The female partner of fast time travel Su Zhatian

Chapter 1 Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 1 Cannon Fodder Counterattack System
The icy sea water flooded her mouth and nose, and her body continued to sink.

She struggled desperately in the dimly lit sea.However, no matter how hard she kicked her feet or grabbed her hands, she couldn't follow her rules, and she couldn't grasp the hope of survival.

Gradually, the strength in her body disappeared, her chest seemed to be squeezed by a boulder, her mouth was bubbling with bubbles, and her long hair spread out like algae.

The feeling of suffocation is getting worse.The body became lighter and lighter, as if floating towards the bottom of the muddy sea.

Desperation and pain swept over the sky, as if falling asleep would eliminate all pain.

No!She refuses to accept her fate!She doesn't 'fall asleep'!She don't want to die!

She wants to survive!She wants revenge!

All those who have failed her, all those who want her to die, she must not make them happy!She wants justice!If there is no justice in the world, then she will be her own justice!Even if she is trying to survive, she will take revenge on those people!
In the second before losing consciousness, Su Wei's mind flashed the faces of many people, some loved her, some hated her.

In the end, everything turned into nothingness.


"Where am I?" Su Wei looked at her transparent fingers, her memory still stuck in the time when she was ruthlessly submerged and swallowed by sea water.

"This is the system space." An emotionless mechanical voice suddenly sounded.

Su Wei's eyes lit up, she looked around, and asked, "Who is talking? Who are you? Did you save me? Thank you."

What caught Su Wei's eyes was a gray area without anyone.And her body floated lightly in this space, everything seemed so unreal.

The mysterious man did not directly answer Su Wei's question, but pointed out Su Wei's life: "Su Wei, 24 years old this year, is the president of the Su Group. When he was six years old, Su's mother disliked that Su's father had no ability, so she climbed up the ranks. The coal boss ran away. Father Su looked at you and thought of his wife who ran away. He beat and scolded you every day.

At the age of 17, Su's father was drunk and walking at night when he met a gangster and was hacked to death by the gangster.Although you hate the father who treated you badly, after he died, you lost your only relative, and you were also very sad.

After losing your guardian, you relied on your perseverance and smart mind to work and study. When you were in college, you started from scratch and established the Su Group.

When you were 20 years old, you met He Junkun, who was not yet a celebrity husband, and Pei Yitong, your best lawyer friend.If you have a husband like this, and a friend like this, you think your whole life is complete.You thought your previous misfortunes were finally over.

Unexpectedly, on your 24th birthday, the two of you went out to sea on a private luxury yacht, and you broke the affair between He Junkun and Pei Yitong.

You want to break up with them and have nothing to do with them from now on, but unexpectedly, they are very greedy and don't want to lose your money tree, so they are cruel.They pushed you into the sea and watched you drown.Are you willing?
After you die, your property and property will be inherited by He Junkun and Pei Yitong. They will live a prosperous life, and no one will know that you were killed by them.Your wrongs will never be undone.Do you want revenge?

You haven't had a good day since you were six and you want to just disappear? "

"I'm not reconciled, I want revenge." Su Wei's eyes turned scarlet.

"Very well, I am very satisfied with your attitude. I am the system master, you are dead, if you want to live, if you want to be reborn for revenge, you must perform the task I assigned, are you willing?" the mysterious voice rang again.

"Am I already dead?" Su Wei looked at her increasingly transparent fingers with some melancholy, but she was not too surprised. This result had been expected by her.

Then, she raised her head, looked firmly at a certain direction in the void, and said, "As long as those tasks don't violate laws and regulations, or violate my conscience and morality, I'm willing to perform those tasks."

Su Wei herself is a victim, but she is not willing to become a perpetrator and harm innocent people for the so-called mission.In that case, wouldn't she become the person she hates the most?
"You are fine." The voice of the mysterious Mr. System was still emotionless, but Su Wei could hear a trace of satisfaction from his mechanical voice.

Maybe it was her illusion!

"The tasks I assign do not require you to violate laws and disciplines, nor do you violate your conscience and morality. You are just asking for justice on behalf of the victims from those girls of destiny and the proud men of heaven. However, I am afraid that if you perform too many tasks, your heart will change. It’s hard. In order to complete the task as soon as possible, the means have become ruthless, I hope you will remember what you said today, and don’t forget your original intention.”

Mr. System began to explain her mission to Su Wei: "I think you should have read novels. In some novels, no matter how selfish or vicious the protagonists are, they will have a happy ending, although those novels with bad views are not There are many, but they account for a certain proportion. And those cannon fodders who were injured by them have no grievances to sue.

I just want you to travel to those collapsed novel planes and fulfill your wish of cannon fodder counterattack.

When I send you to the mission world, you will use the body of cannon fodder to revive, you will inherit the memory of cannon fodder, and understand the wish of cannon fodder.

Fulfilling the wish of the cannon fodder is the completion of the task.

If you die in an accident before completing the task, then you will really die, and I will not save you back.

If you die after completing a mission, then you'll move on to the next mission.When you inherit the memories and wishes of the cannon fodder, you will also receive the plot of the novel.

However, I want to remind you that I will not show up when you are carrying out the task, everything is only on your own, and I will remind you only when you complete the task.

As for when you can be reborn for revenge, when you have accumulated enough luck points, I will naturally remind you, and you don't need to ask me.Even if you ask me, I won't hear you. I won't appear when you travel to different worlds to perform tasks. Everything is system-intelligent and automated. Only when your task fails or you complete the final task , I will appear.

Lucky little guy, do you have any more questions? "

Mr. System's mechanical voice suddenly revealed a hint of intimacy.

"Are there many taskers like me?"

"Insufficient authority, no comment."

Su Wei is embarrassed.

"So, are those mission worlds dangerous?"

"The more missions you perform, the more dangerous you are, and you are a novice. When you first perform missions, you must be in the easy mode. As long as you don't kill yourself intentionally, you won't die." The system gentleman replied sternly, "If you If you want to live longer and live until you are reborn for revenge, then you must learn to use and strengthen your mental power.

As for how to use and strengthen your mental power, then you need to realize it yourself when performing tasks.

The best opportunity is to have the opportunity to perform the task, after all, not everyone can live life after life.

If the reward for completing the final mission is rebirth and revenge, then the giveaway is how to use spiritual power.

And if you have mastered how to use and strengthen your spiritual power, maybe, one day, you will be able to master the ten-fang novel plane like me and become the master of the world.

Remember, whenever you leave the previous mission world, the system will automatically seal your feelings in the previous world, and only keep your memory, lest you crash during the mission.When you are strong enough to accept those huge and rich feelings, the system will automatically unblock you. "

Mr. System carefully answered Su Wei.

Su Wei asked Mr. System some more questions, and after getting accurate answers, Mr. System sent her to the mission world.

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(End of this chapter)

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