Chapter 92 I Only Like You

This seemingly talented, cold and noble man, what does he look like in his heart?

The appointment with Dr. Jiang Ming was at 09:30, and it was still early. Su Hua had breakfast before going out with Jiang Yu leisurely. If it wasn't for Liang Caiping's worried face, Su Hua wouldn't be bothered to go out so early.

Sitting in the car, Su Hua flicked through half of the videos he watched last night on his phone.

It was GG's dance video that became popular all over the Internet, because this video won the preliminary round of the Show Me Contest. This girl named Luo Luo had more than a thousand fans overnight.

Su Hua looked at it coldly, this was not an imitation at all, it was herself at all.

Legally, this is enough for this man named Luo Luo to eat a pot.

I didn't notice, and his face was not that good-looking. Jiang Yu drove the car, looked away from Su Hua on the co-pilot, glanced at the video screen in her hand, and frowned slightly.

"So Niannian also likes these?"

Jiang Yu never cared about videos of women dancing, let alone watch them.

In the past, in his world, there were only those things of the Jiang family, which were colorless and gloomy, but it will be different in the future, and there are Su paintings.

Listening to Jiang Yu's teasing words, Su Hua didn't even lift his head, and paused for a moment with his fingertips on the video page, turned off his phone and put it in his pocket, his gaze fell outside the window, looking at the colorful world passing by, a little Awaken God.

"Isn't the pursuit of beautiful things what everyone yearns for?"

The air in the car was quiet for a long time, and Su Hua's sight outside the window finally retracted, and fell on Jiang Yu's stern profile.

"Don't tell me Teacher Jiang doesn't like beautiful women?"

If you tell ghosts this sentence, ghosts will not believe it.

There is no man who doesn't like beautiful women, let alone Jiang Yu who is so duplicity.

The black off-road vehicle turned sharply on the wide asphalt road, and the emergency brake left a trace on the road.

Su Hua didn't have the screaming and fear as he imagined, and his delicate and beautiful face was calm.

"I only like you."

Time stands still.

Even the air seemed to be thinner.

Jiang Yu's confession was unexpected, but he couldn't help feeling inexplicably nervous and his heart beating wildly.

Su Hua didn't know if it was because of Jiang Yu's beautiful crystal eyes, or because the speed of the car suddenly stopped sharply, and the heart, in the chest cavity, was beating uneasily.

Even breathing is also rapid.

The atmosphere is rich.

Jiang Yu's deep eyes looked at Su Hua firmly, without blinking.

As if he wanted to let Su Hua know all the strong feelings in his heart.

The joints held on the pay-off reel are distinct, cold and white, and very good-looking. It has the unique breath and charm of men, and the strong taste of abstinence, which is full of Su Hua, who has not touched a man for a long time.

In order to break this awkward and cramped picture, Su Hua forced his own muddy thoughts: "Ahem..."

He coughed twice, pulling back his thoughts.

"Ms. Jiang is really working hard, and she no longer exudes her 'manly flavor' all the time."

With a little ridicule, Su Hua almost fell into this handsome man's trap.

It was obviously the time for her to use the beauty trap, how could she be defeated instead.

Su Hua, you have to wake up.

Shaking his head, Su Hua looked out the window, 'Linda Medicine' had already arrived, unbuckled his seat belt, Su Hua got out of the car first.

As far as I can remember, it's not the first time I've come here.

Su Wenji and Liang Caiping had brought the original owner here before, and the well-known doctor Jiang Ming in Shanghai would make an appointment at this place whenever he came to Baicheng.

Without waiting for Jiang Yu, Su Hua strode into the gate first.

Jiang Yu didn't show an angry expression, he suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and he didn't know why he couldn't hold back at that moment just now, seeing Su Hua's fair cheeks turned into scars, he just opened his mouth.

Did it scare her?
Concentrating his thoughts, Jiang Yu parked the car, clenched his fingers hanging on both sides into fists, and followed the figure drawn by Su to take a step forward.

The layout of this Lin University Medical Center in my impression is the same as what Su Hua saw in reality at this time. It is simple and has no extra decorations. A long table that can seat ten people is the most conspicuous decoration in the hall.

Beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a row of lazy sofas, where you can read a book, and the sun is shining, which seems to be just right.

A few pots of green plants make this single hall look a little alive.

The grand and tidy decoration is the research site of Linda Medical Investment here.

Although the first floor doesn't look like a place related to medicine at all, the second floor, a few hundred meters away, is full of medical experiments with instruments and laboratory tests.

Su Hua went to a small bar counter in front of the hall familiarly, and spoke to a little girl who was busy inside.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Jiang."

Hearing the sound, the little girl put down the things in her hands and looked up. She had a small face the size of a palm, a pair of cute and pure eyes, a cute little face, and a chubby face.

"Su Hua?"

Originally, her eyes fell on the row of beanbag sofas by the window, and Su Hua didn't notice the figure in the bar. When she heard a familiar voice, Su Hua turned her head, and it was Tan Sisi who was familiar with a smiling face.

Tan Sisi?
"Why are you here?"

"What are you doing here?"

The two asked at almost the same moment, looked at each other and smiled in unison.

Since getting to know Su Hua, Tan Sisi has gradually become more cheerful, and the problem of stuttering when seeing people nervous and speaking has improved a lot, and now she dares to come out to help her family members to greet the situation in the store.

"I'll help my uncle come over to look at the store."

"Your uncle?" Su Hua has never been a gossipy person, and actually doesn't know much about Tan Sisi.

Seeing it here at this time, I feel that the world is really small.

"Well, my uncle is Jiang Ming." Tan Sisi nodded, and then remembered that Su Hua seemed to be looking for her uncle.

"You came to see my uncle, what's the matter?" Tan Sisi asked, subconsciously thinking that someone was not feeling well. After all, her uncle was just a doctor, and those who usually came to her uncle were not feeling well.

Tan Sisi was worried.

Su Hua didn't care much: "My parents, let me come over and see if there is any problem with my brain."

Jiang Yu, who had been following behind him without speaking, turned dark.

What kind of answer is this? Generally, it seems that people don't like to talk about being stupid, but this little girl is not afraid of others thinking too much.

Tan Sisi obviously didn't know how to answer Su Hua's words for a while, so how could she curse herself like that.

Although others said that Su Hua was a fool, those who came into contact with him, even fools, should know that Su Hua was not a fool.

Those who say she is a fool are probably fools themselves.

Tan Sisi's small face was flushed, and she didn't know how to answer the conversation, so she had to change the subject: "Then wait, I'll ask my uncle."

Seeing Tan Sisi running away, Su Hua turned around and said to Jiang Yu inexplicably, "How is it, isn't my little cutie cute?"

Jiang Yu: "..."

The hall was empty, I don't know if it was because it was the morning, there was no one there, except for Tan Sisi, there were only two men at the long table who didn't know what to study on the computer.

(End of this chapter)

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