Chapter 239 Casting a Net Around
"You" looked at Su Hua walking past in front of you with no one in sight, that arrogant and indifferent look made people feel that they were not worth admiring.

Old man Su sat on the sofa, pursed his mouth dullly and did not speak.

But seeing Su Hua's figure walking straight by, he couldn't hold back and opened his mouth.

But when the words came to his lips, he held back a word and there was no more words.

Su Hua thought that the old man thought that he was not pleasing to the eye again and wanted to say a few words to satisfy his appetite, so he paused for a second or two, but unexpectedly did not wait for the next sentence.

Cold eyes flashed past.

He walked straight away without stopping.

Looking at Su Hua's back as he walked away, for the first time, the old man felt that it was hard to speak.

It's such a suffocation.

Yan Lao sent a car and took Su Hua directly into the hotel venue.

The venue that started at five o'clock was already full of people, and Su Hua's appearance was always on time every time.

So from the moment she came in, all eyes in the venue subconsciously looked at her.

Su Hua's paintings are so beautiful that they are extraordinarily noisy in this high-end venue. The venue naturally became a beautiful landscape.

Everyone was paying attention and couldn't help but be amazed.

Elder Yan even saw Su Hua at a glance and stepped forward to greet him.

Everyone was surprised, who didn't know Elder President Yan.

What makes him come forward to receive him is He Fang Sheng?

Why has such a beauty never been seen in this circle.

Everyone whispered to each other for a moment and couldn't help whispering, but only the man sitting in the corner turned dark silently.

"Huahua, you're finally here." Yan Laogang approached Su Hua, smiling, talking with no one around.

"It's a pity. As I told you last time, the male dolls I want to introduce to you are not here today, but you are here to play. There are quite a few male dolls coming here tonight."

It was as if Su Hua came here for a blind date.

The person who wanted to test didn't come, Su Hua immediately became a little interested and lacked money, but he glanced casually, and saw that there were quite a few men in the venue.

Which man is not a man, as long as it can be tested.

She wants to see tonight if her heart is sick.

"Okay." The eyebrows and eyes are curved, and even the almond eyes with delicate makeup are shining and dazzling like stars.

Following Yan Lao's footsteps, Su Hua walked towards the center of the venue, and immediately, countless people approached him.

Mr. Yan just briefly introduced a few business giants, who can call out famous people with famous names.

For the rest, those who are not qualified in the eyes of Mr. Yan will naturally not be introduced to Su Hua.

"Hey, where did that stinky boy go, and I want to introduce you to him." Yan Lao looked around at the missing people and frowned.

Originally, he wanted to introduce Su Hua to his little grandson, but who knew that this little grandson was so unlucky, and then he remembered that there is another good brat.

I looked around and saw no one.

Mouth was parched, Su Hua had already drank three glasses of wine.

This kind of scene is not suitable for Su Hua to deal with these people. Seeing the enthusiasm of Yan Lao, he had no choice but to shirk: "It's okay, it's the same when I see you later. I'll go over there first, and you will be busy first."

The party is organized by the Boxing Association.

Naturally, Elder Yan's face is also the biggest.

Those who can come tonight are all for the Boxing Association.

And those who have capital are all business giants, and even the Su family is not within the scope of the invitation.

It is conceivable that the people who can be here are all famous in Beijing.

After talking to Yan Lao, Su Hua walked towards the balcony outside the venue with the wine glass in his hand.

The refreshing cool wind at night blows away the long hair on Su Hua's neck, and draws behind him.

Under the moonlight, it looks like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world.


The white jade wall leaned against the stone pillar on the terrace, her slender and slightly curly eyelashes fluttered lazily, and her eyes gazed at the distant scenery.

The mood is still somewhat indescribably depressed.

The drink in his hand was drained in one gulp, and his thirst still seemed to be quenched.

"Beauty, alone?"

"Let's chat if you don't mind?"

The man's brisk voice floated from behind. Su Hua glanced lazily sideways and casually, but didn't care and didn't answer.

Goddesses are always so cold, and Li Yi, who is used to seeing beauties, doesn't feel cold, and directly offers a glass of wine enthusiastically.

"I don't know where the beautiful Patriarch is?"

"Is it a local?"

"Because I have never seen a woman as beautiful as you here in Shangjing."

The man's frivolous tone made Su Hua feel depressed, but he couldn't stand the hot and dry throat, so he took the drink from the man's hand without politeness, and drank it down in one gulp.

Such a bold and sassy beauty made Li Yi's heart itch more and more.

The tall and proud posture of the goddess, despite her arrogance, attracts the attention of others like a poppy.

Li Yi's heart was itchy: "Beauty is good at drinking, why don't we sit down and have a drink and chat?"

The tentative tone carried the frivolous scum of a man.

Su Hua had no interest in such prey that came to his door on his own initiative.

But he couldn't help but want to test the little doubt in his heart.

"Talk?" Su Hua leaned against the stone pillar, her graceful figure looked like a seductive goblin under the full moonlight, her eyes were like silk, she didn't know it was because of drinking, even her voice was slightly soft Trembling, nice and moving.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The neck, which is as white as jade, perfectly outlines a woman's sexy collarbone and butterfly shoulders.

The man subconsciously swallowed his saliva, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and some uncontrollable desires were clamoring.

As the body got closer, Su Hua didn't dodge any more, but the smell of the thick smoke in his breath was a bit pungent and unbearable.

A little disgust brewed in the beautiful almond eyes.

"I don't know what the beauty's name is?"

"May I have the honor to invite you upstairs for a chat?"


Upstairs in the hotel, needless to say, I know what kind of plans this man is planning.

As soon as he came up, he was so impetuous, anxious, and impatient, as if he had never seen a woman before.

Enduring the nausea in her heart, Su Hua raised her eyebrows, and her gaze from the corner of her eyes swept casually, skipping over the man's sinister face.

I don't know who gave him the courage.As he spoke, he approached actively, wanting to kiss Fangze.

The smell of smoke in his nostrils was strong, and a nausea rolled in his stomach.

Haven't had time to test whether the heart is sick or not
I wanted to immediately push the man in front of me away.

The white fingertips hadn't touched the man who was getting closer in front of him, but the blocked line of sight in front of him suddenly opened up.

Even the air is much more comfortable.

At the same time, a cold voice came: "One man is not enough, want to cast a net everywhere?"

The tone of contempt and sarcasm, with a sharp tone.

Obviously familiar, but said such hurtful words.

Su Hua's eyes looked over, the man's back was facing the light, the moonlight shone on his resolute and delicate facial features, outlining perfect lines.

But a little cold.

It makes people tremble slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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