Can you describe to us in detail the scene of the injury at that time?"

"Miss Su, there are rumors that Mr. Su once said that he would never let Xiao Mou who hurt you go, what is your attitude now?"

"Will you cooperate with the police to investigate and collect evidence?"

"It was rumored that you were in a relationship with Xiao Rui, may I ask if it was after you rejected him that he became hostile?"

"Will you sue Xiao Rui?"

"Is it true that you have had an intimate relationship?"

"I heard that he is your girlfriend's boyfriend. Is there any emotional dispute between the three of you?"

"Miss Su, may I ask you..."

Leaving all inquiries and gossip behind, Su Wei got into the car and left expressionlessly.The Su family will control the matter of public opinion, and the court will judge Xiao Rui's criminal responsibility.Now that she has finally completed her task, and Huo Qingyao has regained her sobriety and returned home, then she should do some things she likes for herself in the future.

Xiao Rui has lost the lottery system, and his talents such as Golden Eyes and Red Line have all left him.Now he is an ordinary person, and after bearing the legal consequences of the crime of intentional injury, he will continue to live like an ordinary person.

Later, Su Wei heard from Ling Han that Xiao Rui had been sentenced to nine months for intentional injury. At this time, she began to focus on some academic matters and no longer paid attention to the follow-up matters of Xiao Rui's imprisonment.

Xiao Rui was finally released from prison nine months later, but at this time, the company was forcibly declared bankrupt by the court due to scandals and poor capital turnover. The system disappeared due to mission failure, and all his powers and abilities no longer existed.

However, he still has money.

Xiao Rui originally wanted to make a comeback with his own money, but he found that without the system, he was nothing, and he could not make money with money at all.

His subordinates who had always believed in him saw that he had suddenly changed from a computer expert to a computer novice, and they had doubts about him.

Being looked at with strange eyes, Xiao Rui became angry from embarrassment and drove away the employees who suspected him.

It turned out that fewer people believed that he could make a comeback and left.

The women he provoked before woke up. Those women didn't know why he favored Xiao Rui in the past, and when they remembered how self-willed and depraved they were, they became angry and sent someone to take revenge on Xiao Rui.

The women that Xiao Rui provoked in the past were all the second generation of rich and second generation of power.After being retaliated by those women, Xiao Rui lost all his money, real estate and real estate.

Everything returned to his previous life of hanging silk.

The woman is gone, the company's younger brothers and employees are gone, the money is gone, and the high-tech technology and abilities of mobile phone production also disappear with the disappearance of the system.

Xiao Rui stood at the former door of his company and looked at the desolate and ironic everything in front of him. After a while, he let out a horrible and unpleasant "hehehehe" sound.

"The latest news in this city, Ms. Su Wei of the Su Group yesterday successfully obtained the admission letter for the master's degree in surgery and medicine at the world's number one Earls School of Medicine in New York, USA, personally issued by its dean Mr. Curry, and published it in the New York Minotis magazine. Three academic papers became the first new recruits to be recruited by Earls School of Medicine this year. Mr. Curry, the tenth generation dean of Earls School of Medicine, said frankly..."

On the large electronic screen of the commercial building behind Xiao Rui, a picture of Su Wei accepting a master's letter at Earls College of Medicine in New York, USA was suddenly rebroadcasted, and then Dean Curry, who was over sixty years old and had flowery hair, looked excitedly at the media Give a speech, calling out my love for Su Wei and my surprise and amazement at her talent in medicine...

"Su Wei..." Xiao Rui stared at Su Wei's smiling face in a white coat on the big electronic screen, with hatred and resentment in his eyes, "I will not let you go, I will definitely let you die." It’s ugly, I will make your death ugly!”

"Hey, how dare a bereaved dog talk nonsense and speak wild words here?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind, Xiao Rui just turned his head when he was suddenly caught in a black bag, he was startled, and immediately shouted in fear: "Who are you?"

He clearly felt that he was caught by several people.

"Your enemy." A lazy voice sounded after a few seconds.

"My enemy?" Xiao Rui was startled, "Who? Who?"

"Who?" A man laughed lowly, "We take money from people to eliminate disasters. You have so many enemies, can you guess who it is?"

As soon as the words were said, Xiao Rui, who was put in a black bag and fell to the ground, was hit hard by a wooden club!

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly.

"Don't beat him to death, we have to take this guy on a business trip after you have finished your lesson."

Xiao Rui suddenly heard another person talking, and the tone of the exchange should be two groups, and the second person who spoke was speaking broken Chinese.

Foreigners who can't speak Chinese...

Xiao Rui suddenly broke into a cold sweat. He was really scared. He quickly grabbed the ankle of the first person next to him and said in a fearful tone: "Brother, big brother, no matter who asked you to teach me a lesson, I beg you." Please take me away, take me to my enemy, and let him teach me a lesson in person, I will definitely not fight back, please take me away!"

"Are you scared?" The man sneered, "But our lady doesn't want to see you, she just said that she will hand you over to the French after she has taught you a lesson. I heard that they are also your enemies? Tsk tsk, why do you even talk to the French?" Are you offended? I heard he said that he wanted to take you to make medicine?"

"Huo Qingyao, Huo Qingyao..." Xiao Rui continued to beg him in fear, "Please brother, please take me to see Qingyao, she loves me, she definitely won't just watch me die... ..."

"Love you?" The man was angry, "If you didn't use magic to hypnotize her, she would fall in love with you, a scumbag? Hit me!"

After fighting for a long time, two groups of people traded with each other in a corner where no one saw. One of the men handed Xiao Rui, who had fainted, to a foreign man, and then drove away with him.

Since then, Su Wei has never seen Xiao Rui again, nor has he had any news.

She knew in her heart that he had too many vengeances, so he might have already encountered misfortune.But everything was caused by himself, and she couldn't help him, so it was assumed that he left by himself to live an ordinary life.

 The next story is called the man who failed in revenge, and the next chapter will be updated at 8 pm.

(End of this chapter)

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