Chapter 168
"I didn't let you chase me!" Huo Qingyao said, "I told you a long time ago that I don't like you. It's good to talk about it today, I hope you won't pester me again in the future!"

In fact, Huo Qingyao was not very angry in her heart, and she was also very puzzled why she, who was always gentle with others, suddenly said such cruel words to Wang Rui.It's just that when she was still in doubt, the words came out of her mouth naturally, and she couldn't control it at all.

Wang Rui left angrily, Huo Qingyao stared at Xiao Rui's peacefully sleeping face for a while, then lowered her head and buried her face in Xiao Rui's palm to take a nap.

Huo Qingyao guarded Xiao Rui for a day and a night.

At around eight o'clock in the morning of the second day, Xiao Rui resisted the pain all over his body and slowly opened his tired eyes.

"Are you awake?" Huo Qingyao's surprised voice sounded at this moment.

After Xiao Rui was lifted up by Huo Qingyao, he was stunned for about a minute before he realized that he was lying on the hospital bed, and finally remembered that his second mission had failed again, and he was punished by the system's high-level punishment "Ling Chi Xun" in the stone gambling venue Tortured to death...

"Here, the doctor said that you just woke up and couldn't eat, so drink some water first." Huo Qingyao, who seemed happy because Xiao Rui finally woke up, quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Xiao Rui.

Xiao Rui slowly turned his head and stared at Huo Qingyao for a while, then suddenly raised his arm, swept the glass of water in front of him down, and slapped Huo Qingyao hard on the cheek, his voice was hysterical due to rage: "You fucking Get lost, bastard!"

The loud sound of the water glass falling to the ground and the crisp sound of Huo Qingyao being slapped on the cheek combined to make a huge sound.

"Damn!" A man next to him who was hospitalized due to a motorcycle accident was startled by the sudden sound in the early morning and sat up from his sleep. When he turned his head, he saw Huo Qingyao being beaten to the ground and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"What the hell! Brother, what are you doing?!" The young man was stunned by the sudden sight. He looked at the angry Xiao Rui in disbelief and cursed.

Looking at Huo Qingyao's meticulous care of Xiao Rui all day and night, he thought how good the relationship between the two was, and he envied this man's luck in finding such a beautiful and devoted woman.Didn't expect this man to be a merciless bastard who even beat his own woman? !

Huo Qingyao was also stunned by the sudden anger and slap in the face, she looked up at Xiao Rui in disbelief, and tears began to fill her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Huo Qingyao resisted the great pain on her face and asked in doubt.

"I lost! I lost!" After waking up, Xiao Rui couldn't accept the fact that he lost to Wang Rui.He not only lost millions of money, but also caused the failure of the second mission.

You must know that after a punishment, all the abilities he had previously gained will be weakened accordingly. He had worked hard to seduce so many women during this period, but he lost 300 points just because of Wang Rui!
And after failing the main task twice, the system will issue a warning, and he may leave his body at any time!

If the system really leaves him, doesn't it mean that the abilities and money that he relied on the system to start a company, engage in technology, and have women for so long will be gone?What's more, the appearance will return to the previous sloppy appearance!
How can this be, how can it be!He will never allow such a thing to happen!

However, just because of Huo Qingyao's provocation from an inconspicuous suitor, he failed the mission and lost 300 points, and the system started to call the police!
It's all this woman's fault!If it weren't for Huo Qingyao, Wang Rui wouldn't have provoked himself.And if Wang Rui did not provoke, he would naturally not accept Wang Rui's bet, and the system would not assign tasks because of Wang Rui's status as a rival in love, nor would he lose to Wang Rui!In the end, he just lost his wife and lost his army!
He didn't forget the way everyone in the Gambling Stone Hall looked at him before he fell unconscious on the ground!Those eyes were like looking at a monkey who suddenly became ill and fell to the ground. It wasn't sympathy and worry, it was irony and a joke!

"If you hadn't seduced that bastard named Wang Rui, he wouldn't have provoked me on the spot, and I wouldn't have accepted the bet to bet with him, let alone what happened now!" Thinking of this, Xiao Rui stared even more angrily. Huo Qingyao shouted, her eyes were so cruel that she wanted to kill her!
"Don't be so angry, okay?! I'm scared." Huo Qingyao looked at Xiao Rui's terrifying expression and said aggrieved and scared, "I have nothing to do with that Wang Rui at all, he is chasing me, but I and him Having said that I have a boyfriend, and I have clearly rejected him, I never knew he would trouble you on such an important occasion."

"I don't know?" Xiao Rui sneered, "Don't think I don't know that you fucking seduce other men on purpose when I'm not around!"

"I didn't!" Huo Qingyao argued aggrievedly.She was not angry because Xiao Rui beat her, but worried that Xiao Rui's body would faint again due to emotional agitation.

She doesn't know about the system at all, and she doesn't understand what Xiao Rui is angry and upset about at this moment.

Xiao Rui knew in his heart that after the red line was tied, Huo Qingyao would only be single-minded to herself, and would never seduce others behind his back like he said.But at this time, Xiao Rui was furious. He had suppressed too much dissatisfaction and anger and had no place to vent it, so he was deliberately looking for trouble with Huo Qingyao!

He was already lustful, and he didn't care much about Huo Qingyao, so he used her as a punching bag.

"Brother, I can't get used to hearing your words, so I have to stand up and intervene."

The young man next to him was also a little angry when he saw Xiao Rui's nameless anger.He thinks that a woman like Huo Qingyao should be hugged by a man to hurt her, not used to vent her anger by being slapped by such an unmanly man.So he couldn't help but speak for Huo Qingyao.

"How long have you been in a coma? How long has your girlfriend been taking care of you without sleep? From yesterday to today, she didn't even eat a few bites of food. She has been waiting for you to wake up by the bed. You he If Mom was still a man, she shouldn't have slapped her own woman and insulted her at will. She is your woman, isn't your insulting her the same as insulting yourself? "

"My mother was in a car accident and fell like this. No one came to the hospital to give me a flower basket. You can be content with such a girlfriend!" the man said again.

"How can I care about your fucking business with her!"

Huo Qingyao was so moved that she wanted to express her gratitude to the man who spoke for her, but she didn't expect that Xiao Rui not only had no reaction after hearing this, but actually cursed him directly at the young man in the next bed: "What? Could it be? Were you also seduced by her while I was in coma?"

After receiving the support of the system, Xiao Rui always thought he was superior to others. He felt that he possessed a mysterious and powerful "weapon", so he was different from those ordinary people in this world, and of course his status was higher than them, so Xiao Rui Never look at ordinary people in the eyes.

He forgot that he was once an ordinary person, and only thought that the system must have chosen him because he was "superior", so these "ordinary people" could not catch his eye no matter what the occasion.

The young man was angered by Xiao Rui's direct and arrogant attitude, and Huo Qingyao noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere. She had to show weakness to the young man next to him and asked him not to argue with Xiao Rui, who had just sobered up. At the same time, she became even more condescending. I begged Xiao Rui for forgiveness.Let him pay attention to his body and not let his temporary anger affect his health.

(End of this chapter)

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