Chapter 326
"Mo'er is not afraid, Mo'er is not afraid."

Yang Mo calmed down instantly in his arms, but her body was still trembling violently. After Li Jun comforted her for a few minutes, she raised her tear-stained eyes and looked at him, full of grievances, her voice choked up: "Mo'er Be good...husband don't leave...Mo'er is obedient..."

"My husband is here, Mo'er is not afraid, my husband is wrong." Li Jun patted her on the back lightly, his eyes fell on the person who got out of the car parked not far from his car.

Assistant An Zhe and An Zhe arrived when he was comforting Yang Mo. Maybe Yang Mo was emotional, so they didn't come up.

An Zhe saw his wife crying in someone else's arms, no matter if he liked it now or then, he would always feel uncomfortable, so he took two steps forward, intending to take her by force.

But damn it, my head hurts again at this time.He was caught off guard, there was an instant of darkness in front of him, his footsteps were unsteady, and he staggered and knelt on the ground.

"Boss." The assistant hurried over to help, and Li Jun took advantage of this gap to get into the car and disappeared in front of them.

Anzhe slowed down his eyesight before slowly returning to normal. Looking at the car going away, he cursed secretly, and then cursed mentally.

It was you who asked me to find him!What if you stop and act now?Damn it!

"Boss... madam, she..."

"Just treat her as dead!" Anzhe's tone became colder, his eyes darkened again: "Go home!"

"Oh...that's not right! We're going on a business trip. Hey...boss, wait for me."


Along the way, Li Jun comforted Yang Mo, until Yang Mo fell asleep in her arms, he still said slowly: "Change another car and go back."

Set up an old house.

Lijun is neither the eldest son nor the youngest in the family. His parents had four children, three sons and a young daughter.He is stuck in the middle of the three sons and is the second son.

It stands to reason that such an embarrassing position is the one that is not favored.After all, if you have an older brother and a younger brother, you can't spoil him no matter what.

But Lijia is a maverick, and he dotes on this second son very much. Hearing that he is back, he made a big fuss, and the family got up early in the morning to make a fuss.

Seeing that noon was about to pass, dusk was about to come out, and his neck was about to snap his head off, Li Jun still didn't show up, making Li Jun's parents anxious and jumping.

Li's father thought that the driver who had been dispatched hadn't brought the rebellious son back, and angrily knocked on the floor with a cane in his hand, looking at the butler who kept wiping his sweat with a handkerchief: "Go! Send someone again!"

"Yes... yes..." The butler hurried out, and just as he reached the door, a person broke in from outside.

The butler felt his old waist had grown and broke, and Hezai hurriedly supported him: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, butler, are you alright?"

The butler stroked his glasses on the bridge of his nose, sat upright in the hall, and sat down to the master, wife, and a few young masters, not easy to get angry, so they just waved their hands: "What's the matter? What are you talking about?"

"The young master is back!" Her voice was very light, and she called up all the people standing in the hall without being greeted, and they all looked at the door.

Just when they were all looking over, Li Jun walked in with a gust of wind, holding a person in his arms, without looking at the crowd, he went upstairs directly and disappeared from their sight.

"Gu...Miss..." Li's mother stared blankly at her son's back. She heard that it was a story, but she was about to see it, and felt unreal.

Thinking back to the past, in order to anger them, the daughters arranged for them would be fine if they didn't give face, counting from the beginning to the end, making others say it was worthless.

After that, he ran away and never came back.

"Come here! Tell me, is that a girl? Does it look good?" Li's mother quickly called the driver over and asked.

The driver thought of the low air pressure on the road, and remembered what the second young master said, he hesitated and stumbled: "Well, good-looking is very beautiful, and the second young master is also very precious, just..."

"What is it? Tell me quickly!" Li's mother was anxious about her son's affairs, but she didn't find anything wrong with him: "If you don't tell me, I will deduct your salary."

The driver said in his heart, then you buckle it... I will die.After thinking about it, I still have to say it honestly: "It's just that madam...isn't too... stimulated by...."

"Oh...that's okay, I heard Jun'er said that." Li's mother muttered a few words, and then she greeted the very quiet man wearing glasses beside her facelessly: "Your brother is back, go up and ask , Are you ready? Come down and eat quickly."

The male protagonist is Li Jun's eldest brother, he got up silently and walked up after hearing what his mother said.

Li's mother held the handkerchief in her hand and patted her heart. After a while, she put her palms together and bowed on her forehead: "It seems that I will be able to hold my grandson soon, Amitabha, Buddha bless you."

"Mom, I think the second brother came back with someone in his arms. Could it be that something happened?" A girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old and had a very pleasant birth frowned, frowning to stop Xu Xu from Li Mu. nagging.

Li's mother froze for a moment, and looked at Li's father beside him with worry on her face: "Master, let the family doctor go and see."

"This is the girl my son snatched back from the army. He finally got one he likes. Don't give it up."

Li's father was sullen and did not speak. He lifted the crutch in his hand towards the butler, who nodded his head and was about to go down.

"Second brother is jet-lagged, so you don't have to bother her, go and have dinner." Young master Li walked down slowly from below, and his eyes fell on Li's mother: "Mother, that girl is fine, you should look good." I like it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lifu: "Father, the second brother is a little tired, let him rest for a while, he should come out tomorrow morning."

"How can I not eat? I'll go take a look." As a mother, the first thing in her heart at this time was worry about her son.

With that said, she went up.

No one stopped her, so Li's mother came to the door of Li Jun's room and knocked on the door a few times: "Jun'er, are you asleep?"


There was no sound inside, and Li Mu suddenly became embarrassed.

Although he dotes on the second son very much, he is still afraid of her in his heart.

A few minutes later, Li's mother did not leave, and when she was hesitating whether to knock again, the door opened inside, and her son's handsome face appeared in front of her.

"What are you doing?" The tone was cold, but the voice was suppressed very low.

"Er... that... I..." Li's mother was confident when she didn't see Li Jun in front of her, but now she saw it, she squeaked and didn't know what to say.

"Is it okay?" Li Jun frowned, turned his head and glanced at the people in the room, and was about to close the door: "It's okay, don't disturb me."

"Ah? That... I..." Li's mother hesitated, seeing Li Jun looking inside, she suddenly paid attention: "Oh! Yes! How is the daughter-in-law? I heard from your father that you are married? How? How? When are you going to have a baby?"

"What if you don't have a wedding? What do you like? Or what does your daughter-in-law like? You tell your mother, and she will do it for you right away. It will be beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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