Chapter 270

"Good day, Your Royal Highness." The servant led Chi Mo to the place where the queen lived, and when he saw the girl standing outside the door, he bowed respectfully.

The girl in the cumbersome court dress turned around, raised her head slightly, and nodded reservedly.

Chi Mo looked at the little girl he met yesterday with great interest, and the system nestled in her arms widened its eyes for a moment, raised its head and meowed at Chi Mo.

Chi Mo pressed the system's head and rubbed it unceremoniously.

The little girl I saw yesterday turned out to be the heroine of this world, Sleeping Beauty?

She looked at the young girl without any shyness in her eyes. She was indeed a real beauty, and it was no wonder that the male lead fell in love at first sight.

"Bold! Who are you?! You are so rude when you see Princess Kalia..." The maid beside Kalia stopped her before she finished speaking.

Kalia cast a cold glance at Chi Mo, looked at the servant, raised her head, and said in a cold and arrogant tone, "Who is she?"

"Return to Your Royal Highness, she is a famous doctor specially recruited by His Majesty abroad for the Queen." The servant bowed respectfully, pulled La Chimo's sleeve, and motioned for her to salute. Seeing that she did not move, he was sweating profusely. But he couldn't speak directly, so he could only smooth things over for her with a smile: "Your Highness, the famous doctor has lived in the mountains for a long time. This is the first time he has entered the palace, so there will inevitably be some impoliteness. Please bear with me."

When Chi Mo heard the maid say Kalia's name, he frowned. He always felt that the name seemed familiar somewhere.

The system nestled in her arms moved its nose, looked at Kalia with its round cat eyes, and fell into deep thought.

Why does it feel as if it has seen the heroine somewhere?
Kalia gave Chi Mo a cold look, her eyes lingered on the system in her arms, then turned her head away, with a cold face, she stopped talking.

"He's really a martial artist from the countryside. He's so rude, he really can't stand on stage." The maid muttered dissatisfiedly, and glared at Chi Mo fiercely.

Seeing that Kalia didn't care about it, the waiter was relieved, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Fortunately, Her Royal Highness didn't care about it, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

Seeing Kalia standing at the door without moving, he frowned and asked her gently: "Is Your Highness the Princess here to see the queen? Why don't you go in?"

"No." Kalia paused her hand as she was about to push the door, said something coldly, then turned and prepared to leave.

Watching Kalia's leaving figure, the servant sighed, and led Chi Mo towards the door. He knocked on the door and saw that Chi Mo was still standing there: "My lord, what's the problem?"

Chi Mo looked at Kalia's back with great interest, rubbed the head of the system, it nestled in her arms, and made a comfortable purring sound.

"I just think this princess looks very good-looking."

Her voice was not too loud, and just happened to be heard by the girl who stopped suddenly. She turned her head suddenly, her ears turned red, and looked at Chi Mo angrily.

"Princess Kalia is the most beautiful and noble princess of our Atlantis Empire, so she is naturally extremely beautiful." The waiter didn't notice anything, the door was opened from the inside, he bent down and made a gesture of please .

Chi Mo took the lead to look away, walked in, and disappeared into the corridor.

"Your Highness, this famous doctor really doesn't understand etiquette. He is extremely rude." The maid scolded Chi Mo indignantly, and Kalia rushed up to arrest Chi Mo and beat him up at the order of Kalia. mean.

With a cold face, Kalia gritted her teeth, turned around and strode away, walking quickly, but unconsciously recalled yesterday's scene in her mind, she was accidentally embraced by her, and her hand even touched her...

Thinking of the shameful scene yesterday, Kalia walked faster, but the woman pretended nothing happened, and even dared to tease her directly.

This female hooligan.

"Your Highness, wait for me!"

Chi Mo, who was inexplicably defined as a female hooligan, stood in the dark queen's bedroom, looking at the closed curtains, frowning slightly.

Seeing this, the servant hurriedly explained: "The queen is in a special condition and cannot see strong light, so she can only use heavy curtains to block it."

The maids in the bedroom stood aside with their heads bowed, their expressions indifferent.

The system in Chi Mo's arms was still purring comfortably, and it rubbed against Chi Mo's palm nostalgicly, coquettishly without bottom line.

The comfortable stroking on the top of the head suddenly stopped, the system opened its cat's eyes, and subconsciously searched for her hand and rubbed it up. After realizing what it had done, its entire system failed, and it immediately froze in place, stiff Jumping out of Chi Mo's arms, he didn't dare to look at her.

What a disgrace, it is a majestic system that succumbs to the cat's habit, acting like a baby to its host without any bottom line.

If this gets out, will it still be a tradition? !
It lay on the ground annoyed, covering its face, feeling ashamed.

"Since the queen had a serious illness a few years ago, her health has become worse and worse. She has often fallen asleep in the past few days. The doctors in the palace have seen it, but they can't see the reason."

The servant led Chi Mo inside, and told her about the queen's symptoms while walking.

After hearing the general idea, Chi Mo frowned when he saw the queen lying on the bed.

The queen was lying on the big dark bed, her face, which was four or five points similar to Kalia's, was very pale, her eyes and lips were dark, and there was a circle of obvious bruises on her neck.

She didn't look like she was sick, but rather poisoned.

"When did it start?" Chi Mo walked to the bedside, observed the queen closely, and asked softly.

"Probably... four days ago." The waiter thought for a while, and the answer was a little vague. The queen's physical condition has not been very good for years, and this is not the first time that such symptoms have appeared, and they did not pay attention to the time.

four days?

Chi Mo stretched out his hand and gently pressed the bruise on the queen's neck. She was still in a deep sleep, frowning as if she had encountered a nightmare.

The bruise on her neck has been there for some time, and it appeared about five days ago according to the time.

It doesn't look like it was caused by poisoning, but it looks like it was pinched out by someone.

Chi Mo took the queen's hand, her hand was very thin, because of her movement, the clothes slipped down, revealing her scarred arm.

Chi Mo paused, turned his head to look at the servant, who was lowering his head, staring at his toes, as if he didn't see anything.

Some of the wounds on the queen's hands were old wounds that had healed, while others were new wounds that had just scabbed over not long ago, and there was even a very obvious tooth mark on the side of her wrist.

No matter how it looks, this is not a simple illness, and the reactions of these maids and servants serving the queen are also very interesting.

Chi Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, pulled off the slipped clothes to cover the wound on her arm, and checked her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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