Chapter 191 Chen Xu
"If it's decided, call someone quickly. I don't have much time to wait for you here."

Su Hua's arrogance made people feel inexplicably terrified.

Such a dazzling girl, like the scorching sun, is fiery red.

Chen Xu has been able to stay in this position for so long because he has the ability to judge people. It is not unheard of that Lu Yunqing, who is next to the third master, was beaten up by a girl before.

And Chen Xu, who has always been careful, knows that someone who can beat a person like Lu Yunqing into such a miserable state must not be someone easy to mess with, and he almost forgot about this matter just now.

There was no one around right now, if Chen Xu went to call for someone at this time, it would always feel strange to see him being upright.

But if I let this time go, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future.

Thoughts get entangled again.

Su Hua could tell that this man was not like the other subordinates of the third master.

That's why he was so stupid that he hurriedly called Jiang Yu to make a deal before he tied himself up, but from this look, this person is quite cute.

Chen Xu didn't know that he had already established a good impression of "cute" in Su Hua's mind at this moment.

"You, me."

Chen Xu thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why.

The sky was getting darker, Su Hua raised his eyes to look at the starry sky that was about to be submerged, and his cool voice echoed in the vast night sky: "I hate talking nonsense the most, since you have no objection, I will not accompany you, goodbye."

The pain in her knee throbbed with every movement she made.

At this time, Su Hua just wanted to find a big bed to lie down and rest.

Blinking his eyes, seeing that Su Hua was really leaving without any hesitation, Chen Xu became anxious. After working in this position for so many years, he finally brought such a rare opportunity to his door. Is it really necessary to give up like this?
Chen Xu didn't want to.

Not willing.

The desire in the bottom of my heart is clamoring, don't be a fool if you send it to your door, and frowned: "Stop."

Hearing this sound, Su Hua's lazy expression became more and more natural.

It seemed that after hearing this sound, a heart fell more peacefully.

"Have you figured it out?" Su Hua looked at Chen Xu, squinting at all sentient beings.

"Then call someone."

The bold and rude look made Chen Xu's face turn red and white.

A little girl, every family says she can do it, and she asks him to call her a helper?
And how could he, a big man, do such a shameful thing, it would be embarrassing to say it out.

After thinking about it, Chen Xu still said, "No need for others, I know you can fight, but I'm not bad either." At least it's much better than that brainless Lu Yunqing.

It's true that Lu Yunqing didn't make a few shots at all last time, just his little powder fist was not enough for Su Hua to stuff his teeth.

Men wanted to save face and refused to call for helpers, which gave Su Hua a chance.

Su Hua didn't agree with him, so he stood up straight and waited for him to make a move.

Chen Xu looked at Su Hua and didn't intend to take the initiative to make a move. The upright body exuded a unique charm in the night air.

What's happening here?
Could it be that he, a big man, should make the first move?
Chen Xu frowned, and pursed his red lips, did he make the first move?

Does it fit?

May I?
Su Hua was finally annoyed when his eyeballs were gurgling,

"Can you, a big man, stop moaning, fight fast, and walk quickly, I still have something to do."

With a burst of shouting, Su Hua's image of the only girl in Chen Xu's mind was shattered.

Is this a woman?
Just man.

"To trade you for something like that, of course we have to fight. Not only do we have to fight, but we also want to keep you. If this can attract Jiang Qiye over, then I will be greatly credited."

The more Chen Xu thought about it, the more he felt that he must have won the lottery tonight.

On the phone just now, he clearly heard that Jiang Qiye was coming.

If Jiang Qiye came to the territory of the third master, the exciting scene of the two tigers fighting must be very interesting.

Chen Xu looked at Su Hua's right leg, which seemed to be inconvenient.

Immediately, he didn't hesitate anymore, and raised his foot towards Su Hua's injured leg.

Su Hua really admires this man, he has good eyesight and knows what to do.

Although Su Hua's physical strength dropped rapidly, it was still no problem to deal with a human being.

The moment Chen Xu's leg stretched out, just as it was about to hit Su Hua's injured leg, Su Hua leaned back and turned around to avoid it with a perfect look.

The man's offensive moves are pressing at every step.

In the early stage of Su Hua, he was hiding everywhere.

Fighting in the street was okay for a short time in San Ye's territory, but such a long fight soon attracted other people.

"Young Master Lu is Chen Xu."

At the other end of the street, several black figures stood.

And Lu Yunqing was just about to find Qiao Yu for a drink, when he happened to meet Chen Xu, who was under the third master's command.

This Chen Xu has always been a diligent master, why did he do it here today?

"Why is the woman who fought with Chen Xu so familiar?"

Lu Yunqing took off the pretentious sunglasses on his face, and took two steps forward.

Only then did he see clearly who else could this woman be if she wasn't Su Hua?

He will never forget what can make him lose face even if he dies.

"Damn it, there's really nowhere to find it. It doesn't take much effort to get it." Lu Yunqing threw down the sunglasses in his hand, wishing he could take Su Hua down immediately and torture him severely.

"Quickly let someone report to the third master that Jiang Yu's wife is with me."

The man who was standing aside and Lu Yunqing was looking at how Chen Xu could make a move here, his face paled.

"Jiang Qiye's woman? '

It took a long time for the man to react after being kicked and kicked by Lu Yunqing.

"it is good."

Seeing the back of the man walking away, Lu Yunqing turned his gaze back to the fighting figure not far in front of the street.

The dim sight could not stop the fierce struggle between them.

The occasional neon lights on the street elongated the figures of several people.

"Haha, it's really a gentleman's revenge. It's not too late in ten years. The heavens will give me a chance. Jiang Yu, Su Hua, then don't blame me for being rude."

Su Hua and Chen Xu were fighting fiercely, and they didn't notice a figure standing on the other side of the street.

It's been a long time since such a hearty fight.

In the past, I could only have such exciting moments in the third underground scene, but because of Su Moli, Su Hua hadn't been there for a long time.

I even miss that feeling a little bit.

Certain emotions suppressed in life are also released and liberated at this moment.

"I can't tell, but I can fight quite well." Su Hua stretched out his hand to avoid Chen Xu's rushing fist, and hummed softly with the corner of his mouth hooked.

Chen Xu was surprised. After beating for a long time, a little girl couldn't even catch her breath, and her tone was relaxed. How could he be so bad as a man?

Even if he wanted to gasp again, he could only deflate: "That's natural, I can't be looked down upon by a girl like you."

After holding his breath and saying a word smoothly, Chen Xu successfully choked.

He was actually choked by his own anger, his face flushed and he coughed violently: "Cough cough cough cough."

(End of this chapter)

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