After taking down the boss, the painting style is sweet and fried

Chapter 101 Broken Love Or Did You See The Devil?

Chapter 101 Broken Love Or Did You See The Devil?

"Your goddess is here, why don't you go out to greet her?"

Su Hua teased, and pushed open the heavy glass door. In the still brightly lit box, Zi Luo didn't play games like usual.

The strong smell of alcohol, with a pungent smell, slightly touched the eyebrows of Su Hua, and his eyes fell on Zi Luo's figure on the sofa.

The whole person is like a beaten eggplant, without energy.

The marble table in front of him was full of empty wine bottles, it seemed that this guy drank a lot.

Su Hua lifted her feet to enter the door, sat down beside Zi Luo, opened a bottle of wine familiarly, and poured it down her throat. Just now, she fought fiercely, because of the cold entrance, she felt much better.

"It's still a hell to lose love."

It's really rare to see Zi Luo like this, but Su Hua is a little curious, holding the wine bottle with his hands on his knees, and one foot on the marble table, as bold as a mountain king.

After asking a few words, he didn't seem to pretend to speak, his head was lowered, and the brows were full of alcohol.

"Drank too much?"

The table is full of empty wine bottles, not to mention many, there are at least two boxes. It is really not easy for anyone to have the same physique as Su Hua. .


He came here with all his life to discuss the important matter of how to make money. This guy is good, but he is completely drunk.

Life is hard.

Looking up, another sip of cold wine passed through his throat, passed through his intestines, and fell into his stomach. In this winter, it was cold.

The temperature in the box is very high, and I can't feel the cold outside the window.

The bar on the first floor was gradually filled with people, and the sound of loud music was separated by the second floor, but not much could be heard.

Su Hua looked at the woman dancing on the TV screen in front of her, constantly floating with the music.

This woman doesn't show her face, but she can tell at a glance that this is not who she is.

Turning his head and looking at Zi Luo's current situation, it is likely that he is really broken in love.

Every time a lovelorn breaks up, there will be a quarrel, but it's not as exaggerated this time. Could it be that this guy has real feelings?
Su Hua raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

In my impression, Ziluo is always on the road of looking for a girlfriend and playing games.

Although he hasn't had any girlfriends, there are many in this world who he likes, but they are still unattainable.

Speaking of which, this baby is also very pitiful.

The more Su Hua thought about it, the more she felt that this child's life was also very hard, just like her.

"Okay, what's so sad, there are so many good women in the world, it's not worth hanging on a flower, I want to open some!" Although the deity is as beautiful as a flower, it's not something a little monster like you can climb up to, I I can also understand.

Afterwards, Su Hua naturally didn't dare to say it out loud, Su Hua still counted on this guy to come up with an idea about making money.

Seeing that Zi Luo was still looking like he was going to die, Su Hua let out a long breath.

What to do, it's another young man who was fascinated by me.


Su Hua was narcissistically annoyed, pouring the beer in his hand into his mouth.

Who the hell is this Luo Luo, who can make our little Zi Luo look like this, Su Hua is very curious.

In the private room, it was so quiet that I don't know how long it had been since there were already three empty wine bottles piled up in front of Su Ping, and Zi Luo finally opened his mouth.

"when did you come?"

In a word, cut short and hoarse.

Su Hua wanted to hit the wall directly, how long has I been here, don't you have any idea?
If you drink too much and keep your eyes open, are you asleep or not?

Drunk or pretending to be drunk?

Rolling his eyes, Su Hua was speechless: "I just came."

I am really too lazy to answer, so I will talk about it for a long time.

Leaning on the sofa, his eyes are quiet.

Zi Luo seems to have come to his senses at this moment, moving away the empty wine bottle at his feet, his eyes flickering across the figure on the huge TV screen, I IE I paused slightly.

As if mustering up so much courage, she took a deep breath before saying, "She lied to me."

You don't need to ask Su Hua to know who Zi Luo is talking about.

Without opening her mouth, Su Hua waited for Zi Luo's next words.

"She really stole your video to participate in the competition. She just wanted to attract my attention, but she didn't expect to advance to the preliminary round. She is panicking now."

As Ziluo said, the bright lights that once shone like stars in his eyes disappeared, and his whole body was decadent and tired.

"To advance to the preliminary round, you need to record a new video, so that you have the opportunity to advance to the semi-finals. This competition is different from other competitions. You are only eligible to be eliminated, and there are no players who retire halfway through the competition."

"These competitions are all certified by law. If you withdraw halfway, it will cause legal disputes."

"She didn't expect things to progress to this extent. Yesterday, she had to admit to me that she had been following you all the time. Seeing that you suddenly didn't update the video and deleted all the videos, she boldly used your Video contest."

Su Hua also got a rough idea of ​​Zi Luo's words.

Su Hua didn't care about those unimportant things, but she would focus on the key points, and looked at Zi Luo curiously: "For you?" Is this girl for Zi Luo?

This is true, don't say that Su Hua will misunderstand, everyone will think that he is Zi Luo's suitor.

For so many years, I have never seen Ziluo like this.

Ziluo has been worrying about not being able to find a partner, and this is all delivered to her door, why is she not happy?
Su Hua opened a bottle of wine and handed it to Zi Luo, and also opened a bottle for herself by the way.

Mentioning this, Zi Luo seemed to be embarrassed to mention it, his complexion changed colorfully, and the wine bottle in his hand that had been connected was faintly clenched.

Seeing Zi Luo's embarrassed look, Su Hua didn't force her to ask, she has never been a troublesome person: "If you can't say it, then don't say it."

Zi Luo took a sip of the wine, and her thoughts became clearer.

"There's nothing I can't say, it's just that I don't like her type."


"The type you don't like, that's why the girls try their best to find a look you like to talk to you!"

This kind of Su Hua can actually be understood, after all, Zi Luo has liked it for so many years, and Su Hua himself feels that it is not suitable for him.

With a baby face, he always wanted to see Yujie Fan, and he didn't want to see if Yujie Fan's people could take a fancy to him.

Su Hua didn't need to think about it to know that this girl named Luo Luo was probably named so because of Zi Luo, she must have always been a cute little girl!

I don't know why, but Su Hua thought so.

"The little girl should be cute, you can try it! Don't always like those unrealistic ones." For example, you are my goddess.

Speaking of this, Zi Luo's expression was still a little gloomy.

A female voice who lied to him, he couldn't forgive him for a while.

There was a lot of annoyance between his brows, Zi Luo didn't want to mention it and changed the subject: "Don't talk about this, what's the matter with you?"

Interrupted by Zi Luo, Su Hua even forgot the purpose of coming today: "Make money, find me a profitable job quickly, if this continues, I will starve to death one day."

The Su family, with the face of the old man, always finds it difficult to stay, and it seems that they have to leave quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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