Chapter 144 Hello, Zombie King 11
Su Wei, who was in a nymphomaniac mood, suddenly heard Shen Mo talking and was startled, feeling as if she had been caught peeping.

"Huh? What? Oh, build a zombie kingdom." Su Wei quickly turned her gaze back and answered.

Xiang Nanhui interrupted: "Zombie Kingdom? Okay, okay, this is okay, so I don't have to hide from XZ in the future."

Su Wei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "If there are zombies that evolve into high-level zombies or evolve into zombies that have some human intelligence, and there is no group they can trust, and they are alone, they may be alienated by humans. The capable attack.”

The important thing is not only to not be harmed by humans, but her ultimate goal is to allow humans and zombies to coexist peacefully.

Shen Mo responded in a low voice, and looked at Su Wei with approval: "Well, I think so too, so I think the sooner this matter is prepared, the better."

Su Wei looked at Shen Mo, just in time to meet his deep gaze, her heartbeat seemed to miss a beat, she blushed but did not look away.

Sometimes I am not afraid of the light bulb, but I am afraid that the light bulb has not yet become a light bulb.

An inappropriate voice sounded: "Hey, King, if you want to build a zombie kingdom, can you give me a deputy leader to play with?"

Shen Mo and Su Weiqi glanced at him: "..."

Xiang Nanhui scratched his head in embarrassment: "Just kidding, just kidding."

Suddenly, he remembered something to ask: "By the way, Su Wei, are you human? I don't think you have the aura of a zombie?"

Su Wei looked at her speechlessly, and asked if she was a little nervous just now?

"Well, I'm a human and a person with powers, but I'm not sure what my powers are about."

When Xiang Nanhui heard it, I knew how to look at Su Wei and Shen Mo. Su Wei just let him scrutinize him. When he had enough scrutiny, Xiang Nanhui asked curiously: "Try to use your ability, maybe I can Know."

Although Su Wei questioned for a moment, why is this person an intelligent zombie?It's obviously not similar at all, but Xiang Nanhui might really be able to know the answer to this matter.

She nodded, turned her palms up, and a ball of white light seemed to appear in her palms with a holy light.

When this light appeared, Xiang Nanhui immediately felt uncomfortable and took a few steps back. However, Shen Mo just frowned slightly this time, and then relaxed. He didn't react as much as last time. It must be due to evolution.

Xiang Nanhui widened his eyes, pointed at the ray of light, and said in surprise, "This is the power of light."

Su Wei raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect that Xiang Nanhui really knew, she retracted the ball of light, and pulled Xiang Nanhui to discuss this ability together.

Shen Mo looked at their backs thoughtfully, feeling that he was being ignored...

In the following days, the three of them were busy going around. There was an abandoned small villa area on the outskirts of City D, surrounded by a large area of ​​grass, and there was a wall around the grass, which was considered an excellent position.

The three of them tidied up here every day these days, and collected some supplies for storage. They have already emptied their laboratory and found a small villa here to live in.

Looking at the reinforced walls and the brand-new grass garden, the three of them looked forward to and satisfied, and the next step was to find the zombies.

The three of them patrolled City D separately to search for some evolved zombies.

On this day, when Shen Mo came back, he was carrying someone in his hand. Su Wei thought he looked familiar at first. When he stepped forward and took a look, although his face was much grayer, his facial features could still tell that it was Wu Geya who had been rescued before. .

At this time, she fell into a coma. It was not difficult to see that she had been bitten by a zombie, but she didn't know why she survived.

Su Wei raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously: "Why is it her?"

"The one I saw on the road turned into a first-level zombie. I thought you might want to save her, so I brought her back." Shen Mo casually threw her on the grass and explained lightly.

Su Wei smiled secretly, and said teasingly, "Are you afraid that I will misunderstand you?"

Xiang Nanhui also jokingly made fun of him, Shen Mo turned his head away, and said emphatically, "I miss you too much." However, Su Wei could clearly see that his ears were a little red.

Su Wei crouched down with squinted eyes and looked at Wugeya's condition, but she just fainted, probably brought back after being knocked out by Shen Mo.

Su Wei looked at the palm of her hand. Now she is proficient in using her light ability. The light ability has the advantage that it can heal people bitten by zombies and restore them to human beings.

Su Wei asked Xiang Nanhui, "Can she still become a human again?"

Xiang Nanhui shook his head, his eyes were also blank: "I don't know very well, after all, I have been researching those medicines since I became a zombie, and I don't know much about human beings.",
Su Wei pondered for a moment, and thought it would be better to try.

The milky white light rose again, and Su Wei raised her head, slowly covering Wu Geya's body with the light, and she could clearly feel that Wu Geya's expression eased a lot, as if she was enjoying it.

But not long after, Wu Geya's expression became ferocious, as if she was enduring great pain. Su Wei was at a loss and retracted her hand, but Wu Geya's expression did not relax a little, and was still in pain. She turned her head to look at Xiang Nanhui. , Xiang Nanhui also looked confused.

Both of them didn't know what to do. As time passed, Wugeya's expression calmed down, and he slowly opened his eyes. There was no ignorance and numbness in the eyes of the first-level zombies in the eyes. At this time, the eyes were clear. But his face was still pale and bloodless.

Su Wei asked in surprise: "She, did she evolve?" Xiang Nanhui was also surprised and nodded: "Didn't it say that the light power can turn something into nothing, create something out of nothing, dissolve everything in the world, and create everything in the world?" ? It is probably because of this that she evolved."

When Wu Geya saw Su Wei, she was shocked at first, and then started crying: "It's you."

Su Wei quickly asked, "Why did you become a zombie?"

As soon as Wu Geya mentioned this, he became excited. It probably happened that after Su Wei left them, Wu Geya originally wanted to part ways with Su Jun, but he couldn't stand his bitter apology, saying that he couldn't help it, and he had difficulties Yes, Ugeya had a good relationship with him before, so she couldn't stand such an apology, so she forgave him.Then they go to a base together and struggle to survive on the ground floor.

But once when encountering zombies, Su Jun and Wugeya were on the verge of death, but Su Jun pushed Wugeya off the city wall in order to survive. She was bitten by a zombie on the arm, and she struggled to escape and hid in a tree. hole.

She has no memory of what happened after that, and it was probably when she became a low-level zombie during that time.

"Sure enough, since he was able to abandon you the first time in the face of danger, there will be a second time." Su Wei sighed.

Wugeya also gritted her teeth bitterly: "It's all because I don't know people clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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