Quick Transmigration: The villain's little flirt is wild

Chapter 257 The Empress and Her Five Ex-Boyfriends 5

Chapter 257 The Empress and Her Five Ex-Boyfriends 70.0
Chi Mo sat on the balcony, watching the scene in the garden with a calm expression.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and Gu Manshan's voice sounded, his words were filled with unprecedented excitement: "Momo, you are really my good sister."

Chi Mo didn't turn her head back, she quietly looked at the unopened flower buds in the garden, and calmed down the breath in her heart, lest she impulsively break the restraint and pull out his tongue.

Gu Manshan came straight behind Chi Mo, looked at her indifferent look, didn't care about it, and smiled slightly: "Guess what Xie Chao promised?"

Chi Mo didn't move, his expression was indifferent and empty, as if he wasn't interested in anything.

"I didn't know that my good sister has such a great charm."

Gu Manshan leaned over and picked up a strand of Chi Mo's hair. The ambition under the gold-rimmed glasses was clearly revealed. Suddenly, he lowered his head and gently kissed the tip of Chi Mo's hair.

The action is pious, like a believer who worships the gods.

"He is willing to exchange half of the Xie family's shares with me for you."

Gu Manshan laughed softly: "My good sister, your charm is really great."

"Being able to confuse Xie Chao, a business genius praised by everyone, into such an appearance, even the Xie family would ignore it for you."

He turned Chi Mo's hair, and his smile widened: "If you were born in ancient times, you must be a demon concubine who will bring disaster to the country and the people."

His younger sister can always bring him different surprises. As a plaything, it can play a greater role than he imagined.

No one responded to his words. No matter what he said, Chi Mo remained silent. She leaned against the wall with an empty expression, like a delicate doll without a soul.

"Let's say something." Gu Manshan frowned slightly, today's good mood was ruined by Chi Mo's silence, it was really disappointing enough, like a log.

"I don't know what I would have done otherwise, my dear sister."

Chi Mo remained silent, rolled his eyes in his heart, this Gu Manshan really talked a lot, it made people want to pull out his tongue.

In the huge bedroom, there were only the two of them, and Gu Manshan's face darkened.

He clasped the back of Chi Mo's neck from behind, exerted a little force, and pressed his whole body down, leaning against her neck, pushing her against the wall, and propped his other hand on the wall in front of her.

"Speak, Gu Mo!"

The deliberate gentleness faded from his voice, and he became impatient.

"Heh." Chi Mo was unmoved, she chuckled, raised her head, and looked at the distant scenery with a calm expression.

In Gu Manshan's eyes, it was an extraordinarily mocking one. He frowned, grabbed Chi Mo's hand abruptly, held her shoulders, pressed her to the ground, clasped her hands with one hand, and slowly waved away with the other. The messy hair on her face.

She was not as flustered and frightened as he expected, and she just looked at him indifferently from the beginning to the end. That indifferent posture annoyed Gu Manshan. Crushed: "Gu Mo, why do you look at me like this?!"

Obviously, she is already a pawn to be slaughtered by others, and she can't break free after being toyed with by him. She can only follow his will to survive. To put it bluntly, she is now a dog who survives by watching him wink!
Why is she? !

Still such a condescending and disdainful look, as if they met for the first time, he is just the adopted son who has been blinded and humbled, and she is the little princess who is loved by thousands of people.

Why is she?
Chi Mo looked at him coldly, no matter what he said, he would remain indifferent, his indifferent gaze seemed to be looking at another clown.

"I really want... to goug your eyes." Gu Manshan covered Chi Mo's eyes, gritted his teeth and approached her, leaning against her ear, and whispered.

Chi Mo didn't resist, so that Gu Manshan couldn't arouse any interest in torturing him. He gradually calmed down, and the strength in his hands relaxed a little, and then lightly pressed Chi Mo's cheek, curling the corner of his mouth: "I am here today!" A good mood."

"Forget your rudeness."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly, hooked her chin, and looked at the disgust in her eyes: "Next time you look at me like that, I'll dig out your eyes and send them to Xie Chao as a New Year's gift."

"By the way, although I promised to return you to Xie Chao." Gu Manshan lowered his head, rubbing against her lips ambiguously, with a sickly excitement in his eyes, he licked the corners of his mouth, no longer suppressing the madness in his eyes : "However, how to return you depends on my mood."

"For example, separate your limbs and return them, or... dig out your eyes and ears one by one, cut them off, and send them to him?"

"Gu Mo, recognize your position, you are no longer that high-ranking lady, you are just a dog I keep by my side."

After Gu Manshan finished speaking, he let go of Chi Mo and turned to leave.

As the bedroom door was closed, tranquility was restored in the bedroom.

Chi Mo sat up expressionlessly, and wiped the area touched by Gu Manshan with disgust, frowning, it was really disgusting.

I really want to chop off his hand and use it as firewood.

There was a wind in the garden, and the delicate flowers swayed gently with the wind, and the petals fell to the ground and became broken.

Chi Mo wiped his face and narrowed his eyes slightly, but since Xie Chao agreed to his request, it meant that Wang Xing and the others had already delivered the things.

She threw the paper on the ground, stepped on the carpet with her bare feet, and curled her mouth lightly. Xie Chao is not a kind person. He dared to give Gu Manshan most of the shares of the Xie family, and he had the courage to accept it. Or have that fate.

Chi Mo walked into the bathroom, looked at the delicate but haggard beauty in the mirror, the smile on the corner of his mouth widened, seven days.

At most seven days, this boring world can be ended.

The system sensed that Chi Mo was not in a good mood, so he hesitated and said: Well... Mo Mo, how do you plan to end this world?

Chi Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and said in a cold tone, "How about...kill them all?"

She looked at the person in the mirror and narrowed her eyes slightly. Speaking of which, she hadn't looked at this body carefully yet. She stroked her face. This body was two or three points similar to her real body.

Inexplicably, it made her miss the past, which is not a good sign.

The system was startled when it heard Chi Mo's words, and quickly said: No... no!If you kill them all, the rules of this world will be broken, the heavens will collapse, and this world will disappear.

The mutual containment of the villain and the protagonist is an important factor to maintain the stability of a world. If the unilateral force is too strong, then the world will sooner or later perish due to the imbalance of energy.

Chi Mo came to this world to perform a mission not only to collect spirit bodies, but also to save this world where negative energy is too strong.

Chi Mo laughed, she supported the bathroom stand, her eyes were cold: "So you admit that you plotted against me?"

(End of this chapter)

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