Chapter 285 H Fairy Tale 22.0
After Chi Mo left, the Atlantis Empire underwent tremendous changes in just one month.

First, the king's lover died strangely, and then the eldest prince David was assassinated and seriously injured.

For a time, the entire Atlantis Empire was panicked, and the servants in the palace became more and more cautious.

In the royal palace, news of the relationship between the king and the queen spread, and the open and secret fights between the nobles had spread to the common people.

"Princess Kalia!" Xiaohong hurriedly pushed the door open, and the people inside were changing clothes, half of which had been taken off.

"go out!"

Before Xiaohong could react, she heard a cold and hard scolding, she was a little hoarse.

She quickly backed out and stood at the door in a daze, recalling the scene she had just seen in a hurry.

Princess Kalia's body is not as soft as a girl, but like a boy, lean and muscular.

There is a bad idea in Xiaohong's mind, Princess Kalia is not a boy, is she?
But in a short while, she had already imagined the tragic story of the royal family dispute, and Kalia had to hide her identity in order to survive.

While she was in a trance, the door opened from the inside, and Kalia stood at the door, looking at her coldly, with an extremely cold expression.

Xiaohong felt terrified when she saw her, she took a step back unconsciously, and smiled coquettishly: "Sorry, princess, I was too anxious, I lost my manners, please punish me."

"No problem." Kalia glanced at her and walked outside her.

Xiaohong followed her, peeking at her from time to time, looking at her delicate face, suddenly felt that her thoughts just now were ridiculous.

Princess Kalia looks so beautiful, how could she be a man?

If Princess Kalia was a man, would she still have to live?

So far, the most beautiful person she has ever seen is Princess Kalia, um... But... Princess Kalia's master, Miss Chi Mo, is also very beautiful.

"what's up?"

She was thinking wildly when Kalia interrupted her.

Xiaohong was stunned for a moment when she heard Kalia's hoarse voice, then looked at her with concern, and asked cautiously: "Princess Kalia, what's wrong with your voice?"

Kalia lowered her eyes, touched her neck, and said very coldly, "I have a cold."

Xiaohong nodded, and the two walked in silence for a while, and then she suddenly remembered what she wanted to do with Kalia, and said to her anxiously: "Princess Kalia! There are poor people rioting in the city! Your Majesty sent soldiers Repression..."

Kalia stopped, looked at the servant who was walking towards her in a hurry, and raised her eyebrows: "Riot?"

"Yes..." Xiaohong quickly told Kalia about the news she had heard, and she couldn't help but feel worried when she thought of those poor people who had no power to restrain them.

"Princess Kalia." The servant who came over was one of the nobles close to David. He came in the direction of the queen's bedroom, and looked a little evasive when he looked at Kalia.

Kalia glanced at him, nodded slightly, looked back indifferently, and strode forward.

Seeing Kalia's leaving figure, the servant breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat off his brow, and continued on his way in a hurry.

"Princess Kalia, are we going to take a look? Those civilians..."

Xiaohong chattered endlessly trying to persuade Kalia to be the master for those common people.

In the middle of the conversation, Kalia stopped and stood outside the door, looking at the frolicking people outside.

After Chi Mo's treatment, the queen's health improved a lot. After Chi Mo left, her mood became exceptionally good. Even if the king ignored her, she didn't care, and played with Ji Lian every day.

"His Royal Highness..." Xiaohong was a little worried, afraid that Kalia would be sad because of such a scene.

Kalia withdrew her gaze, clenched her hand hanging by her side slightly, it doesn't matter, she is no longer alone, she still has a teacher.

She just left for a short time and will definitely come back.

"Let's go." She calmed down and continued to walk forward, thinking about how to deal with this matter as she walked.

Clashes between civilians and soldiers of the royal family will never be a good phenomenon. Wars and rebellions often originate from the unfair treatment of the royal family.

"Where are we going? Her Royal Highness, those civilians..."

Xiaohong was about to continue talking, when Kalia glanced at her coldly, her tone a bit impatient: "You are very noisy."

She lowered her head resentfully, and followed Kalia dejectedly, looking up at her carefully.

Since Master Chi left, Princess Kalia has become more and more indifferent, and she seldom smiles. She always stays where they often go, sitting for a whole day.

She also couldn't understand Princess Kalia more and more. She always felt that she had completely sealed herself up, and no one could see what was going on in her heart, except the lord.

When Kalia and Xiaohong came to the city, the dispute between the civilians and the soldiers intensified, and some civilians were injured, and the surrounding civilians looked at the soldiers with anger and fear in their eyes.

They are no longer fighters to protect them, but villains who will attack them.

"Stop." Kalia yelled coldly, standing in front of the civilians who fell to the ground, and looked coldly at the soldier who just swung the knife.

"Princess Kalia?" The soldier came over and looked at Kalia in surprise, wondering why she appeared here.

When the surrounding civilians saw Kalia, they immediately became agitated, shouting her name loudly, as if seeing a patron saint, expecting her to be the master for themselves.

"Why did you take action against the people of the Atlantis Empire?" Kalia asked coldly as he confronted the soldier captain.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiaohong moved the injured civilian to the other side, asked the medical officer who brought him to bandage him, and looked at Kalia worriedly.

"This is not something that Princess Kalia should be in charge of?" The soldier captain did not back down, he sneered: "This is His Majesty's order. Anyone who resists the rule of the empire will be classified as a rebel. Seriously injured, but those rebels are getting away with it, where does this make the royal family face?!"

"So, these civilians are the rebels you think?" Kalia twitched the corners of her lips, her delicate face full of mockery: "You are also attacking the people of Atlantis because of your own incompetence. The king's order?!"

Kalia's words made the soldier captain speechless. He was about to say something when someone among the civilians threw a rotten egg at him. The egg broke open on his head, and the foul-smelling liquid flowed down his hair.

He looked around and found that these civilians who were timid just now were full of fighting spirit and courage when they saw Kalia. He gritted his teeth, wiped the egg liquid from his face, drew out his long sword angrily, and aimed at Kalia. Lia, staring at her sullenly: "It is said that Princess Kalia is very popular and trusted by the people, even surpassing the admiration for His Majesty the King. She really deserves her reputation."

"This is His Majesty's order! They are the rebels! Block Kill Unforgiven!"

 Thank you Yabao for your reward!Love you!Duck treasure!Crazy comparison!
(End of this chapter)

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