Chapter 158
"I was eating at a restaurant with my boyfriend yesterday, and I happened to be sitting at the next table with them. You don't know how ugly his face was when the man left!"

As soon as Huo Qingyao entered the school gate, she heard a few girls walking in front gossiping.

"This man is too miserable. He has been rejected several times." The other person laughed lowly.

"Yesterday Su Wei was talking, and I was just laughing with my boyfriend. You don't know that she said a lot of words like tongue twisters. After hearing that, I thought she was going to accept it. I didn't expect that as soon as I finished speaking After answering the phone, he got up and left, leaving the man there with a dazed expression."

"Hey, that man seems to be a member of society now, what's his name?"

"You don't even know this. Didn't you post a hot post on our school's post bar a few days ago? It's called Xiao Rui!"

Huo Qingyao was not interested in listening to gossip at first, but when she was about to plug in the earphones to listen to the music, she suddenly heard the names of Su Wei and Xiao Rui. She paused holding the earphones, glanced at the people in front of her, and did not put the earphones into her ears , continue to walk slowly behind a few people and listen.

"I know, that time he confessed his love to Su Wei at the school gate, and he fainted on the spot after being rejected."

Hearing the unabashed ridicule of Xiao Rui from several people, Huo Qingyao, who was walking behind, slowly clenched his fists, his face became ugly.

"Short and poor is short and poor. If you don't talk about anything else, just compare it with your family background. How could a woman like Su Wei choose him. I heard that Xiao Rui's financial conditions are too average, not as good as my boyfriend's family."

"That's not necessarily true. What's wrong with that woman Su Wei? If it weren't for the good conditions of her family, would she be able to dress up so beautifully? As the saying goes, gold is what makes gold, and clothes are what people make. If you wear those brand-name clothes and jewelry, In us, it is not certain who is the most beautiful.”

"That's right." The girl on the left responded, "But that Xiao Rui doesn't seem to be as bad as everyone said. I met at the restaurant that day, and he seems to be much more handsome than when he confessed his love at the school gate a few days ago. , and the clothes are also very classy."

"I've also heard that he seems to be quite talented. He wrote a book called "National Policies". It was a bestseller as soon as it was published, and it was very popular. Apart from the fact that the economic conditions may not be as good as Su Wei, he is also a genius."

"Men and women are the same, they must have money, and only if they have money, their temperament and clothing must also rise in a straight line..."

They walked to the left at the intersection in front of them. Huo Qingyao, who had been silently listening to their chat, glanced at their backs, raised her hand and plugged in her earphones and walked to the classroom on the right.

The man she Huo Qingyao cared about was badly injured by Su Wei, but he still continued to confess his love, even though the pain was unforgettable, but he still loved it.She didn't understand, Xiao Rui didn't covet the wealth of Su Wei's family, why did he still like Su Wei so much?He is not someone who covets other people's property, is it really because of his true love for Su Wei?So even if she hurt him a hundred times, a thousand times, he still loves her with all his heart?
But Huo Qingyao's family background is not bad, and her looks are fine, why can't he look at himself more?
Huo Qingyao struggled for a long time that night, so she inquired about Xiao Rui's whereabouts and went to the underground bar to find him.When she saw Xiao Rui, he was gulping wine into his mouth with a decadent expression on his face.

"Don't drink it!" Huo Qingyao ran over and quickly snatched the wine bottle from his hand, and looked down at the highly concentrated brandy.

In fact, Xiao Rui came to the night show to hunt for beauty.He was a little annoyed that he couldn't figure out Su Wei for a long time. After coming to the bar, he saw waves of scantily clad beauties in front of him, and he instantly regained his energy.It's just that he secretly took advantage of a few women on the dance floor, and when he looked away, he saw Huo Qingyao appearing at the door of the bar.

Seeing Huo Qingyao looking around, Xiao Rui guessed that she was looking for him, so he quickly slipped out of the dance floor and sat on the bar counter to order a bottle of wine, then drank it pretending to be decadent, and waited for Huo Qingyao to see him looking for him.

He succeeded, and Huo Qingyao looked at him with worry and anxiety in his eyes, which made him more determined to get Huo Qingyao done tonight.

This woman likes herself, so it should be a breeze to lure her into a red string and a hotel room.

"System prompt: Estrogen has been detected around Party B, please continue to complete the task."

As soon as Huo Qingyao appeared, the system that detected estrogen started to prompt.

"Understood." At this moment, Xiao Rui felt that he was determined to win, so he lazily replied to the system.

He is a man who can even conquer the lottery system, and there is no other woman he can't handle.

Xiao Rui remembered that after he was rejected by Su Wei, God gave him another chance, which made his system humanized.

Although Su Wei failed twice, the system only counted him as failing one mission.

After all, confessing to Su Wei is just a task.

Only he tried twice.

Pay a little price, of course nothing will happen.

Huo Qingyao naturally didn't know these words, she only saw Xiao Rui drinking wine with a dejected face, so she resented Su Wei even more for hurting him like this.

"I'll help you go back."

The music in the bar was deafening, and the noisy sound forced Huo Qingyao to speak loudly.It is said to be a speakeasy, but it is actually no different from a nightclub.Huo Qingyao took the wine bottle from Xiao Rui's hand and handed it to the waiter, and got up to help Xiao Rui.

"Why are you here?" At this moment, Xiao Rui was a little drunk, looking at Huo Qingyao with blurred eyes.

"Come to see you." Huo Qingyao looked at him with some distress, and asked with jealousy, "Is it worth drinking yourself like this for a woman?"

Xiao Rui smiled, his smile looking a little sad, and he broke away from Huo Qingyao's hand: "You don't understand."

"Why don't I understand?" Huo Qingyao sneered sadly, "Seeing you become like this for her, I just feel worthless for you!"

"Tell me, is it because I'm worthless that Su Wei doesn't like me? Because I'm not rich? Or because I don't have power?" Xiao Rui pushed Huo Qingyao's hand away, took another sip from the wine bottle.

Looking at the sadness on his face, Huo Qingyao only felt heartache: "It's not that you are bad, but that Su Wei doesn't know how to cherish."

Now Xiao Rui is getting more and more handsome, and it's not that he has no money and no power as he said.Huo Qingyao knew that he was very capable, not only talented, but also very business-minded and smart.Especially his personality charm made Huo Qingyao fall into it step by step.

"Haha." Xiao Rui laughed self-deprecatingly, "You women are always like this, you always like to tell white lies."

"I'm not lying." Huo Qingyao said, "You are really nice, but she doesn't know how to cherish it."

"...Really?" Xiao Rui turned his head to look at her drunkenly for a while, and the more he looked, the more he felt that Huo Qingyao was also very beautiful.Especially those eyes, which are full of affection, watery, gentle and delicate, making people unable to hold back.

"En." Facing Xiao Rui's long gaze, Huo Qingyao nodded.

"I was in the hospital that day, I'm sorry." At this time Xiao Rui suddenly stretched out his right hand to caress Huo Qingyao's cheek, his drunk eyes were hazy, and he looked at her with a gentle and apologetic look, "I know you are doing it for my own good, and I made you angry. "

(End of this chapter)

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