Quick Transmigration: The villain's little flirt is wild

Chapter 68 Overlord's Substitute Ex-Girlfriend 68.0

Chapter 68 Overlord's Substitute Ex-Girlfriend 68.0
In the most heavily guarded prison in R city, the prison guards were fully armed, shuttling through the corridors, examining every prisoner in the room.

"Number 05678, someone wants to see you!" The door of Prison No. 7 was opened, and the prison guard stood outside the door, knocking on the iron door with a stick, urging impatiently.

The person lying in the corner moved, stood up with difficulty, and walked unsteadily towards the prison guard.

"It's really disgusting." The prison guard covered his nose in disgust, glanced at him, and raised his chin slightly: "Let's go."

In the prison, it is quite normal for a new prisoner to be bullied, not to mention that this is an evil capitalist who sucks the blood of the common people by any means. Now that he is in prison, how can the people here let him go?

As long as the person is not dead, don't make too much noise, they usually turn a blind eye and don't intervene too much.

The prison guard looked at this faltering, emaciated man with disgust. He had seen him on TV before. He was so superior at that time. He dismissed the TV interview. He never thought that there would be such a down-and-out day. Tsk, what a turn of events.

"Come on in, 15 minutes to talk."

Gu Zichen walked into the visiting room with heavy steps. Chi Mo, who was sitting behind the glass window, looked up, saw him, and smiled.

Gu Zichen's footsteps hesitated for a moment, not wanting her to see him in such a mess, he subconsciously prepared to run away, but the door behind him had already been tightly closed.

He sat down on the chair in silence, stared at Chi Mo with cold eyes, and gritted his teeth.

"Long time no see, Gu Zichen." Chi Mo's smile was bright and his tone was brisk, completely gone from the lifelessness he had when he was imprisoned by his side more than ten days ago.

She admired the masterpiece she created by herself, admired his embarrassed posture, raised her red lips lightly, and put her fingers on the glass window, as if gently stroking his cheek through the glass window, she whispered: "How do you change?" Is it like this?"

Seeing his sallow, emaciated, and wounded appearance, Chi Mo only felt happy physically and mentally, and it was not in vain that she specially entrusted someone to arrange him in the most perverted prison. His appearance perfectly reproduced her expectations.

Gu Zichen stared at her, suppressed, and asked the question in his heart in a hoarse voice: "Chi Mo, have you ever loved me?"

He stared at her closely, with complex emotions in his eyes, mixed with hatred and hope, and cautiously hoped that she would be able to tell the answer he wanted to know, the answer that could support him to continue walking.

Chi Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing. She looked at Gu Zichen mockingly, wiped away the physical tears from the corners of her eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "Gu Zichen, you may not believe it, but I used to love you very much."

How ridiculous, the love he once regarded as dung has now become his spiritual sustenance.

Seeing her smile, Gu Zichen felt a void in his heart and became flustered, anticipating what she would say next, trying to stop her from continuing: "Enough, enough, stop talking."

Chi Mo put down his hands, approached the glass window, and stared at him for a moment, but not as he wished, every word was like the whisper of a demon.

"But you killed the person who loved you the most. On the night you chose to abandon her, you killed the person who didn't even want to die for you."

Countless memories that he had deliberately forgotten flooded into his mind. Gu Zichen covered his head, bit his lips, and his face was full of pain. During the past few days in prison, the frightening days made him mentally oppressed. If he didn't want to know He couldn't hold on to that answer for a long time, but now she broke his pillar with her own hands.

"Please...don't say it...don't say it..."

Chi Mo stood up, looked at the helpless and inhuman Gu Zichen curled up on the chair, straightened his sleeves, brutally tore open his wound, and sprinkled salt on his wound, just like he was teasing his client , stepped on his hope, and crushed it repeatedly: "Gu Zichen, stop dreaming, I hate you so much that it's too late, how could I love you?"

"All this is just a trap I set up to get revenge on you. It's funny to say that you gave me the opportunity with your own hands. It's lonely in prison, right?"

"Don't worry, in two days I'll send your parents, who have neglected their lives, to accompany you and reunite your family."

She took off the ring on her ring finger and threw it on the table. The ring hit the table and bounced against the glass window. Hearing her words, Gu Zichen raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot. He slammed the glass window and yelled uncontrollably: "Chi Mo!! Come at me for something!!"

The alarm in the visiting room sounded, Chi Mo looked coldly at Gu Zichen who was being pressed down on the ground, raised his chin slightly, and looked down at him, just like how he looked down on the client many times, with a look of contempt, as if he was looking at a dying bird. dog.

She curled her lips into a smile with a cruel arc, and her eyes shone with excitement, like a demon from hell: "How can someone love you for a scum like you?"

"Ah, I almost forgot." Chi Mo tilted his head, looked at Gu Zichen's increasingly broken expression with interest, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Qinran loves you, but because of your distrust and wanton behavior, she also left." gone."

"you still…"

"Killed your children."

"Your love is really cheap. I just said one more thing, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously. How ridiculous, Gu Zichen."

"Everything you have lost is your own fault."

Gu Zichen was pressed to the ground by the prison guards, and his already thin body was folded into an unscientific posture. He bit his lip, his mouth was full of blood, and the resentment in his eyes was resentful. With each sentence she said, he was broken and disfigured. His eyes were blank, his eyes were empty and dull, he no longer resisted, and murmured in a daze: "It's my fault...it's my fault..."

He took all the strength out of his body, collapsed on the ground, and suddenly laughed out loud, with a frantic look on his face: "Hahahahaha, I'm the one to blame!! It's all me!!!"

Chi Mo clicked his tongue lightly, gave him a disgusted look, put on his sunglasses, turned and left without hesitation.

Human beings are really fragile. She just cut out the reality and showed it to him after he lost everything. Just like this, he couldn't bear it. It's really useless.

[The main task has been completed, and the client's wish has been perfectly fulfilled. The system will leave the task world in two hours, and the host is requested to prepare. 】

Standing outside the prison, the autumn sun shone warmly on her body. When she suddenly came out of the noisy prison, without Gu Zichen's crazy laughter in her ears, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Is there another two hours?
Just in time to take care of one last thing left, maybe... just to see how he's doing.

"Miss Zhang, let's meet."

(End of this chapter)

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