Chapter 297 H Fairy Tale 34.0
The system eagerly jumped onto the table and stretched out its claws. Its head was full of five small dried fish. Before it could stretch out its claws, the main god raised his eyes and glanced at it.

It froze all over immediately, raised and lowered its paws, and finally lowered its paws tremblingly in the silent atmosphere, sat obediently on the table, and meowed slightly flatteringly.

The Lord God stretched out his hand and gently rubbed its head. The gentle breath melted the whole cat in the system. It fell on the chessboard, turned over, exposed its snow-white belly hair, and rubbed against his hand. , I can't help but please him.

That shameless look made Chi Mo very disgusted.

Her gaze fell on the Lord God's well-articulated hands. His fingers were slender and beautiful, his nails were neatly trimmed and round, and his fingertips revealed a healthy cherry pink. No matter where he looked at them, they looked like carefully carved masterpieces.

She stretched out her hand, looked at his hand again, and secretly sighed why the gap between people is so big.

The system gurgled comfortably, it completely forgot what the five little fish did, what little fish did?

Where does the dried fish smell like my brother's hand?
For some reason, Chi Mo stood up, put one hand on the chessboard, grabbed the system's feet, and dragged it over.

During the movement, she inevitably touched his hand, which was different from her always cold hands. His hand was warm, and her heart skipped a beat. She calmed down and dragged the system back, holding it by the back of the neck. , threw it on the ground, disgusted: "Shameful thing."

The system went from heaven to hell all at once, sitting blankly on the cold ground, looking up at Chi Mo with aggrieved eyes.

It's not that it's worthless, but who can stand up to such a beauty?
"What are you looking at?" Seeing the main god looking at him, Chi Mo turned his eyes away uncomfortably, trying to ignore the slight discomfort in his heart caused by the system, kicked it with his toes, and said in an impatient tone, "What are you doing here?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that he was still looking at her, and looked back in shame, only to see that the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and there was a fragmented smile in his eyes, like starlight crushed into it, dotted with stars. Confused people's souls.

Chi Mo's ears were inexplicably hot. She turned her head to avoid his gaze in a panic, and her eyes fell on the system. Seeing that it didn't respond, she raised her foot and kicked it lightly.

The system turned over aggrieved, you are lofty, you are amazing, you are shy and embarrassed, you kicked me to ease the atmosphere.

Thinking of Huihui's treatment in Chi Mona, the system felt so wronged that it was about to explode.

It took a long time to think about what it was doing to find Chi Mo, it jumped from the ground to the table, looked at the Lord God hesitantly, saw that Chi Mo had no intention of avoiding it, and then began to speak.

Anyway, this human couldn't understand what it was saying.

According to the investigation of the systematic visits to the group of cats and David's abnormal reaction, it is roughly possible to restore what happened to the Atlantis Empire after Chi Mo left.

After Chi Mo left, the lover of the king of Atlantis was assassinated to death. There were rumors that it was the queen who did it. The relationship between the king and the queen became irreconcilable for a while. The power of Atlantis also gradually emerged, along with a new force that opposed the king's rule.

At that time, civil riots broke out, and Kalia was imprisoned by the king in order to protect innocent civilians.

In the dark prison, he suffered the humiliation from his own mother, the queen.

David was seriously injured by the rebels, but he also did his best for Kalia's affairs.

However, the queen's power expanded too fast, and he couldn't stop it. He could only watch Kalia being imprisoned and tortured, helplessly.

Kalia was locked in the dungeon for a whole month. During this month, he was humiliated almost every day, and was tortured by the queen until he was almost invisible.

At the same time, David, who was originally designated as the next prince, was abolished due to trumped-up charges, and the queen's power forced the king to make Gillian a candidate for the prince.

The contradiction between the king and the queen further expanded, and the queen's power became more and more arrogant.

When the neutral forces were preparing to protect themselves and vote for the queen, great changes took place in the palace.

First, the original queen's forces rebelled and turned to the king, pointing out that the rebels in the empire were arranged by the queen alone, and provided sufficient evidence, and then the maid who had previously served the queen disappeared for unknown reasons suddenly appeared and accused the queen and the prince of having an adulterous child The second prince was killed, and there were witnesses and evidence, but the queen had no way to defend herself.

The king executed the queen by thunder, and hung her body on the city wall for three days and three nights to show his majesty. Jillian, who was a product of adultery, was left alive by the king, but cut off all his future retreats. .

In just a few days, the power of Atlantis changed dramatically, and the power finally fell into the hands of the king.

Having said this, the system cleared its throat and lowered its head to lick the tea.

Chi Mo poked the hair on its back thoughtfully. This king is pretending to be confused. According to her arrangement, he should have known that the queen was secretly cultivating power, but let the queen expand her own power Win over nobles.

He wanted to use the queen's hand to get rid of those nobles who had dissent against him. After all, there was nothing better and more appropriate to execute the powerful nobles than the charge of rebellion.

Chi Mo clicked his tongue lightly. Although she promoted all this secretly, she did not arrange for anyone to reveal Jilian's identity. It is estimated that this was also planned by the king.

Just as Chi Mo thought, Ji Lian's identity was forged by the king, in order to better accuse the queen of treason and use it to execute the nobles behind her, but he didn't expect that his fabricated identity was actually true.

After the queen died, Kalia was released by the king under David's repeated pleas. When David picked him up, he was already bruised and bruised. It was also at that time that David discovered the secret that he was actually a man. .

When Kalia came out, her sanity was a little unclear, and she recuperated in a daze for a long time.

While he was recuperating, the king entered his palace.

Having said that, the system looked at Chi Mo's expression and saw that she didn't have any special reaction, so he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, that beast, the king, even attacked his own child.

Under the king's torture and coercion, Kalia pretended to give in. After the king was drunk once, she ended the king's life with the dagger Chi Mo gave her, and properly handled the follow-up, pretending to be the victim of the king's sudden death. False, blocked the news.

With the help of David, he spread the news to the outside world that he was cursed by the witch and fell into a coma, and the king fell asleep because of his grief.

"Speaking of which, Kalia is really miserable. She was treated like this by her own parents." The system clicked his tongue lightly and licked his paw, quite emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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