Chapter 37 The Curse of the Fool

It was the first time, and it was the first time he held a girl's hand, and he was still a little girl.

The tips of the ears under the broken black hair were blushing and burning hot.

Clenching his fingers, he headed downstairs.

Su Hua had just arrived at the door of Class [-] classroom, when there were unbearable insults coming from inside.

Every sentence is aimed at Su Hua.

"A fool dares to frame Xiaoxiao, this time, she will suffer."

"That's right, it's just a fantasy for a poor ghost from a mountain village to want to stay in No. [-] Middle School."

"It's just right to be expelled from school. Clean up the environment of our class, and save everything from being polluted by that fool."

Open your mouth and shut up, idiot idiot.

It can be seen how terribly the original owner was bullied.

A group of ignorant humans dared to be so presumptuous in front of her.


Su Hua kicked on the door of the classroom, the door was so pitiful that it almost fell due to the swaying in the wind.

"Su Hua?"

"Are you crazy?"


Everyone's eyes were full of horror and surprise.

No one expected that Su Hua would come back.

She was able to come back.

Yuan Yuan, who was surrounded by most of his classmates, was stunned for a long time.

what's the situation?
Can the person who kicked down the rock wall come back safe and sound?
Is it
"Su Hua, are you here to pack things?" Yuan Yuan stood up, and after much deliberation, there was only one result that made sense.

When everyone heard Yuan Yuan's words, they only realized it later, and their expressions were not good, with a hint of ridicule.

"Su Hua, tell us how you feel about being expelled. Are you excited? Are you excited now?"

Su Hua put her hands in her pockets and walked towards her seat.

"Well, it's really exciting." It's good to be able to live in a place where you can't see you, without your noise.

Yuan Yuan looked at Su Hua who was different from the past, and she always had a premonition that this Su Hua must have been pretending to be stupid before, otherwise how could a person change so much.

But she really couldn't figure out why.

"Are you so happy that you can't speak at the thought of going back to the mountain village soon? Don't be too sad. If you do such a wrong thing that the principal can't tolerate, no matter who it is, it will have this tragic result."

Seeing Su Hua's quick response, the little follower beside Yuan Yuan couldn't help but interjected.

The taste of irony is strong.

Unfortunately, however.
"Hey, what a pity, I'm going to disappoint you this time."

Su Hua's rare provocative tone made Yuan Yuan and his followers uneasy.

What, what is this?

Su Hua What does this mean?
Kicked down the stone wall, but still safe and sound?

"what do you mean?"

These children were really bored, it was disappointing and ridiculous to ask Su Hua again and again with cold eyes.

"Hey, I said, if you are really bored, you might as well think about how to deal with that thing you hide under your bed at night."

"Pay more attention to your own body, don't be hollowed out and don't know."

Fear instantly spread in my heart.

Yuan Yuan's wide-open eyes hurriedly retorted in disbelief: "Su Hua, don't gossiping and intimidating here, we won't accept your tricks."

"Threat? I've been approached and I don't know it. Didn't I feel heavy at night? Shortness of breath? If you have time to care about me, it's better to worry about yourself. Childish."

With a sneer, the ethereal and clear voice was inexplicably weird.

Su Hua didn't want to stay here for a moment, she only felt her ears hurt from being noisy.

He took his schoolbag and left without looking back.

Everyone in class three gasped in place.

Everyone knew what was hidden under the bed in Su Hua's words.

In this chaotic world, goblins do exist everywhere, although they are rare during the day, but at night, the doors and windows of every house are closed.

Ordinary people don't have the capital to be blessed by the Guwu family, let alone the rest.

These words, heavy blows, disturbed the mind, it is the mental pressure and the fear that arises spontaneously from the bottom of my heart.

Compared to physical humiliation, this is the scariest thing.

In Class Three, no one dared to laugh at a fool anymore. They knew from the bottom of their hearts that this curse came from a fool.

With Tang Jue's reliable backing, Su Hua can go to any class in the school as he likes.

It's a pity that there are only three classes in the freshman year, the third class is noisy, and the first class is the top student. She has no luck and can only get into the second class.

I don't want to listen to my classmates nagging, and I don't want to do my homework every day. In today's No. [-] Middle School, there is only Class No. [-], which is not enough.

It's suitable for half-baked people like her.

Su Hua packed her things and walked towards the middle classroom on the same second floor.

Classes [-] and [-] are not as noisy as Class [-], nor are they as bewildered as Class [-]. Those who should be studying are studying, and those who should be chatting are chatting. It seems that it is not bad.

With Tang Jue's greeting in advance, Su Hua was directly led into the classroom by Teacher Liu, the head teacher of the second class.

Because it was get out of class time, many students in the class were not there. Teacher Liu was only in his early forties, and he was in good condition. He pointed to the middle of the fifth row and asked Su Hua to sit there.

Because it was arranged by the principal, Teacher Liu thought that this little girl must have a lot of background, otherwise how could she alarm the principal.

The natural tone is also very easy to speak.

"Thank you, teacher."

Courteous reciprocity is Su Hua's consistent good upbringing.

If someone treats her kindly, she will definitely pay back.

On the table for two in the middle of the fifth row, there was a delicate pencil case and a Chinese book, which were so clean that they were scrupulously clean. Su painted a picture and sat on the empty seat next to them.

Looking at my classmate who is no longer, she must be a well-behaved girl.

Su Hua stuffed her schoolbag into the drawer, and there were not two books in her shriveled schoolbag, all of which were thrown away by those boring children in the past.

Right now, she doesn't like studying, and whether she has books or not doesn't matter to her.

It's better to sleep more to replenish aura.

Lying lazily on the table, he looks like an ignorant female gangster.

Faint footsteps sounded beside her, followed by a sweet and well-behaved voice.

"Hi, hello, I'm Tan Sisi."

Su Hua, who had just lay down for a few minutes, turned her head to the side, raised her eyes, and saw an extremely cute little girl with two braids, her grape-like dark eyes were round and round, and her baby's plump cheeks made people unable to resist. Always want to go up and pinch.

The idea was like this, but Su Hua's hand really appeared on Tan Sisi's soft and tender face.

"It feels really comfortable."

I squeezed and praised.

In the line of sight, the embarrassed and weak appearance of the little girl was reflected, Su Hua looked like a gangster who was bullying a girl from a good family.

Seeing Tan Sisi grabbing her neat school uniform, the clothes were too neat and suddenly reminded Su Hua of Jiang Yu's beautiful face.

Hey, it's really annoying to always drill into my head.

(End of this chapter)

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