Chapter 165
Ling Han looked down at Su Wei, waiting for her to speak.

"...Let him choose the fifth from the bottom, which is the piece of wool at booth No.14." After thinking for a while, Su Wei ordered with certainty.

She heard Xiao Rui's inner voice, and also saw the entanglement on his face, so it means that between Seventeen and Fourteen must be good, but one must be better.

Su Wei looked at the material stone that day, and she felt that the No.14 wool felt a little strange to herself, so she temporarily changed her mind and decided to choose the wool from the No.14 booth.It would be better if Wang Rui can win once, if Wang Rui can't win, then there are second and third people.

In short, she controlled the whole situation today and would never let Xiao Rui succeed easily.

"Choose the materials from booth No. 14." Ling Han spoke to Wang Rui in a low voice.

He didn't ask Su Wei the reason, and he wasn't curious why she chose booth No.14 so determinedly. He just felt that her eyes were full of seriousness and firmness, and such a Su Wei had no reason to make him doubt her ability.

"Okay." Wang Rui received the prompt, responded in a low voice, and moved towards NO.14.

At this time, Xiao Rui's eyes were also scanning back and forth between Fourteen and Seventeen. Just now he touched both pieces of wool with gloves on. From the outside, Seventeen was indeed better, but Fourteen gave him A strange feeling.

Originally, according to the appearance, NO.17 should definitely be selected, because according to the appearance of NO.14, it is either a good material or a waste stone, and its risk is half and half.But when he decided to choose No.17, he would hesitate because of No.14.So right now, he's really struggling with which one to pick.

Do you pay attention to the material stone on the NO.17 booth that has already been displayed?Or choose the NO.14 material stone that may be a waste stone?

The people standing around have participated in the stone gambling meeting more or less times before, so even if Xiao Rui and Wang Rui haven't shouted out which material to choose, they can see that they both seem to be interested in NO at the same time. .14 ​​and No.17 booth stone material generated interest.

Seeing Wang Rui approaching the NO.14 booth intentionally or unintentionally, the crowd standing around unconsciously lowered their voices. Everyone looked at the two quietly. The atmosphere of the whole exhibition hall was a little tense and solemn because of the sudden silence.

"Which piece do you think has a higher probability of winning?" Someone in the crowd couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere that suddenly fell silent and asked the person beside him in a low voice.

"Shh..." The person next to him gently pressed his mouth with his index finger to signal him to be quiet.

At this time, it is best not to say anything, and let the two parties choose according to their own luck and stone gambling ability.The most taboo thing in the stone betting club is that when others are betting on stones, the people on the side intervene to influence the judgment of the parties involved.


"Speak immediately and grab the NO.14 wool!"

Seeing Xiao Rui's sudden movement, Su Wei was about to speak and arrange for Wang Rui to immediately seize the opportunity and report the chosen number first. However, Ling Han stared at Wang Rui's movements as if he had a tacit understanding and gave him decisive instructions.

Su Wei was stunned for a second because of Ling Han's sharp and clean tone. This was the first time Su Wei met Ling Han who was so decisive, clean and smart.

"I've made my choice. I'll choose the first one placed at booth No.14!" Wang Ruiming's bright voice suddenly sounded in the extremely quiet exhibition hall.

"..." Xiao Rui, who was about to walk towards No. 14 and pick up the stone, was suddenly startled. He instantly looked up at Wang Rui, who was standing a few steps away.

"That's all." Wang Rui took a few steps forward and took a piece of rough jade from booth No.14 in his hand, and said to today's stone betting judge, "I chose this one."

"Oh, what a pity, I must have lost." Someone next to me sighed, "This piece of wool looks like a 'brick material' at first glance. It is too ordinary and there must be nothing inside."

"What are you afraid of? If you lose, just lose. If you lose, he will pay the money. Let's just wait and see who it is."

"...I also chose No.14." Everyone was discussing, but Xiao Rui, who didn't want to keep silent for a while, stared at the rough stone in Wang Rui's hand and spoke.

"You too?" Wang Rui laughed disdainfully when he heard Xiao Rui's words, and looked at him with contempt in his eyes, "Please, do you know the rules of the gambling shop? Or are you just here to join in the fun? All these years The iron rule of gambling on the stone shop is that once the material stone is selected by someone, the second person can never snatch it again, unless the first party is willing to buy the material stone to the second person at the relevant price after the stone is resolved.”

"That's right, do you understand the rules?" At this time, the other people arranged by Ling Han also stood up to speak for Wang Rui when the time was right, mocking Xiao Rui.

There is another rule of the stone betting club: once a material stone is selected, even if the selector does not pay, the second person who appears has no right to compete with the first selector for the material stone.Otherwise, the stone gambling industry will blacklist this person to prevent him from participating in any stone gambling activities in the future.Just like an emerald carver who is found to have cut corners in the emerald carving process, he will be expelled from the jewelry industry, and even a basic jewelry value appraiser cannot do it.

"Then I'll choose booth No.17 to load the stone." Ignoring the gazes and tone of the people around him, Xiao Rui cursed fiercely in his heart, then backed away and chose the next best thing.

He originally thought that Wang Rui was just an idiot rich second generation, but he didn't expect that he actually had some eyesight and could see the No. 17 material.

Just seconds away.

Xiao Rui had already made up his mind to choose No.14 material stone to try his luck. He opened his mouth and was about to make a sound, but he didn't expect that Wang Rui would take the lead.

But it doesn't matter, Xiao Rui thought, whether NO.14 is good or bad, the risk is half, and it doesn't necessarily mean that it must be a good quality stone.

It could also be a piece of waste rock with nothing.

"Okay!" At this time, the host motioned for everyone to disperse and go to the stone dissolving platform. "Please ask the two of you to make a quotation. After the quotation, our booth staff will move the stones that the two quoted good prices to the stone dissolving platform to 'open the door.' !”

"Opening the door" is a common saying in the stone gambling industry, also known as "opening the window", which means cutting the rough stone to check the internal color and determine the value.

Xiao Rui and Wang Rui each quoted a price for the stone they selected.

"Okay!" The host took the microphone and announced the quotations of Xiao Rui and Wang Rui loudly. After finishing, he asked the booth staff, "Please put the wool on the stone-breaking table for 'stone-breaking'!"

Seeing that the two stones were put on the Jieshi platform, the surrounding audience suddenly became quiet.

"Please ask Ms. Su Wei from the Su Group to supervise the process of calculus!" The host looked in Su Wei's direction and bowed.

"Okay." Su Wei stood up and walked to Jieshi Platform with Ling Han to announce, "Let's get started."

As soon as Su Wei finished speaking, the professional stone analyzer came forward and began to review the materials.

The so-called "material review" is to observe the appearance texture of the jade raw stone or the weathered outer layer of wool. If there are obvious textures, it is best to cut according to the texture, which can reduce the loss of raw materials.

As for the large-scale woolen stone gambling industry, there is a method of blasting them into small pieces one by one after burning them with fire.However, this method is difficult to control the burst point, so it is difficult to guarantee that the wool will be damaged.

There is also a wire drawing method - use iron wire and emery as abrasives, add water to cool it, and then pull it back and forth on the rough jadeite to decompose the stone.

Wang Rui and Xiao Rui used the first method to dissect the rocks after professional and meticulous observation by the rock analysts and stone gambling experts, and started the first cut - "cutting the stone into slices".

Everyone was quiet at this time, staring at the stone in the hands of the stone interpreter very seriously and intently.Even Wang Rui, who didn't care at first and just had a playful attitude, stared at the stone seriously.

Xiao Rui, who asked himself to defeat Wang Rui, was even more nervous and serious.

In an extremely quiet and solemn atmosphere, the first cut was finally made.

"Hehe, as expected, the wool of No.17 is better!" As soon as the first cut was made, the person with good eyesight who had already seen the inside of the material stone laughed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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