Chapter 20 The Fool Steals Money
I was still thinking about where a fool would get the money to pay him back.

He was there when Su Hua was kicked out of the Su family that day. He saw with his own eyes how cruel and stern his grandfather was, and his unrevealable attitude. However, no one in the entire Su family resisted lightly, and he was so decisive at the time. , when he was kicked out, Su Hua refused even a penny.

The 8000 yuan that is given out in broad daylight is definitely a sky-high price for a poor fool. She is from a mountain village, so where did she get the money?
Could it be that it was stolen?

a fool?
Will steal money?
Wang Quan had no time to waste any more, he greeted Su Muye and left, leaving Su Muye alone in a daze for a long time.

The afternoon sun, even though it is winter, is very warm and warm.

Su Hua had a piece of flesh gouged out severely today, so she didn't have the mood to go shopping, so she took a taxi and went home.

Sitting in the taxi all the way, Su Hua couldn't stop feeling sorry for her money that fell from the sky was eaten by a dog, and in her heart she greeted Su Muye thoroughly from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Damn Su Muye, she will get back the 8000 yuan one day.

The rental house is in the backyard of a low-cost residential area. It is very remote and messy, and there are all kinds of people around it. The place is remote and dilapidated, not to mention the bad environment.

The most important thing is that the price is so low. For the original owner, it is a great kindness for the landlord to let her live first and then pay.

Before stepping into the small courtyard of the rental house, two figures appeared at the gate, bright and bright incompatible with the messy surroundings, instantly attracted Su Hua's gloomy eyes.

Su Wenji and Liang Caiping were still dealing with the matter at the northern mine, but today they finally settled it and heard that their precious daughter was being treated like this, and even made a phone call and couldn't wait to catch the earliest flight.

Let the assistant find out the current situation of Su Hua. As soon as she walked downstairs where she lives now, Liang Caiping was already in tears. Not as good as the place.

Looking at the big man who passed by drunk just now, the old migrant workers at the construction site, and the little girl in the hair salon, the surroundings were in a mess and everyone, how could her delirious daughter persevere.

Liang Caiping walked all the way, with tears in her pretty eyebrows and eyes, she covered her mouth, and said endlessly sad words. They couldn't understand the hardships and sorrows, but they could feel one or two, and their hearts and eyes were full of pain.

Especially seeing the familiar figure gradually approaching, the thin and thin one seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time, under the thin school uniform, the lips were purple from the cold weather, and the little dry yellow face was flushed.

"Every year..."

Liang Caiping cried for too long, her voice was a little hoarse and she couldn't make a sound, not to mention Liang Caiping was so sad that it was beyond words, even Su Wenji who spoke couldn't help but her voice was hoarse and trembling.

This is the daughter of his dignified Su family, the richest man in Baicheng, no matter how stupid his brain is, and his IQ is not enough, he will not be reduced to such a status.

As a son who has always been well-behaved and sensible, he always obeys his father's words and obeys everything, but this time, he can't agree with his father's actions. This is his own daughter anyway, how could his father be so cruel.

He still wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be pressed by a heavy object, so he couldn't make a sound.

Su Hua didn't speak because she didn't know how to speak. She looked at the original owner's parents with a tired face and misty eyes, but she really cared about her 'fool' daughter.

The sun was getting lower and lower, and the cold winter evening was always unbearable, not to mention Su Hua's thin body, she couldn't hold back and sneezed.


Liang Caiping tried her best to suppress her heartbroken emotions, stepped forward anxiously, and held Su Hua's icy hand. The touch was icy cold: "Niannian, why do you wear so little clothes? It's winter. Why don't you know how to wear more?"

Touching Su Hua's dry yellow hands were cold, Liang Caiping hurriedly touched the thin school uniform on Su Hua's body, the pinch was all bones, Liang Caiping finally held back her tear glands and burst again.

Can't stop sobbing and crying.

Su Hua's ears were a little noisy, but the warm and soft touch between her palms made her a little soft-hearted, so she calmed down a bit rigorously and earnestly: "I, I'm fine, I'm not cold." Ahh, it's no wonder it's not cold, yes Am I not wearing it?I have no clothes at all.

But these words, just say it from the bottom of your heart, it's better not to make the second elder sad again.

It was a rare and sensible look, and it was said from the mouth of Su Hua whose brain was burned since childhood, which made Su Wenji and Liang Caiping couldn't help being stunned.

This is every year? ? ?

"Niannian, when it's cold, just say, don't be afraid. With mom and dad, you can do whatever you want, eat whatever you want, mom and dad won't quarrel with you, let alone scold you and beat you. Don't be afraid. We will always be with you." Su Wenji also stepped forward, his gentle words were very slow and patient, afraid that Su Hua might not understand.

He thought that Su Hua said that he was not cold because he was afraid. In this winter, his fingers and small face had already turned purple from the cold, so there was no way he was not cold.

Thinking back to when I found Su Hua, I happened to meet the adoptive parents who raised Su Hua since she was a child. Because Su Hua was not smart enough, she was beaten, scolded and tortured in various ways, and she was not given food. Working day and night.

At that time, Su Wenji thought that he had identified the wrong person. The black, yellow, yellow and skinny little girl in front of him could be the biological daughter of the richest man in Baicheng who was considered handsome and extraordinary when he was young. When I saw the little plum blossom birthmark on my collar.

Su Wenji was sure at that time that the poor little girl in front of him was his daughter. Although Niannian was lost when she was young, he remembered the birthmark on her neck clearly when she was born.

Think about the situation at that time, and then look at the present, what is the difference between me as her biological parents and those adoptive parents, the child is still suffering now.

What a failure I am as a parent. The child who was supposed to be pampered in the palm of my hand has grown up like this. Before I knew it, my voice was hoarse and choked: "Every year, Mom and Dad will take you home."

Hearing Su Wenji's words, Su Hua suddenly raised his head, his expression was dull for a moment.

Liang Caiping thought it was Su Hua who remembered the unhappy things in that home, and was so frightened that she didn't dare to go back, so she hurriedly explained: "Don't be afraid every year, mom is here, nothing will happen, mom and dad are with you, won't leave you anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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