Host special pet

Chapter 318 Intriguing

Chapter 318 Intriguing
"Yang Mo is gone?" In the office, he heard Jiejing's intentions.

Anzhe sat on the seat, his tone was still very flat, but his eyes were cold, even colder: "The one who disappeared in your hospital, I haven't troubled you yet, so you came to me? You are really not afraid of death."

"Hand over the man!" Jie Jing was worried about Yang Mo's body, and really didn't want to play Tai Chi with An Zhe.

At this moment, Yang Mo can take care of himself, there is nothing wrong with it.

I'm afraid that she won't take care of her body and will seek death.If An Zhe's torture was added to it, Yang Mo would definitely die.

"I said, I'd like to take her away! You have time to talk to me here, or I'll go out and find you now."

An Zhe also knew Yang Mo's temperament psychologically. If she hid, no one would want to find her.

She was worried, but there was still no expression on her face.

He has done many times that are not in line with the human design. If he does this again, not only will his body affected by the examination room not recover, but even his energy to find Yang Mo will be wiped out by the examination room.

Jie Jing looked at him deeply. On the eighth floor, there were restrictions on everything he could do. He had been warned many times and felt uncomfortable in his body.

If An Zhe took it away, then the task must be dull.

Then it can be said clearly, if it were An Zhe, Yang Mo probably wouldn't have any major problems.

After all they...

"Remember to bring it back for inspection." Jiejing stood up, left without saying a word.

As soon as he left, An Zhe picked up his coat and left the office as well. His hand was still injured, so he asked his assistant to drive to the hospital together.

He is not afraid of meeting Jie Jing, Jie Jing is limited to acting president and executive officer of the Yang family.He was so calm before, so he let Jiejing leave first, and speak up by himself.

He didn't believe in Jie Jing, if Yang Mo disappeared, either Yang Mo would leave by himself, or Jie Jing would direct and act on his own, hide Yang Mo, and then set the blame on him.

If there is some excuse to take Yang Mo out of the country, it is really a cuckold for himself!
Yang Mo is himself!Can only be myself...

zla -

Every time he thinks about Yang Mo, as long as there is an obvious asylum, his brain will be tingled, making him unable to continue thinking, and he has to stop forcibly.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The assistant was driving the car and saw An Zhe covering his head with his uninjured hand, his face was slightly ugly, and fine sweat appeared on his forehead, and he asked worriedly: "Boss, why don't you just go to the hospital for a check-up. In the past two days, you have a headache. It's getting more and more ordinary."

"Driving, don't worry about me." An Zhe knew what was going on with him, such a thing would not be found out in the hospital, even if it was for peace of mind, it was just a waste of time.

The last time I went back to space, I finally came out. No matter the time limit, I had to worry about it.

The assistant was angry and said nothing more.

When they arrived at the hospital, they found that Yang Mo was missing.

Like Jiejing, he went directly to the monitoring room. He is a family member of the patient, and things have been aroused these past few days. The people in the monitoring room also knew who he was, so they transferred the one that Jiejing had seen today without stopping him. he.

Then monitor.

But seeing Yang Mo following him out of the ward not long after he left the ward, his psychological uneasiness became more and more obvious.

Similarly, at the entrance of the hospital, the picture stopped abruptly.

"The camera here is broken at night when it turns its head." The security guard in the monitoring room said.

An Zhe secretly cursed, "Damn it." He also knew that it was either a coincidence or the exam room was boring at such a time.

"Look at other exits."

As he said that, he checked all the exits again, but he didn't find Yang Mo's shadow.

Until he saw Qingliu's car leave.

I don't know what the hospital was thinking. In the video, the person in the driver's cab was invisible, but he was clearly photographed sitting in the back.

What a weird angle this is.

It's no wonder that Jie Jing came to his company to cause trouble, after all, his status in the examination room also has feelings for Yang Mo.

Such feelings make me envious!


"Boss..." The assistant came in outside and whispered in his ear, "I didn't see Madam."

An Zhe's eyes fell on the black screen, turned around and walked out of the monitoring room, came to the door of the hospital, stood in front of the door, looked up at the camera in the corner for a while, his eyes widened instantly.

Looking back, he looked at the place where the hospital door came out.

In the dim hospital, Yang Mo walked out silently in a blue and white striped hospital gown.

When he came to the position where he was standing, he paused, and saw him and Qingliu standing there, hugging more than ten meters away.

All the expressions on her pale face were frozen on it, and she hid behind the stone pillar like a frightened bird.Listen to their conversation until the person in front of you leaves.

An Zhe's gaze fell behind the pillar, and he felt Yang Mo's sadness and despair when he stood there.

She...knew it all...

Picking up the phone, he planned to call Yang Mo, but after pressing the number, his hand paused again.In such a situation, Yang Mo must have not taken his mobile phone.

He sighed and pinched each room hard.

Sure enough, I still want to take revenge on myself, if I don’t drive myself crazy, I won’t give up.

"Go to the traffic police to check the monitoring, and give me a copy." After saying that, he returned to the car, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

Tonight, his time is about to expire.

Police station.

Lijun was also a little tired and dozed off while sitting in the office.

Xing Jun came in with a breakfast and saw that he, who had always been conscientious, was dozing off surprisingly, so he couldn't help asking, "Did you go to the hospital last night? So sleepy?"

Li Jun took a sip from his teacup, reached for the breakfast that Jun Xing brought in, and took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun: "No, I've been out of the police."

Xing Jun nodded, took out his mobile phone and said: "There is a message from the traffic police brigade. The person from the hospital may be missing. An Zhe's assistant is watching the surveillance over there."

Li Jun was stunned for a moment. He felt that the buns in his hand were not that delicious. He threw them back into the bag and laughed: "Then An Zhe will have a headache."

Xing Jun sat on the outside of the desk, propped his chin with his hands, and smiled on his pale face: "You look very much like that person, can you tell me about it?"

Li Jun looked at her for a while, with no expression on his face, and his mind was clear. She was asking about what happened before she drank Yang Mo.

But he!Prefer not to say!

"My family has a family relationship with Ms. Mo, and we have met since I was a child."

Xing Jun saw that he was perfunctory, but he didn't care and continued: "Oh, I suspect that you like her. A married woman... has a special taste."

Li Jun didn't like to talk about Yang Mo's affairs with the patient, whether it was about the previous life or the examination room, he didn't like it. Seeing that Jun Xing was still biting, his eyes froze for a moment, and he looked at her with a frown, his tone cold.

"You look like this, are you jealous? Like a man like me who likes married women? Your taste is also intriguing."


(End of this chapter)

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