Chapter 260 Killed
Su Hua kneaded her sore and swollen calf, not noticing when a figure appeared behind her at all.

In the already lush mountains and forests, it is easy to block a thin person's sight.

The branches and leaves behind him swayed, making a crisp rustling sound.

There were some dry branches and leaves from last year on the ground, and it seemed that no one had cleaned them for a long time.

This area is a bit out of the way, presumably few people come here.

Caught off guard, Su Hua's entire body was suddenly pushed away by the figure that suddenly appeared behind him.

With resentment.

Unsteady center of gravity.

Su Hua didn't even have time to scream, her whole body fell straight to the other side of the mountain wall.

The other side is empty. This pavilion is built on the mountainside, mainly for the convenience of passing passengers to rest and enjoy the mountain scenery.

So sitting here and watching the scenery is a very good angle of sight.

But the only drawback is that the fence of the pavilion is a bit low, and it is said to be repaired all the year round, but because few people come, it has been delayed until now.

If you don't pay attention, the whole person will fall down the mountain.


Jiang Yu rushed over almost subconsciously, but what he grabbed was only a corner of Su Hua's clothes.

"Tearing——" All I heard was the crisp sound of the clothes being torn.

"Niannian." The mournful roar echoed halfway up the mountain, drifting away.

The wind seemed to stand still.

The surrounding air is thin to a certain extent.

Makes it hard to breathe.

Su Xiyan seemed to be crazy, her facial features were ferocious, she could no longer see her original face, only the ruthlessness engulfed by hatred remained.

Before the outstretched hand could be withdrawn, he pushed Su Hua down who was surrounded by jealousy and hatred, but the palm of his hand felt cold.

My heart also felt like a piece had fallen off.


The corners of his mouth showed a weird smile because he finally succeeded, and the corners of his lips also froze in place.

"Su Xiyan." Jiang Yu's eyes turned red.

Looking at the crazy woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, he just wanted to push her down immediately.

Clenched fists pounded on both sides, suppressing and enduring.

The anger in his chest erupted like a poisonous fire dragon.

Gritting her teeth, she stared at Su Xiyan.

This sight was too frightening, making Su Xiyan, who was on the verge of collapse and insane, gradually clear her mind and feel a chill down her spine.

After realizing it, Su Xiyan looked at her hands, the originally clean and white palms seemed to be covered with blood in an instant, scarlet and red.


She screamed subconsciously, rubbing her hands back and forth constantly, trying to wipe off the blood on her hands.

His eyes were red, as if in a magic mirror.

"I killed someone, I killed someone, Su Hua died, haha, that bitch finally died." The incoherent preface was a little crazy.

Jiang Yu was in no mood to talk to her.

A call was made and it was quickly connected.

"Fengshan to find someone." The hysterical roar scared Jiang Ning.

Just a second ago, I was thinking that the young master and the young lady went out on a rare date today, and they were finally free.

The next moment, the task came.

Apparently Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened at all.


Jiang Yu was anxious, looking at the emptiness on the other side of the pavilion, the little girl who was here a moment ago disappeared without a trace, it seemed that the bright smile with bright teeth was still in front of her eyes, but now she has no life or death.

"Qili Mountain, Su Hua fell off the cliff, come here immediately, seal the mountain to find someone, remember to call Captain Fu, and take this murderous woman away."

The bottom of the pitch-black eyes was filled with desolation.

Not the slightest bit of temperature.

The Su family was reluctant to spare her life and protect her well-being for the rest of her life, but the woman who touched him, even the king of heaven, could not let her live in peace.

In the Jiang family courtyard, Jiang Yuan roared: "What?"

"You said that the young lady was pushed off the cliff by her sister?"

"Is she crazy?"

"Why does the young lady have such a sister?"

Jiang Yuan simply couldn't understand, originally he didn't think that Su Hua came from a small city, but after so much experience, Jiang Yuan's perception of Su Hua has long been different from the past.

I never expected that such an excellent girl would have such a crazy murderous elder sister.

It was so terrifying.

Jiang Ning was on the phone in a hurry, while calling the police station's Fu team, while gathering manpower to seal the mountain to find someone.

I couldn't help but muttered to Jiang Yuan: "Stop talking nonsense, go find someone quickly, if there is something wrong with the young lady, we will all die."

Jiang Ning's speed is very fast.

Originally, it took more than an hour or two hours to drive from Qili Mountain to Beijing.

Jiang Ning only took 15 minutes.

The helicopter landed in a clearing at the foot of the mountain.

The black-clothed security team immediately armed and ran towards the pavilion halfway up the mountain.

Su Xiyan sat on the ground collapsed, her mind was clouded and her thoughts were chaotic.

But she kept muttering in her mouth: "I killed someone, Su Hua deserves to die, she shouldn't be alive as a little bitch."

This continued until Team Fu from the police station came and took the person away, and it didn't stop.

Team Fu and Jiang Yu have been friends for many years.

After all, in this business circle, how could one not have many acquaintances.

"Qi Ye, don't be impulsive." Captain Fu watched his colleagues take the person away, and remembered the scene when he saw Jiang Yu impulsively and was about to put a long rope down to find someone himself, with lingering fears.

Who is Jiang Qiye, a person who can play a decisive role in Shangjing with just a finger, now for a woman, if there is something wrong.

Dui Fu didn't dare to think deeply, how could he be a good friend of his for many years, and he didn't want to see him do such a stupid thing.

Jiang Yu didn't speak, and Jiang Ning, who was standing beside him, didn't try to dissuade him.

Just silently handed over the safety rope.

Jiang Yu is stubborn, and he has only let go of Su Hua in his heart for so many years.

If Su Hua died.

No one dared to think that maybe Jiang Yu would go crazy.

All they can do now is to pray to God that Su Hua is safe and well.

Seeing Jiang Yu's firm and decisive eyes, Captain Fu didn't try to dissuade him.

It is rumored that Jiang Yu's person went to Beijing to be cold and mysterious, decisive and ruthless.

But those who know him well, those who have been in close contact with him know that Jiang Yu is very stubborn and persistent.

He won't let go of the person or thing he wants to grab easily.

And what he can do now is to handle the case well. For the crime of intentional homicide, Dui Fu turned his head and looked at Su Xiyan with empty eyes in front of him.

Don't even think about this little girl in this life.

The noon sun was getting hotter and more dazzling.

Vigorously through the green branches and leaves, hit the overcrowded pavilion.

Jiang Ning pulled the safety rope and fixed it, still looked at Jiang Yu with some worry and said, "Master, let me go down with you!~" Multiple people responded.

Jiang Ning knew that Jiang Yu would not change his decision easily.

So he didn't mean to organize, but just wanted to accompany him and protect him.

Jiang Yu's pupils were only filled with anxiety and coldness, and everything in the chaos and noise around him seemed to be isolated from him.

 Some cuties can’t satisfy Su Xiyan’s final ending, I’ll add it for you

  Are you satisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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