Chapter 290 H Fairy Tale 27.0
"Why do you think the king wants us to arrest this woman?"

"It is said that this woman committed a crime."

"What can such a beautiful woman do?"

"That's not necessarily true, the more beautiful the more dangerous, look at Kalia..."

"Hush...don't say it, Princess Kalia is a forbidden word, who in this palace doesn't know the previous..."

Chi Mo was lying on the bumpy carriage, her eyes were covered with a black cloth, and her hands were tied with a thick rope. She blinked, the cloth in front of her eyes shrouded her in darkness, and she couldn't see anything.

The system turned into a thin bracelet, and when she wore it on her wrist, she just felt aggrieved. The carriage bumped and it wanted to vomit, but it was in the shape of a bracelet, so it couldn't vomit anything.

"Mo Mo, what exactly do you want to do?"

In the silence, the system couldn't bear to ask her.

Deliberately let someone give wind to the king of Atlantis, and was deliberately arrested, what on earth did she want to do?
Didn't Kalia fall into a deep sleep?What's the point of her entering the palace now?
Chi Mo moved her wrist, and the thick rope in her hand fell off by itself. She sat up, took off the cloth strips from her eyes, and looked out through the window of the carriage. This was undoubtedly the way to the palace. The guards are strict, the shifts are changed, and they are all unfamiliar faces.

The carriage stopped in front of the castle, and Chi Mo slowly tied himself up with a thick rope, put on black cloth strips, and sat on the carriage in an orderly manner.

"I have seen the National Teacher."

The soldiers knelt down in unison, their voices extremely respectful.

"Did someone bring it?"

The deep male voice sounded, and Chi Mo inexplicably felt it sounded familiar. She blinked, leaned against the end of the carriage, and listened to the words outside.

"Back to the master, the man has been brought back."

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, Chi Mo felt the door of the carriage opened, and the cool night wind blew into the carriage, blowing the long hair on her face.

Her eyes were pitch black and she couldn't see anything, but her other senses became more acute, and she felt that someone was approaching her.

A chuckle sounded in her ear, Chi Mo looked for the source of the sound and turned his head, he could vaguely feel a person standing in front of him.

A cold hand hooked her chin, lifted her face, and examined her appearance. The person approached her a little bit, with the coolness of midnight, making Chi Mo tremble unconsciously.

The man's movements paused, and then the hand that pinched her chin increased his strength.

Chi Mo couldn't see anything, but could only feel the man slowly approaching her. He had a familiar fragrance on him, which was somewhat similar to the cold fragrance she liked to use.

She was forced to raise her head, looking at the person in front of her through the black cloth.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

She heard him chuckle in a low voice, and with a bit of nostalgia, she pressed her delicate lips ambiguously with her fingertips, and rubbed them lightly.

Chi Mo turned her head in disgust, trying to avoid his hand, but was firmly held down by his other hand. He held the back of her head, preventing her from dodging.

The distance between the two has far exceeded the safe distance, so close that their breaths intersect.

"Who are you?" Chi Mo asked calmly, but he had a rough answer in his heart, and his face remained calm.

The man didn't answer, but just looked at her quietly, where Chi Mo couldn't see, his eyes were full of nostalgia, and his eyes were dark.

The system, which had been watching the battle silently, could see it clearly. The moment it saw the person coming, it almost wanted to scream. It wanted to send a message to Chi Mo, but before it could speak, the person slid his hand down and pressed it against him. On Chi Mo's wrist, he clasped the system that turned into a bracelet.

Following his movements, the system found that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, the connection with Chi Mo was severed, and he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Chi Mo noticed something was wrong with the system, and frowned slightly. Just as he was about to gather his mental strength to investigate, the person in front of him suddenly pressed down, grabbed her hand, and pressed her against the edge of the carriage.

Feeling the people in front of him gradually approaching, King Chi Mo stepped back, leaning against the carriage, unable to retreat.

The person in front of her was still approaching, and she keenly felt his gaze fell on her face, with aggression and animalism, as if he wanted to devour her in one bite.

Chi Mo's heartbeat quickened a little bit, and her soul trembled slightly due to a familiar force. She unconsciously clenched her hands tightly, her nails ruthlessly digging into her palms, and she was momentarily confused.

The man stopped approaching, stopped one centimeter in front of her lips, took her hand, and pressed her acupuncture point, so she had to let go.

He was very close to her, and his posture was extremely ambiguous. Anyone who saw it would be misunderstood, but he didn't do anything, just looked at her quietly, and let go of his hand after a while.

Chi Mo felt him get off the carriage, his tense body relaxed, the feeling just now was not good at all, who is this person?Why is that person breathing? !

Such a familiar feeling made the imprint in her soul resonate with him.

The door of the carriage was closed, Chi Mo leaned on the carriage, lowered his eyes, his mind was in a state of confusion, and he couldn't help recalling the past scenes in his mind, which was complicated and nostalgic.

In my memory, the cute boy who always followed her and called her sister.

The demon that kept sucking her down on the carpet in the dark.

When we met again, the man who was aloof and inviolable was like a god.

Chi Mo's head began to ache, and the memory that she had always wanted to forget kept reappearing, making her breathing become short of breath.

She clutched her chest, only to feel blackness in front of her eyes.

The man's cold and heartless voice was next to his ear: "It's just a lowly devil, kill it."

Scenes of the past emerged, Chi Mo fell on the soft couch of the carriage, and slowly closed his eyes.


She is just a lowly demon, how can she be worthy of a god?
Outside the carriage.

"Master of the State." The soldier saluted Skarner respectfully, raised his head cautiously, and looked at Skarner carefully.

Master Guoshi helped Atlantis through the most critical moment, and was regarded as the guest of honor by the current king David, and he was a national teacher under one person and above ten thousand people.

Wearing a silver mask all year round, only a handful of people have seen his real appearance. It is rumored that he is like a god in the sky, sacred and inviolable.

"Send it to Lanyue Palace." Skarner said coldly, and got off the carriage. The attendant beside him understood and threw the token to the soldier.

"But... His Majesty the King..." The soldiers were a little embarrassed. After all, this was the person the king asked them to bring. Wouldn't it be good for the Master to take it away like this.

"This is the king's order." The attendant patted the soldier's shoulder meaningfully.

The soldier had no choice but to agree, took the token, looked at the cold and lonely back in the distance, and sighed in a low voice: "I really don't know who is the king of Atlantis."

(End of this chapter)

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